Ayo, ada yang mau ditumbal?
Tetangga butuh nambah hull cepat
Turkiye stuff under excalibur will be spared or not?
Laut Barat mereka lagi diobok obok,AL Filipina lagi ekspansi
HDC-3100 fromunder construction, karena yang bangun negara major shipbuilding kyk SoKor kyknya bisa deh dalam 1-2 tahun kedepan selesai, 3 tahun mungkin sama sister ship nya.
Dalam waktu singkat surface combatant PN bisa sejajar dengan RMN.
2x HDC-3100
6x OPV HDP-2500
1x 2nd hand ship
sekarang itu nickel cuma diarahkan ke baterai, padahal jelas Stainless steel itu belum ada contender lain selain pake nickle. klo baterai sudah mulai banyak bahan selain nickel. buat saya sih lebih baik stop mentah kyk gini. biarkan saja baterai jadi industry yg cepat hype cepat juga turun (nickel terlalu mahal buat baterai), yg penting logam dasar/stainless steel kita pegangActually, if what Tempo and Ade Armando of PSI said were true, TPN Ganjar–Mahfud is the one that helped by US consultant(s). AA accused Andi W. of met with “Washington lobbyist(s)” in a Middle East country November this year, talked about possible backtrack of natural resources downstreaming (hilirisasi), which okay for me. We unilaterally does that but we cannot sell it or whatever EU will do to us kan gak lucu juga.
Edit: Kalo mau invest, ya invest; gak, ya gak. Gak usah dibatasin mentahnya gak boleh diekspor biar mau gak mau invest di sini biar bisa ngirim yang udah setengah jadi (nambah investment sama lapangan pekerjaan). Yang ada males, mending lari beli ke Filipina yang nikelnya banyak juga, walaupun gak sebanyak Indonesia.
Ayo, ada yang mau ditumbal?
hehe cancel F-15EX buy shahed-136
how much could be spared if these were canceled?Turkiye stuff under excalibur will be spared or not?
I prefer the M2000s, Khan and AWACS outhow much could be spared if these were canceled?
- Mirage 2000 (700 million)
- AEW&C (800 million)
- Khan (???)
- Trisulla (???)
Khan Trisula more than 500 mil euros total, with Trisula alone priced 460 mil usd.how much could be spared if these were canceled?
- Mirage 2000 (700 million)
- AEW&C (800 million)
- Khan (???)
- Trisulla (???)
Singapore have land and naval based aster 30 thoI prefer the M2000s, Khan and AWACS out
-not a big fan of M2000s
-Khan is mostly deterent against Malaysia and Singapore
-AWACS could wait as well, if we're planning to fight China within an alliance, we could expect American AWACS to provide for the air force. + command and control could still be provided by GCI radar although it will not be as good as AWACS.
Other than that, fast jets is in dire need.
Jadi disetiap calon ada kadar US kan ya:
01: anak emas, petemuan wakil US ke PKS.
02: kerjasama militer, deal dengan Boeing.
03: lobi hilirisasi
Tetap aja sih di 03 banyak Wumao dan Vatniknya jadi ya sama aja.
how much could be spared if these were canceled?
- Mirage 2000 (700 million)
- AEW&C (800 million)
- Khan (???)
- Trisulla (???)
how about to pause rafale batch 3 ?Iya sih 03 yg plg bnyk wumao dan vatniknya.
Yg relatif bersih dr wumao dan vatnik 01.
02 msh ada pengaruh vatniknya kyknya, plg ga kl ngliat idenya prabowo ttg russia vs ukraina di singapur dl itu.
Ga bakal cukup. Hrg total F-15EX + FREMM bs nembus > $10 B
waktu pengajuan kemarin, Kemendan minta 2.4 billion buat Eagle.Iya sih 03 yg plg bnyk wumao dan vatniknya.
Yg relatif bersih dr wumao dan vatnik 01.
02 msh ada pengaruh vatniknya kyknya, plg ga kl ngliat idenya prabowo ttg russia vs ukraina di singapur dl itu.
Ga bakal cukup. Hrg total F-15EX + FREMM bs nembus > $10 B
Ya pilih F15 lah, TBM di MEF aja gak masuk perasaan.IMO, bodoh lah kita lebih milih f15 daripada khan, pertahanan blum siap mo ikutan nyerang ... kalo terpaksa rafael bisa buat nyerang mereka di laut, yang penting beli rudalnya yang banyak ...
I prefer the M2000s, Khan and AWACS out
-not a big fan of M2000s
-Khan is mostly deterent against Malaysia and Singapore
-AWACS could wait as well, if we're planning to fight China within an alliance, we could expect American AWACS to provide for the air force. + command and control could still be provided by GCI radar although it will not be as good as AWACS.
Other than that, fast jets is in dire need.
Khan Trisula more than 500 mil euros total, with Trisula alone priced 460 mil usd.
cant, its top priority i suppose.how about to pause rafale batch 3 ?