Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Guys I found it interesting that in Wikipedia, they (correctly) line up the (theoretical) hierarchy of military command in Indonesia.

But of course this is only theoretical, due to structural problems, and sectoral ego, Menko, Menhan and Panglima TNI, are practically at the same level of precedence. They can only negotiate with each other, and Menko despite having the authority to mediate Kemhan and TNI, in practice cannot effectively enforce it without Presidential consent.

I think someday we need to streamline the decision-making structure:

1. Presiden holding the supreme power for decision making, involved in supervising defense affairs whenever possible
2. Menkopolhukam coordinate several institutions under him, including Kemhan and TNI, in accordance to President's general directives (national security strategy level)
3. Kemhan facilitates Presiden's defense policy and direction as Supreme Commander, follow Menkopolhukam's directive when required and translates it into technical order for TNI (defense strategy level)
4. TNI move under the direction of (civilian) Menhan, translates technical order into military action (military strategy level)

US Department of Defense has a very interesting structure, that it allows effective civilian control over the military, without compromising military effectiveness.


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This kind of cheap but lethal weaponry change the nature of warfare, especially Air Support doctrine at tactical level. Hope our infantry units at least at company level can be equipped with such weaponry.


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View attachment 54444

This kind of cheap but lethal weaponry change the nature of warfare, especially Air Support doctrine at tactical level. Hope our infantry units at least at company level can be equipped with such weaponry.
Mulai sekarang tentara bakal sering mendongak keatas


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View attachment 54444

This kind of cheap but lethal weaponry change the nature of warfare, especially Air Support doctrine at tactical level. Hope our infantry units at least at company level can be equipped with such weaponry.
Might as well create whole new infantry unit specialized in drone warfare that operate along side with other unit or under other unit during deployment. Not Penerbad but front line combat infantry that also specialized in drone warfare (low tier drone).


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Dulu aku bingung kenapa pilot-pilot kita begitu cinta sama F5 tiger?
Bukannya itu cuma pespur kecil cupu dan tak remarkable. Sekarang saya tahu kenapa.
At some point in the past its one of the most capable fighter that we have, until we got the F16 and Sukhoi.

Kalo dibandingin fighter mainstream saat ini ya emang cupu.


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Dulu aku bingung kenapa pilot-pilot kita begitu cinta sama F5 tiger?
Bukannya itu cuma pespur kecil cupu dan tak remarkable. Sekarang saya tahu kenapa.
Damn "cupu dan tak remarkable" and this thing jadi salah satu pesawat tempur dengan populasi terbanyak dan pemakainya didunia dan sebelum dateng F-16, F-5 merupakan pesawat yang paling capable dan canggih di TNI-AU. Tapi menurutku dengan reply ini ironis juga karena F-5 ditempatin di skadron 14 yang dulunya pake MIG-21.


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Well, in one of tactical game floor conducted between Indonesian, US, Australian, JSDF and Singapore before, we all acknowledge if we can't hold back the initial onslaught attack of Chinese Armed Forces if they reenacted Imperial Japan moves back then (you should knowing the name of the event).

Without additional reinforcement from other it can't be done at all without incurring massive losses especially in Naval and air assets.

Russian land Forces with all of their jokes and comedy is still a behemoth and Formidable opponents for a country like Singapore in which has far less population and limited resources. Thank God they don't have such neighbor, it was Indonesia and Malaysia their neighbor

Its issue of colonial borders persisting. (British vs Dutch....and then given Singapore urban immigration trend from other parts of Asia during that era, thus causing its fissure from Malaysia later).

The Austronesian speaking/heritage area should come together over time....Indonesia already united a polity out of many if you look at number of different languages within the large family.

Even in Singapore, the lingua franca among the old generation was Bahasa. I remember this distinctly, old Indian uncle I knew didn't speak English much at all.... I could talk to him in Tamil....but one fine day I realised he knew Malay quite well too lol....and he told me back then thats what all commonfolk generally spoke across the races (English was more formal schooling etc till it became standardised after independence).

Anyway this area coming together hopefully will make a good security framework based on it over time (as one large country becomes very powerful relative to all of them)....and then expand as it can to ASEAN, Australia and then how that ties in with US, Japan, India etc.

To at least make interoperability as common and 2nd nature as possible so you have that ready whether you need it later or not.

Of course each country has its own political and economic relationship with China and many Singaporeans view China quite favourably by shared ethnicity too. China will take advantage of all of this. It is all going to be pretty complicated in the end....but I think some common objectives can be found to cooperate to prepare regarding some worst case scenarios.


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Heck, the British Army did in fact resisted starting all the way up to Kra Isthmus. Doesn't really help them that much, no difference, they keep retreating to Singapore. The British has decent Navy back then, based in Singapore, yet they failed to intercept Japanese landing, unable to beat back Japanese Navy, and HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk.

Singapore best chance is to dig in and prepare for a long siege. 'Decisive military operation' is no more than a fantasy, Russia tried to do such a thing, by mounting assault to Kyiv and other citiies, with a force much larger than anything Singapore can muster, yet still failed horribly.

So they have two options:

1. Their current wishful thinking of 'preemptive strike', whatever that BS is. Which requires no mistake in planning, and execution. Because anything less than that will allow the opposing army to retain its strength and cohesion. Once failed, mounting counterattack will be next to impossible as they will lose momentum. Russia tried to do this early in the war, but faulty planning and execution made them failed to achieve their objective, and lose momentum, unable to assault Kyiv again.

2. Dig in and entrench Singapore. This is the more sound strategy, as they can have a more certainty building defenses in their own small territory, instead of guesswork in a 'fog of war' (unless they seriously believe they know everything and has no disadvantage). They can methodically prepare to resist any attempt to assault Singapore, and can more easily prepare their forces and order of battle in their own ground. This is why Ukraine was able to resist for so long, Kyiv, Mariupol, and Bakhmut are some of the battles where defensive strategy allow Ukraine to resist Russia effectively, with a sound management of time, space, and resources.

Choosing to do a field battle for an inexperienced army is not a good option, let alone expecting an easy win.

Yah well the Japanese basically went right through IndoChina be it French or Thai....pretty much uncontested and unopposed by the British.

It meant the Japanese basically got full movement with no cost at all in the bulk of malayan peninsula (i.e the large part held by Thailand above Malaya). Then the two prong attack was done (west to british burma and south to british malaya) at their time and choosing when prepared (pearl harbor essentially).

That would have to change in todays hypothetical for Singapore or anyone else in the region.....rather than have each country as a separate domino...and each one bunkers in whichever areas to try do holdouts till say larger powers intervene or something else unravels elsewhere.

I mean yes you would have some bunker options too in your strategy, but its too risky to have as all-in (especially since in Singapore case, its literally one city unlike Ukraine which has a number and large land and river obstacles between them) to have it as one last resort part of larger strategy that first optimizes your resources (you have for longer distance battles in concert with others pitching in) better.


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