The depictions are really strong. That is technology, once it came out of the box, you can't put it back, including nuclear weapon, except humankind doing thing against all odds, total disarmament of nuclear weapons maybe.
Lol... Maria Butina and others well known 'illegals' are the cases. But mainly only for intelligence gathering and influencing purposes. The newest is a woman that close with Trump and also played his hobby, golf, in Mar A Lago.
Yes, Satanist Hillary Clinton that killing babies below the Pizza restaurant for adrenochromes. Very pizzagate-pilled, I'm gonna wear MAGA hat after this.killary
Albanian origin Idlibi jihadists, Xhemati Alban has their own website without any problem lol. But yeah, jihadists with ties with HTS has no problem with US now eventhough HTS still recognized as terrorist organization by the US, the HTS itself said that they were already severed ties with Al Qaeda. If they want, I'm sure it's very easy to bomb high rank HTS there in Idlib.
Looks like only in Cengkareng (Airmen usually called the Satrudal near Jakarta as this).How many does AURI have?
Giga based PID like intelligence services.
KSK like purge when? AfD and Reichbürger sympathizers say help.
This party presented to you by CIA. Based as f*ck
Don’t expect too much
BI pun sama. Ini caranya brutal emang, nurunin demand/kemampuan beli, tapi ya emang gini dimanapun. Kalo mau populis, di tengah inflasi, turunin suku bunga, kaya siapa itu hmm, rantai lepas, kapten. Terjun itu mata uang.Mau Inflasi Rendah? BI: Suku Bunga Harus Naik Lebih Tinggi
Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo mengatakan inflasi pada 2023 harus
Pandemi turunin suku bunga untuk naikin demand, pasca pandemi naikin suku bunga untuk nurunin demand.Fed's Mester: interest rates need to rise 'somewhat above' 4%
The U.S. Federal Reserve will need to raise interest rates somewhat above 4% by early next year and then hold them there in order to bring too high inflation back down to the central bank's goal, Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President Loretta Mester said on
Satu kapal bisa ngerusak tatanan donyo asu. Udah pada pusing inflasi, supply keganggu ini pulaTerusan keblokir lagi
Suez Canal briefly blocked as vessel runs aground
The Singaporean-flagged Affinity V vessel had become wedged in a single-lane stretch of the important shipping
SM pun berharap usaha pelemahan ekonomi the Fed untuk ngelawan inflasi bisa buat supply yang dibutuhkan Indonesia lebih murah atau paling gak normal. Ekspor yang terganggu, karena demand di tempat tujuan turunBacaan Sri Mulyani Soal Pernyataan The Fed, RI Bisa Untung
Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengungkapkan pihaknya menetapkan asumsi inflasi dengan mengacu pernyataan Gubernur Federal Reserve Jerome