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Daripada yg dimasukin anak / saudara / keluarga sendiri khan masih mendingan orang lain yg ga ada kaitan hubungan keluargaYang penting gitaris jadi Komisaris BUMN, itu sudah
Why deleting it under whose order A PerPres is a Public Domain material.Much post about the recent plan of MoD and Perpres all been deleted it seems serious offend against the State
Maybe they got visited by the infamous 'black car'Much post about the recent plan of MoD and Perpres all been deleted it seems serious offend against the State
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.indomoronimport
Wow, that's serious. Then how it should be?because they want to create a reversed version of rosoboronexport.. dubbed indomoronimport
Terlalu LEBAY Headline & berita nya
Let's play thenGaming time Di HP atau tablet pada install game apa aja (tidak termasuk game yg di PC / laptop och yach). Kalau di HP saya cuma ini, cukup terbatas karena HP low end ;
It depend about what do you mean by liberalism. If that's about LGBTQ things as the US Army ad, you have to know Republican also has gay folks, Palantir's Peter Thiel for example. He is not a common Republican that are QAnon clad white trash.Sissy liberalism
If Gen. Andika become the next Panglima TNI, I thing he will bring all of that AD things to the whole military, including more active Puspen.I think our military need to make this kind of youtube program for PR, or for other media.
Just like this channel.
Quality content, not too stiff, good information and explanation.
IMHO the best that TNI have is their TNI AD channel, although too much non (combat, training, showing their capabilities, educational contents(their equipments etc) etc).
Kalau mereka punya program siaran sih, kalau kita punyanya cuman puspen?
KFN TV - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
Salah satu cartoon favorite masa kecilUS Air Force Commercial always follow the old pattern of US way of thinking, not much Sissy liberalism flavor on it