@Nilgiri By all means, if there's a scenario in which Akıncı can be useful in an air war, it should be exploited, but as far as I'm concerned this jet vs prop thing got decided with Me 262.
Your turn radius could be very small but that might not matter if your turn rate is slow as a turtle.
It depends more on the IR (or other, whatever TR airforce models as most likely in various doctrines) seeker specifics in its terminal phase (i.e its 90%+ kill envelope there) and the missile's max-G capacity (to re-acquire on a final target evasion input). TR Airforce would know these parameters to start exploring from there...
You are right about turn rate playing huge role as well (for getting out of the kill envelope), but there might be something on offer to find given countermeasures mixed into various salvo scenarios where maybe every % counts.
Then you would have to compare those results (with all of that analysed) with the pro's of having more A-A missiles for your general salvo at opposing force etc that having akinci (present among whatever other platforms you plan and have potential) brings to bear....and maybe considering what the opponent has to use to salvo from his end (that might reduce possibility of kill per unit on your end).
That all has to be wargamed out and seen if there is anything to commit to, as there are different optimal flight paths (cascading by each decision,.... likely needing monte carlo analysis, or some regimen of sound nonlinear analysis able to handle real data input well).
I suppose it depends how many and how long TR airforce has akinci (i.e total investment and number bulk) to explore its use past conventional....or even how to best make do with say a non-favourable engagement situation.
I agree MIUS offers far more options intrinsically...as its dedicated role and envelope to the nature of this.