Think that strong government is okay put Singapore as example? Think again. Is there any rule of law in Indonesia when you put trust to a person? No, what you got is that people abuse their power and themselves are the laws, from the bottom to the top of our society. Checks and balances always needed.
Without kepastian hukum or standing rule of law, investment that written only need to pay 1000 become 10,000. Each office that they need the permits from asked for the tax/bribe for themselves, mau masuk investor kayak gitu? If not from countries with same business ethics like China for example, I don’t think so, except if the investment deemed so important and other place cannot be found. Talking about minimum 6-7% GDP yearly growth so we’re not going to middle income trap?
Checks and balances is the most possible way for standing rule of law. Democracy for freedom and for rule of law, we are manusia merdeka, not just follow the leader anywhere. Forever, don’t put so much trust to person, kawal selalu.