Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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First time I've seen a Pak General talk strategy. Usually it's all tactics and bluster. This guy seems to have a more holistic view and is pragmatic and brutally honest. How come he didn't become Army Chief?
Promotion up to middle ranks is almost always on merit. Above middle ranks or above rank of colonel element of politics seeps in. You got to seriously start tickling general staff rank officers or you will be pensioned off. By time you get to general staff and aim to be army chief it is almost always combination of luck and politics. This is why most of our chiefs tend to be mediocre because they are the ones who have assidiously avoiding taking any risks and annoyed anybody. Thus as we all know they tend to lack initiative and strategic thinkers. More 'yes' men.

Lt. Gen Tariq was way too blunt and did not suckle enough of those in positions of power. As you can see he was more a soldiers soldier. I have never understood why the political leadership always think choosing the dumbest of the three stars will mean they will not get ideas in their heads. Fact is it does not take a Rommel to launch a coup on Prime Ministers House. Even a company sargeant could pull that off.

Bhutto chose Gen Zia because he thought he is pious and won't have any big political ambitions. Look what happened. Nawaz chose Musharaf because he thought he belongs to minority Mohajir community so he will remain quite and this was after sacking the previous chief Gen. Karamat barely into his first year of appointment.

But look what happened.


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So you are accepting that taliban is of interest to Pakistan as it helps them propel as saviours of Afghanistan
No, Taliban from POV are the least worst choice from basket of bad options. Every other country has allso chosen to tie it's mast to what they think in their POV is the best option. Like I said before this all boils down to self interest. So can we not try giving conspicuity to one countries choice as opposed to other suggesting a noble intention for the rest but some evil design by Pakistan.


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People need to understand that inter-state relations run mostly on pragmatism unlike person-to-person relations. As soon as you accept this truth, you'll be aware of the nativity and shortsightedness of your questions. @kumata @Jackdaws


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Going back to Spin Boldak this is major loss for Kabul. As a border post it offers a huge income stream for the Taliban. Also lot of tribes/groups do not have any political stance. They just go by who butters their bread. The way Kabul in fact had gained some semblance of power was it recieved massive US funding. In addition huge contracts worth billions of dollars were up for grabs from providing basic transport services to provision of basic food items to cleaning to provision of general services. Meaning between Kabul and the US/NSATO ecosystem there was billions of dollars available. This sucked in large number of groups.

As this ecosyem has shrunk and the oxygen provided by dollars runs out it's time to switch sides and the new kid in the block is Taliban. This explains why as the good general states is the reason why Taliban have spread like lightening without any real hard fighting being put up.

However as Taliban get closer to Kabul resisentce will increase in inverse proportion to the distance to that city. However it appears Taliban are slowly surroounding and isolating Kabul. When and if Torkham border post on the Khyber Pass falls Kabul will be in serious trouble - iun fact you can start counting the weeks because that crossing takes 60% of Afghan trade from Pakistan.


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People need to understand that inter-state relations run mostly on pragmatism unlike person-to-person relations. As soon as you accept this truth, you'll be aware of the nativity and shortsightedness of your questions. @kumata @Jackdaws
Bingo. This is simply a game of chess being played and all countries play this. They are not their for love or looking good. Although they won't say this in public but will try to 'dress' it up in more acceptable language.


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Although they won't say this in public but will try to 'dress' it up in more acceptable language.
The 'dress' is composed of very thick layers of media-drilled and smooth-talking politicians, state and private controlled mass media that is unable to connect the dots between related events and presenting events as mere 'incidents', bread and circus, disinfo/Psyops intel operations all to prevent the average Joe from learning the true workings in the highest power echelons of this world.

Sometimes, a ray of light shines through all the layers (like this interview with Lt. Gen Tariq) but one has to be quick to catch it.


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Why are you tagging me here? When I have said otherwise?

I am too at loss. Point here is some thing different IMO.

On One hand, we are saying .. we want afghanistan to prosper and be peaceful & Other hand, Pakistan is feeding a known snake called Taliban & is seeking legitimacy for them. In fact they were one of few who recognised them earlier as legitimate Afghan.

and If taliban wants a prosperous & peaceful Afghanistan , It's time that warlords sit on table, keep their ego on fountain outside and get this sorted out peacefully.

Ultimately, all these warlords want is continuation of their kingdom, keep their throne intact while People be dammed.


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Therre appears to be another emerging situation. Lot of the logisticis, technical support and administration oif Kabul forces was being done by outside contractors. This included such things as servicing planes, handling communication etc. These contractors now are also departing raising the question that will this degrade the fighting efficacy of Kabuli forces and if so to what extent.


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I am too at loss. Point here is some thing different IMO.

On One hand, we are saying .. we want afghanistan to prosper and be peaceful & Other hand, Pakistan is feeding a known snake called Taliban & is seeking legitimacy for them. In fact they were one of few who recognised them earlier as legitimate Afghan.

and If taliban wants a prosperous & peaceful Afghanistan , It's time that warlords sit on table, keep their ego on fountain outside and get this sorted out peacefully.

Ultimately, all these warlords want is continuation of their kingdom, keep their throne intact while People be dammed.
Pakistan is working its own interest. As far as Pak is concerned, anyone not remotely associated with India is good - and the alternate to Karzai an now Ghani Govt. is Taliban.

But Pak's ability to commit harakiri in foreign policy and military policy is legendary - a false sense of "security depth" in Afghanistan might embolden a Pak tinpot general to carry out some operation in Kargil and then as usual will end up asking America or China for help.


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And I take it India is feeding cuddly bears.

And what you think India is doing by building everything ravaged by Taliban earlier & trying to rebuild the country again by investing billions USD in infra. Latest was that Taliban tried to destroy a DAM b,cause it was build with Indian collaboration !!!!!

Last read, India have invested 3 billion USD in Afghanistan. How much have Pakistan done to bring that properity & peace. I know ISI control taliban and is asking them to destroy any infra build with indian assistance.



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But Pak's ability to commit harakiri in foreign policy and military policy is legendary - a false sense of "security depth" in Afghanistan might embolden a Pak tinpot general to carry out some operation in Kargil and then as usual will end up asking America or China for help.

Last time, Nawaz rushed to WH to save his back, himself not knowing that his rouge military is ready to deploy nuclear weapons...

This time, suspect if they will be allowed a call too. Last heard, PAK PM was waiting for a call from WH since current president took over. No joy so far !!!!!!!!!!!!!

and China, All i can say is :D :D :D . they are busy collecting leftover necks in Leh.

Bosanski Vojnik

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Did I say that? It is you who is trying to make the actions of one group amongst many glare. Your analogy does not fit. It is more like everybody on your street is shooting and you start cussing the guy across the road because you don't like him.

Let me make this clear to you. All groups in Afghanistan have engaged in and are capable to inflicting bestiality. I don't have time to referance all of them but I can say with confidence non is a angel here. As regards Islam I am not particularly religious so dont care about that.

Your also trying to baggage Mujihadeen separately probably because they fought the Russians but as I already told you Taliban rose in 1990s from the ranks of Mujihadeen. Talib means religious students. Mujihadeen means jihadis fighting for Allah. There is no differance.

I am a secularist and have no time for Islamists. My views clash on every score with Taliban but I am realist because I know they are a reality. Even the Ameericans failed to make any differance so one has to accept reality. From Pakistan's POV they are best of the nasties.

You know what Zbigniew Brzezinski called Afghanistan in his book the Grand Chessboard? The Balkans of Asia.

lol dude in your previous post you literally said this lol:

There was always under current of ethnic killing as always this happens but this is applicable to all groups and not exclusive preserve of Taliban.

It's funny how whenever I criticize the Taliban for their atrocities you get defensive and the other Dalit guy starts to bring up my race as though I am not allowed to speak about what is happening in Afghanistan. What an asinine think to say lol... I guess by your friends logic Zakir Naik is not allowed to talk about the Middle East because he is an Indian living in Malaysia lol

Dude just admit you support the Taliban. You get overly defensive when I rightly criticize them for past and current day atrocities. I hope that they can change but I sincerley doubt it.

And yes for the last time Turkey should support Turkic groups in Northern Afghanistan and create a separate Autonomous region for Uzbeks and Hazars. Commit to peace and power sharing in Afghanistan which the Taliban and Pashtun extremists groups are not inclined for at the moment.

Bosanski Vojnik

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What about the Pashtun? The Bosnian dude claims that Turks have a responsibility to protect Turkic people.

yep and so does Pakistan deserve the right to protect its people from Taliban and Pashtun extremist groups that use violence to intimidate and murder people oppossed to their rule - from Pashtuns, Punjabis, Balochs and everyday Pakistani citizens

Remember what happened to Malala Yousefzai?


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The undercurrents are more complex and nebulous tbh. The "security void" effect w.r.t say China is just one.

There are both pros and cons to staying vs withdrawing...and the in-betweens.

Kind of thing that @VCheng is best at summarizing.

It has all been deliberated by US establishment a long time (esp after OBL raid concluded).

The executive plays mostly a perfunctory role (though the buck does stop with him/her).

It is why there was a buildup done by Obama admin (And also in Iraq) that was counter-intuitive to the original mission's raison d'etre ending.

Trump could (populist take) bullhorn like no other though, so that has been imbued into the overall discourse pressure....and has done its bit to play out this year.

But the overall strategic take is not new to US establishment....along with how they manage it going forward.

That depends on how certain things unfurl and what assets they are leaving behind.

People are prematurely comparing it to Vietnam....that was a very different US back then tbh....a US that literally passed complete absolute bills in the legislature to stop all funding to South Vietnam (and pulling every single rug from beneath Nixon's feet).

That is very different to how its going to go now with continued funding and blackwater (for starters).

ANA is 300,000 strong and ensconced in all the main cities and the kabul area network logistically.

That is no easy black and white projection to make.

For now, let us let those claiming Afghanistan as the graveyard of evil empires bask in their self-acclaimed glory. USA has achieved its goals for destroying AQ and killing OBL. Now it is just a matter of denying this territory as a safe haven for Taliban "guests" to keep the world safe.

I predict that Pakistan will try to act as the local assigned mall security guy as best as it can. For now.


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I predict that Pakistan will try to act as the local assigned mall security guy as best as it can. For now.

Won;t be easy specially after turkey is turning on Taliban. where are my pop corn please !!!!



Won;t be easy specially after turkey is turning on Taliban. where are my pop corn please !!!!

Lool you will be heavily disappointed as Erdogan said he wanted to talk with Taliban this was the core of the message.. Turkey just has like 500 troops in Afghanistan and wants an agreement with Taliban

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