From how I see it, the answer is polls, polls, and again polls
President Macron have reached to an all-time low in opinion polling in his country; the prospects of him winning the next election, if he doesnt get sacked early, is practically a big zero. The French are living in poverty, cost of living crisises, unhygenic cities due to strikes from public workers that lead to rat infestation within Paris
Macron needs to either improve his image by reappearing as the strongman of Europe or going the Natenyahu way and throw his country into a losing war in order to ensure that his and his party's grip on power remain intact.
What Macron is doing rn reminds me a lot of the crusades of the past, when the kings/govts at the time failed to feed the people, they would start reducing the number of mouths to be fed by throwing the people into crusades in order to reduce costs and maintain order within their castles/countries
What is happening rn is literally the same
@Kartal1 et al
Another subsidiary theory (not completely certain about it) I have is that the US is trying to throw the whole world into chaos in order to preserve its hegemony and currency dominance
With recent events, it is clearly visible that the Western influence (particularly the US) is falling hard and many nations like KSA and UAE are switching away from the US and the dollar gradually. In order to counter that, the US is trying to purposefully throw the world into chaos in multiple, carefully planned, stages until it eventually envelopes multiple continents so that the US's significance and the dollar can be preserved.
What made the US so strong in the past, is that while the US was peacefully growing, the West and Russia were busy killing each other and this gave time for the US to peacefully grow. I think that the US is trying to re-inact such a scenario on a wider stage so that the whole world will burn while the US is located on another continent peacefully growing and getting stronger which means at the end of such conflicts, the US and its currency -the dollar- is the one that benefits the most
It is just so strange that the US, being the prime instigator of this war, is the one that benefitted the most, lost the least and even gained more influence than the pre-war era... it is honestly just insane...... I mean just look at this
Russia vs Ukraine
Europe vs Ukraine
Turkey vs Greece, Cyprus, Armenia, Iran
Azerbaijan vs Iran, Greece and Armenia
Some Turkic states are fighting till this date
Turkey vs Israel
The whole Arab world vs Israel
Ethiopia vs Egypt
Sudan civil war
Libya civil war
China vs India
China vs S.korea, Japan, Philippines etc
S.Korea vs Japan
India vs Afghanistan
Algeria vs Morrocco
And much more......
It just so weird that within each of these conflicts mentioned above, the US has a hand in it yet it somehow doesnt materialistically fight at all and just enjoy the two sides killing each other from a far and safe distance and growing peacefully while such nations get weaker and break
This is exactly what is happening right now; although I may be a bit of a conspiracy theorist though