Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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I hate to piss on everyone's parade .but we desperately need some counter balance source for the information on the ground ....

Can anyone refuted this guy ??

Currently both sides have nearly equal number of manpower.
Russians still have more armor and artillery.
Russians have dozens times more aviation.

So why its surprising that Ukrainians cant do much? Half year ago after Kherson withdrawal I predicted that there will be no more serious changes in this war:



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Short but excellent summery of how battle of minds are fought in a conflict. (Particularly, now in Ukraine)

Its always about the battle of the herts and minds, including here in DefenceHub and in this particular thread. Presenting one party as an ABSOLUTE party of truth and painting the others as the ABSOLUTE anti thesis.

Truth is Ukraine is not entirely innocent and Russia isn't entirely at fault.

Yes, Ukraine propaganda teams has been markedly better at selling their point of view, but looking at Wagners last month coup and the ensuing mass support for the mercenaries and you sense that the Russians are equally as big believers that their country is in the right.

It will take years and a lot of dead from both sides that the populace will start to look out from the propaganda bubble. For example Iran at the start of the war with Iraq, started with zeal... a few hundreds of scud attack and years of constant mobilization finally exhausted the population. Not any amount of mullah calls and promise of heaven could reverse the exhaustion that is imposed to the population by 1987 and by 1988 all it needed for Iraq is one blow in Faw peninsula to finally broke the entire nation will to fight.


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Collision with mines of a large column of Ukrainian armored vehicles near Novodarovka. Published footage of hitting mines, a large column of military equipment of the Ukrainian army in the area of Novodarovka in the Zaporozhye region. After hitting the mines, Russian artillery began to work along the column. As a result of the battle, if it can be called that, 8 armored vehicles were destroyed, among them MaxxPro armored vehicles, as well as 2 tanks. In the same place, you can see 2 armored vehicles previously knocked out. It is not clear why, when the first armored vehicles hit the mines, the column did not stop moving and why there were no mine-clearing vehicles and minesweeping tanks.

Footage of a colossal explosion when using the tank as a kamikaze vehicle of the same role. A Russian kamikaze tank was equipped with 6 tons of explosives and sent towards Ukrainian positions. The tank did not reach the target, hitting a mine, after which it was destroyed from an RPG, despite this, the explosion of such an amount of explosives at a short distance is dangerous for soldiers in positions. Ukrainian units reportedly retreated from the stronghold after the explosion.

Published footage of a ram by a German tank Leopard 2A6 of the army of Ukraine, an armored personnel carrier M2A2 Bradley, previously delivered from the United States to Ukraine. In the video, a damaged Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 tank crashes into a wrecked M2A2 Bradley armored personnel carrier, after which an explosion occurs and it starts to move back. The reasons for what happened to the Ukrainian tank Leopard 2A6 and the fate of its crew are not reported.

A kamikaze armored car with 3 tons of explosives was blown up in Ukraine. A Russian serviceman spoke about turning an MT-LB armored personnel carrier into a kamikaze vehicle with 3.5 tons of explosives and sending it to a stronghold of the Ukrainian army.



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According to the Wall Street Journal, Poland 🇵🇱 recently (and quietly) transferred 10 MI-24 Attack helicopters to Ukraine. With the Czech 🇨🇿 news that they'll also be handing over 6-10 MI-24s to Ukraine, it's obvious that Ukraine wants to get more tactical air support involved at the front.

Ukraine should have about 25-30 MI-24s in combat condition after these donations. Retrofitted with American made APKWS and Hydra 70 rockets, they'll provide quality low level, tactical air support in areas that Ukraine has cleared of Russian short range air defense systems.

Poland 🇵🇱 is in the process of purchasing American AH-64E attack helicopters. They've leased 8 for training purposes and are procuring 96 Apaches from Boeing.

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batch of 152 shells from the Russian army was seized. After verification, it was produced in Iran in 2023.
Iran is responsible for the downing of Ukraine flight #752 in 2020, it initially covers up the attack but forced to admit after overwhelming proof, now they again supplied explosives and munitions to kill their countrymen.

I could already see Ukraine is on its way openly to be part of the overall Western camp to subdue the country long after this conflict is concluded. 😉


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Erdogan freed the prisoners of the "Azov" battalion, who were supposed to be in captivity until the end of the war. Putin is furious. Russian propagandists howl about betrayal.



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Erdogan freed the prisoners of the "Azov" battalion, who were supposed to be in captivity until the end of the war. Putin is furious. Russian propagandists howl about betrayal.

Russians were bombing idlib again. The message is keep f'ing me and ill f'you harder.

The level of arrogance and stupidity from the Russian side is insane. If im russian last thing we should be doing is provoking Turkiye to support Ukraine harder. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Then all the cries of betrayal, shut up you you murdering fascist evil clowns. The entire world has gotten sick of you and your bullshit.


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Is this video true or just some random Russian propaganda?
Clash Report is a good news site but this video seems horribly staged IMO so I wanna ask those with more experience on the issue

I mean, a Russian soldier kills a Ukrainian one and the first thing he gets from his dead body is a knife rather than rifle ammunition or a gun? Just seems strange especially when they are trying to hide their faces

the angle of camera too weird if its happens in real combat.....


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Ukraine’s 39-Year-Old Arms Chief Ramps Up Production in Face of Missile Hits​

  • Monthly shell production up by multiples of total 2022 output
  • Rheinmetall, BAE seen as first of many foreign joint ventures
Ukraine’s Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshin, in Kyiv, on June 28.

Ukraine’s Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshin, in Kyiv, on June 28.Photographer: Pete Kiehart/Bloomberg
By Marc Champion
July 9, 2023 at 1:00 PM GMT+7

In this article​

Just months after he was tapped to oversee Ukraine’s arms industry, Oleksandr Kamyshin says it produced more mortar and artillery shells in June than it made in all of last year.
How many more is a secret, he says. While that result is a success in a country where many of his factories are routinely under attack by Russian missiles, Kamyshin says he still has a long way to go.
“I wouldn’t say that we were that great for managing to increase ammunition production in three months,” he said in an interview at his Kyiv office. “We produced so little in 2022.”

A self-described turnaround specialist, Kamyshin now faces a business overhaul with little precedent. The 39-year-old aims to remake Ukraine’s sprawling defense industry - known for decades for corruption and inefficiency - into an engine of the war effort that’s deciding the fate of his country. All while fighting rages around his plants.
Supplies of weapons to Ukraine from the US and its allies have been the main focus so far in the war. But Kyiv is racing to build up its own production so it won’t have to depend on charity forever. Later, Kamyshin aims to make Ukraine a major arms exporter again.
“We have to be ambitious, because we have no choice,” said Kamyshin, sporting a traditional Cossack braid. “My aim is to make Ukraine the arsenal of the free world.”
That’s a tall order. He earned a national reputation as head of Ukraine’s railroads, helping to keep them running despite air strikes, power cuts and the capture of big chunks of its network. The trains carried floods of refugees away from the front and troops and supplies toward it.

They delivered world leaders and goods to and from Kyiv, mostly on time, and Kamyshin used Twitter to entertain and inform fellow citizens and passengers. In late March, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy named him minister for strategic industries, including defense.
The railway monopoly was “disaster” when he took over shortly before the war, Kamyshin says, and the situation in Ukraine’s state-owned defense conglomerate Ukroboronprom was as bad.
Kamyshin says he started with artillery and mortar shells because they are central to a fight he calls “World War II with drones.” Ukraine had all but stopped producing them after the collapse of the Soviet Union, quickly burning through stocks after Russia’s February 2022 invasion. That left the country reliant on allies to keep its cannons firing.

Loading Ukraine​

Index of ammunition production, Dec 2021 = 100

Source: Statistics Office of Ukraine via Dragon Capital

Now, domestic output of the ammunition is ramping up, if from a low base. Ukraine’s Stugna-P anti-tank systems also started to roll off production lines faster. Boosting production of tanks and armored vehicles is the next priority, but will take 3-6 months to bear fruit, according to Kamyshin.

His days start at 8 a.m. with a round of frank calls direct to factory managers, according to staff.
Alleged failures at Ukroboronprom’s missile programs led the company to launch an internal investigation earlier this year, but Kamyshin declined to speak about missiles at all, on grounds of operational security.
Late last month, Zelenskiy replaced Ukroboronprom’s chief executive, a politician, with Herman Smetanin, the 31-year-old head of the Malyshev tank factory. Days later, Kamyshin dissolved the company and replaced it with a more corporate joint stock company, rebranded as Ukraine Defense Industry.

“Herman has 3 major tasks: 1. Increase local production of ammunition and weapons. 2. Build efficient anti-corruption infrastructure. 3. Transform the company,” Kamyshin tweeted on the day Smetanin was hired.
This week, Kamyshin joined Zelenskiy on a trip to meet allies in eastern Europe, where Ukraine inked cooperation deals in Prague and Bratislava.

Longer term, he wants to make the country an advanced weapons producer and use that expansion to power recovery in an economy that shrank by almost a third last year. He’s pitching foreign producers to come to wartime Ukraine, where costs are low, production facilities are being relocated and rebuilt within months, and they can use daily battlefield experience to upgrade their weapons.
So far, two of Europe’s biggest arms manufacturers — Germany’s Rheinmetall AG, and BAE Systems Plc of the UK — have confirmed they’re in talks to establish production in Ukraine, while Rheinmetall has taken a 51% stake in a joint venture to repair and maintain tanks.
Turkey’s Baykar Tech said in October it was forging ahead with plans to build a factory to make its Bayraktar TB-2 drones in Ukraine, where its engines were already made. In December, the company said it had tested a new jet powered version of the drone that would again be powered by Zaporizhzhia-based Motor Sich PJSC.
relates to Ukraine’s 39-Year-Old Arms Chief Ramps Up Production in Face of Missile Hits

A technician labels a 155mm shell at the Rheinmetall facility in Unterluess, Germany, on June 6.
Photgrapher: Axel Heimken/AFP/Getty Images

Ukraine is no newcomer to the arms trade, becoming — albeit briefly in 2012 — the world’s fourth largest arms exporter. As part of the Soviet Union, its arms factories made up a significant portion of the bloc’s vast weapons complex, leaving huge legacy stocks to sell when the bloc collapsed. The Malyshev tank factory alone employed 60,000 workers at its Cold War peak.

Mykolaiv was the USSR’s largest naval shipyard; it made the Moskva, the Black Sea Fleet flagship sunk by Ukraine’s Neptune anti-ship missiles in April 2022. Motor Sich, nationalized last year when its director was arrested for selling spare parts to Russia, made the engines for many Soviet, and later Russian military helicopters.
“We don’t control Motor Sich, yet,” said Kamyshin, when asked about the company’s role in his plans.
But while Rheinmetall’s chief executive Armin Papperger has brushed aside the threat from cruise missiles to the tank factory he said he was considering for Ukraine, others are skeptical.
“Air defenses are not foolproof,” says Marta Kepe, a senior defense analyst at the Rand Corporation, a US think tank. “So to what extent will companies really be willing to put their staff at that kind of risk?”
relates to Ukraine’s 39-Year-Old Arms Chief Ramps Up Production in Face of Missile Hits

A member of the Ukrainian 43rd Artillery Brigade inside a 155 mm self-propelled howitzer Panzerhaubitze 2000 at a front line near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on June 15. Photographer: Anatolii Stepanov/AFP/Getty Images

And while trying out weapons on Ukraine’s battlefields is invaluable, US and European producers don’t need to manufacture there to benefit, she said.

Still, the experience gained from repairing an unprecedented variety of US and European weapons systems could create a lucrative niche for Ukrainian engineers to provide high-level maintenance services to clients around the world, according to Kepe.
Ukraine has made production statistics for the industry secret, so it’s difficult to verify claims about the sector’s past failures or recent successes. But Kamyshin, whose career before the invasion included managing grain elevators and motorcycle factories, brushes off the skeptics.

“Where else can you test like this?” he asked.

— With assistance by Daryna Krasnolutska and Olesia Safronova



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Ukraine is interested in T-155 Fırtına SPH, T-129 Atak helicopter, and Kaplan medium tank. Some sources say the deal for T-155 Fırtına is signed with a big discount. Turkish Armed Forces might deliver T-155 Fırtına from the stocks and might donate some amount of older SPHs (M52T, M44T) currently in the inventory. No number is quoted but I expect dozens of SPH to be delivered.



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Ukraine is interested in T-155 Fırtına SPH, T-129 Atak helicopter, and Kaplan medium tank. Some sources say the deal for T-155 Fırtına is signed with a big discount. Turkish Armed Forces might deliver T-155 Fırtına from the stocks and might donate some amount of older SPHs (M52T, M44T) currently in the inventory. No number is quoted but I expect dozens of SPH to be delivered.

Don't think the T-129 is the right choice for Ukraine because its more suited for asymmetrical warfare.


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2x tanks and 3x APC in same spot! I have a newfound respect for mines. @Gary

On a side note- This channel has Arabic and Bangla subtitles.😂
Not doubt, They are trying hard.

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