USA US Presidential Elections 2024


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I hope not. Kamala would be an absolutely horrible choice. But she is difficult for democrats to pass over due to her gender and skin color.
What is her skin colour?

I think that Michelle Obama would be the best choice for the Democrats and would make an able president. The Americans have voted a black candidate into power before so I imagine being coloured or black or is no great disadvantage to being elected.


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What is her skin colour?

I think that Michelle Obama would be the best choice for the Democrats and would make an able president. The Americans have voted a black candidate into power before so I imagine being coloured or black or is no great disadvantage to being elected.
She is a "Person of Color". A protected class under the Democrat Party's ideology. That's why Democrats will have a very hard time replacing her with another candidate if said candidate has fewer diversity points. Meaning has to be a racial minority and a woman.


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She is a "Person of Color". A protected class under the Democrat Party's ideology. That's why Democrats will have a very hard time replacing her with another candidate if said candidate has fewer diversity points. Meaning has to be a racial minority and a woman.
Well, Michelle Obama is from a racial minority and is a woman, so she qualifies!

For people who gamble, the odds at the moment on who becomes president

Trump 0.58
Harris 2.3
Obama 31.0

(Bet 1 euro on Trump and if he wins, you win 0.58 euros)
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Poland Moderator
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A Kamala Harris / Mark Kelly ticket will demolish Trump and Vance.

Harris will hammer Trump on abortion and women's reproductive rights, which lost Republicans seats in Red states during the midterms. She'll also reinforce him being held liable for rape by a court. I think She'll better articulate the successes of the Biden admistration, while continuing to go on the attack vs Trump in the areas he can't defend. The areas that offend voters in the U.S.

Meanwhile, Mark Kelly's record is nearly untouchable. Elected a blue Senator in a purple state. A seat Democrats hadn't won since 1962. 30 year military veteran. Naval combat pilot with 39 combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2x Distinguished Flying Cross recipient. 2x astronaut with NASA, including pilot and mission commander of space shuttle Endeavor. Commander of the International Space Station. Wife is a Senator who survived an assassination attempt in 2011 after being critically wounded. He's extremely intelligent, well spoken, articulate and well liked. Only 60 years old and in excellent health... Neither Trump nor Vance could say a bad thing about the guy without alienating half their voting base that are pro military and all of whom dreamed of growing up to accomplish 10% of what Mark Kelly has done in his life time.

That ticket deeply appeals to the average American, who holds typical American values.
You cant be serious :)
Trump has it in a bag.
If democrats wanted to win just put that Mark Kelly as candidate, not Kamala, she is a joke.
And I know, I know democratic "values" and minorities, but that is why they will lose.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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A Kamala Harris / Mark Kelly ticket will demolish Trump and Vance.

Harris will hammer Trump on abortion and women's reproductive rights, which lost Republicans seats in Red states during the midterms. She'll also reinforce him being held liable for rape by a court. I think She'll better articulate the successes of the Biden admistration, while continuing to go on the attack vs Trump in the areas he can't defend. The areas that offend voters in the U.S.

Meanwhile, Mark Kelly's record is nearly untouchable. Elected a blue Senator in a purple state. A seat Democrats hadn't won since 1962. 30 year military veteran. Naval combat pilot with 39 combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. 2x Distinguished Flying Cross recipient. 2x astronaut with NASA, including pilot and mission commander of space shuttle Endeavor. Commander of the International Space Station. Wife is a Senator who survived an assassination attempt in 2011 after being critically wounded. He's extremely intelligent, well spoken, articulate and well liked. Only 60 years old and in excellent health... Neither Trump nor Vance could say a bad thing about the guy without alienating half their voting base that are pro military and all of whom dreamed of growing up to accomplish 10% of what Mark Kelly has done in his life time.

That ticket deeply appeals to the average American, who holds typical American values.
I'm going to be nice but this is optimistic at best.

Aside from the fact that Kamala Harris couldn't debate a preschooler and come out looking good, very few people in the US actually give a crap about abortion any more. The mid-terms were when the issue was still fresh on the agenda and even then it didn't give the Democrats any particularly major wins. It's been 2 years since then and the entire issue of Roe v. Wade was giving power over abortion rights back to the states - and most red states have already affirmatively clarified its legal status so it's not really a hot topic anymore.

The actual legal system tried to nail Trump on rape charges and failed. Kamala wouldn't be doing anything there that Trump hasn't already been face-to-face with. She'd also be pretty hard-pressed to espouse the virtues of the Biden administration given how few there are and Trump's debating style is basically going fully on the offensive and smashing his opponent over every single fuck-up. And Biden has a LOT of those. Hell, Kamala herself has a fair amount of them.

I'm not sure what you think the average American is like but Mark Kelly being a veteran means absolutely fuck-all. The left-wing doesn't give a crap or actively dislikes what they perceive as army goons and the new right-wing is long past the period of putting military personnel on a pedestal after decades of such political types repeatedly letting them down. Kelly also earned a lot of ire for repeatedly trying to hide behind his wife's attempted assassination - 13 years ago - to deflect criticism. Not to mention that he has an obvious weak point that Trump will hammer, which is his connections to China.

Harris is a bad choice all round and no matter what kind of VP she picks, she's not going to win. To the average Joe and Jill, she's only slightly more palatable than oatmeal laced with cyanide for breakfast.

It's one of the reasons why Democrats have been so desperate to keep Biden in the game despite his blatantly obvious mental deterioration. He may be a dementia-afflicted fossil but he still holds marginally more appeal than Kamala does. But it's gotten to the point where it's simply not possible for grandpa to keep fighting any more so they have thrown in the towel and are now desperately praying that Kamala doesn't screw up too badly.
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A good 90% chunk of the rank and file (i.e colonel and below) are hardy social conservatives, recruited from deeply socially conservative areas. Can look at the data....its all there to find.

These are the bulk of folks that actually care about putting larger things (like family, community, country) ahead of their individual needs. Polar opposite in psyche to overfestered coastal elitists and deep blue serfs who only really know how to (in spoiled, hypocrite and deeply ingrateful ways) leech off folks that actually do family, community and country building/preserving.

So no, the republican voting base will never be going against the army, the army will join them push comes to shove (removing prima donnas in pentagon as required) the army comes from them in the end.

This is what keeps a large bulk of the atomized hyper-individualist typical western leftie-libs up at night constantly on this continent (I observe a number of them in real life and also their "thoughts" in whatsapp buddy groups etc)....and molded their politics to try overreach through the pentagon to try wag the dog by its tail by flag officer woke+DEI stuff in the first place (and very slow results to show for it as the rank and file simply do not bite as they are by and large cut from different cloth).

They basically get the sense/reality they are freeloading of yet another thing that does not submit to their internal feelings....and so the temper tantrums and unease they exert.
The stats on the share of conservatives and republicans among the Army and Police is correct; I think about 87% of them vote Republican or something, the remaining 13% I wouldn't exactly call liberals either. But my point is that in analyzing many different instances of rebellion by armed forces against the status quo, the linchpins are those from among them in higher positions who can form factions; without this the organizational possibilities are depressed. And this factionalization is almost always motivated by interests. This way generals of landed gentry who feel their property rights threatened by the monarch will rebel; or when there's social unrest, there will be preformed or pre-concieved factions within the armed forces who will vie for representation of the grievances of that social group if and only if any of those grievances can be squared with their interests (so obviously this will not happen with BLM for instance).

The armed forces of U.S. being comfortably fed and clothed waged employees of the state will mean they will side with the state and their own personal material interests if a social rebellion materializes, even if the ideals of the rebellion aligns with their ideological pov. This can be inferred from the lack of even the slightest inkling of a factionalization in the case of a "stolen election" and a "social rebellion" ensuing it, and also the nature of the reaction of the armed forces to these outcomes. In a nutshell, they will not bite the hand that feeds them, and feeds them well. The social situation in U.S. is not dire enough to make a palpable plurality of the armed forces to ignore their material interests imho. And even then a rebellion is very unlikely to begin with, so you can't join something that doesn't exist.

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