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Erdogan conspiracy and pictures from the past does not count as response :)

Again, nothing new

I already said before that if any Western backed party ruled Turkey, this will be the first action they will take!

Iff Turkey was my enemy, the first thing I would do is to crush the Armed Industry of Turkey
The HDP is now saying such things since they are more sure of winnign and becoming involved in the core political decision-making if Turkey which the HDP already have stated in previous posts

What truly infuriates and scares the west more than anything in Turkey isnt Erdogan.
True danger is in the Turkish armed Industry and its scientists and then Erdogan. The TSK defense industry can be gradually withered by decreasing monetary support and having no political will as Baykar said. As for the scientists, they will either be quietly assassinated or relocated to the Western states to work for Western powers... Period!


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It turned out that a scandalous appointment was made in the Van Metropolitan Municipality, which is managed by a trustee. The head of department, who was previously dismissed on the grounds that he was connected with the operation of the police and the terrorist organization KCK, and who had two ongoing cases and one appealed against, was reassigned by the trustee management.



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AKP is literally installing PKK Members in Office in the South-East and you have their trolls here try to spread lies about some so called alliance which doesn’t exist. Same talking points since 2017. The disgusting arguments being made by akpeons and their trolls that without AKP the Republic wouldn’t exist. On the contrary the AKP is a shackle on this republic, whose corrupting and sabotaging actions will take at least a decade to be healed. A party hell bent on destroying anything Turkish, turning it in another Arab country where they can be seen as royalty. Using religion to keep the people tame.

Pointing out two traitors inside tbe CHP who have absolutely zero power in the Party meanwhile 99% of the AKP was licking the boots of the PKK just a couple years ago. „PKK is not a terrorist organization but a resistance“ ; „Mr.Öcalan“, countless other quotes I could use here were used by the majority of the AKP party and the same people are still active inside the AKP.

Meanwhile their beloved AKP was in secret talks with the HDP just a couple months ago.


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The difference between Kılıçdaroğlu and Erdoğan is you can easily vote Kılıcdaroğlu out but voting out Erdoğan is not easy. At this point, i will even vote for Kılıcdaroğlu even though I hate him because I know that he can't last more than a few years. At most, he will serve a term and will be voted out. At this point, if he becomes a presidential candidate I'm inclined to see him as a tool to remove Erdoğan rather than putting someone competent in charge.


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The difference between Kılıçdaroğlu and Erdoğan is you can easily vote Kılıcdaroğlu out but voting out Erdoğan is not easy. At this point, i will even vote for Kılıcdaroğlu even though I hate him because I know that he can't last more than a few years. At most, he will serve a term and will be voted out. At this point, if he becomes a presidential candidate I'm inclined to see him as a tool to remove Erdoğan rather than putting someone competent in charge.
But Kilicdaroglu is the worst candidate against Erdogan. Anyone else will do better. The thing to understand is, imo, opposition will vote for whatever candidate "millet ittifaki" puts forward. They should focus on getting AKP and MHP votes. And to me, they would rather starve to death than voting for Kilicdaroglu. That's why i really hate it when Kilicdaroglu pose himself as candidate. He thinks he's already won. He will screw us over for the last time i'm afraid. Erdogan is very lucky to have such an incompetent opponent. I hope he will come to his senses and won't take the election for granted.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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AKP is literally installing PKK Members in Office in the South-East and you have their trolls here try to spread lies about some so called alliance which doesn’t exist. Same talking points since 2017. The disgusting arguments being made by akpeons and their trolls that without AKP the Republic wouldn’t exist. On the contrary the AKP is a shackle on this republic, whose corrupting and sabotaging actions will take at least a decade to be healed. A party hell bent on destroying anything Turkish, turning it in another Arab country where they can be seen as royalty. Using religion to keep the people tame.

Pointing out two traitors inside tbe CHP who have absolutely zero power in the Party meanwhile 99% of the AKP was licking the boots of the PKK just a couple years ago. „PKK is not a terrorist organization but a resistance“ ; „Mr.Öcalan“, countless other quotes I could use here were used by the majority of the AKP party and the same people are still active inside the AKP.

Meanwhile their beloved AKP was in secret talks with the HDP just a couple months ago.
Eh, it's possible for both to suck. One slightly less admittedly but still not good.

CHP is the lesser evil for now but there needs to be a vigilant eye kept on HDP to crush that cancer in its infancy.


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Why tf TRT WORLD always uses hijab reporters didn't know Turks were arabic.

thanks to akp and their arabization project

Part of the brainwashing. Political islam is good for creating serfdom. A super rich overlord class of people, with a great majority of poor people to sustain it all. Only political islam can sustain this system for AK party and all his cronies.

So Islam is pushed in every field in order to create a dictatorship and slave like people.

The religion itself is being used to enslave people.


"There is no Mr. Kemal here who looks at his Syrian brothers as the enemy. Surely believers are brothers. We do not seek a place for our brothers to send them. If they escaped from the guns, we will open our door to them today, as we opened our door to them, and we will open it tomorrow as well. We have close to 5 million Syrian brothers in our country, Mr. Kemal is uncomfortable with this. They do not have an understanding of brotherhood. Why? Because he has no understanding of brotherhood."

Yes syrian brothers who rape and kill Turkish citizens what is this georgian blabbering all about


He is being racist against Turks now he started to show his real georgian colors.
@UkroTurk @Deliorman

Erdogan: "We are not looking for a place to send our Syrian brothers. We open our doors today, we will open them tomorrow."

Oh my God, am I misremembering, wasn't he threatening to open the doors to Europe?
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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He knows he's losing the Turkish contingent so he's trying to pander even harder to the religious and migrant/refugee contingent.


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He knows he's losing the Turkish contingent so he's trying to pander even harder to the religious and migrant/refugee contingent.
Yeah, the only thing is that more Turks left Islam under AKP rule than any other, even the hardcore laicist generals couldnt curb Islam as well as AKP.


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If such statements are actually true (and not politicised), then this is an even greater indication that the PKK must be eliminated rn
Just imagine how fast they are spreading, even when they arent part of the ruling power; I truly wonder how fast will they spread when they are a part of the ruling coalition

How is that idiot Imamoglu even accepting such ppl (again if the rumors are true)



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In other words....... I want to be the president
If that prick actually cares about Turkey, then he should let Yavas takes control and run for president

When the ppl see how good Yavas is, then who knows, maybe the CHP may be the dominant party in the future. That is ofcourse, if Yavas, manages to resist pressure from internal and forign factors etc...



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If such statements are actually true (and not politicised), then this is an even greater indication that the PKK must be eliminated rn
Just imagine how fast they are spreading, even when they arent part of the ruling power; I truly wonder how fast will they spread when they are a part of the ruling coalition

How is that idiot Imamoglu even accepting such ppl (again if the rumors are true)

You saying if rumours true, then calling the guy an idiot. When People start to a job they need to present acriminal record. I am not sure how they ignored that. And quite a while akp keep staying there are employees Who are terrorist. Then what the Hell is police and prosecuters doing? These statements are all part of the politicál stunt.


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If such statements are actually true (and not politicised), then this is an even greater indication that the PKK must be eliminated rn
Just imagine how fast they are spreading, even when they arent part of the ruling power; I truly wonder how fast will they spread when they are a part of the ruling coalition

How is that idiot Imamoglu even accepting such ppl (again if the rumors are true)

Its nothing new that the goverment is blaming ropposition people to be terrorists... espacially after the coup attempt.
Turkish justice is working with rumors now, may god help anyone whos targeted because there wont be a fair trial for sure.


If such statements are actually true (and not politicised), then this is an even greater indication that the PKK must be eliminated rn
Just imagine how fast they are spreading, even when they arent part of the ruling power; I truly wonder how fast will they spread when they are a part of the ruling coalition

How is that idiot Imamoglu even accepting such ppl (again if the rumors are true)

bullshit according to law people who have background with terrorist organizations can't work at those place also akp should look at the fetö members they have before calling everyone fetoist


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Its nothing new that the goverment is blaming ropposition people to be terrorists... espacially after the coup attempt.
Turkish justice is working with rumors now, may god help anyone whos targeted because there wont be a fair trial for sure.
You dont need rumors or acccusition by Erdogan.Canan Kaftancıoğlu and Sezgin Tanrıkulu still keeping their chairs in CHP and still releazing pro-PKK statements every month on different platforms.


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You dont need rumors or acccusition by Erdogan.Canan Kaftancıoğlu and Sezgin Tanrıkulu still keeping their chairs in CHP and still releazing pro-PKK statements every month on different platforms.
And that makes automatically everybody in opposition suspicious?

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