Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Settlers should be dealt with the same way Native Americans dealt with European Settlers.
Are you suggesting that Palestinians should die en masse to foreign diseases, get their teeth kicked in by foreigners and lose control of the overwhelming majority of their traditional territory through trickery and being conquered?

Because outside of the diseases, that's essentially what's happening to them. A stronger, more capable, better supported people are winning a struggle against them. That's a story as old as time.


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Are you suggesting that Palestinians should die en masse to foreign diseases, get their teeth kicked in by foreigners and lose control of the overwhelming majority of their traditional territory through trickery and being conquered?

Because outside of the diseases, that's essentially what's happening to them. A stronger, more capable, better supported people are winning a struggle against them. That's a story as old as time.

Native Americans fought back any settler that came into their territory.

Another example is Russian colonists getting into Central Asia only to be beaten back by Turkmen nomads.

Palestinians should do the same by the way.

Foreign Zionist Settlers are much more worse than the IDF.


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I agree. First we have to stablish who are civil.

Children are out of question!

Here is my Debate -

Trespass in English law is an area of tort law broadly divided into three groups: trespass to the person(1), trespass to goods(2), and trespass to land(3)
(I) Trespass to the person comes in three variants: assault, which is -

"to act in such a way that the claimant believes he is about to be attacked";[1]battery,

"the intentional and direct application of force to another person";[2]

and false imprisonment, "depriving the claimant of freedom of movement, without a lawful justification for doing so".[3]

All three require that the act be a direct and intentional act, with indirect or unintentional acts falling under the tort of negligence.

(ll) Trespass to goods is defined as "wrongful physical interference with goods that are in the possession of another",[5] and is covered not only by the common law, but also by the Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977

(lll) Trespass to land involves the "unjustifiable interference with land which is in the immediate and exclusive possession of another";[6] it is both a tort and, in certain circumstances, a crime under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

Israeli Settlers have broken All Three groups of Criminal Tresspassung Law.

A large number of settlers are armed and settlers have sometimes attacked Palestinians and destroyed Palestinian houses and other property. However, settlers as such are civilians, unless they are serving in the Israeli armed forces."
- Amnesty International

Is an unarmed settler a civilian? Even if he belongs to a self-defence militia of his settlement? Does he forfeit the protection offered by IHL, because the settlements are illegal under international law (GC IV, Art. 49(6); CIHL, Rule 130)? Does that violation justify violations of IHL committed against the settlers? (P I, Art. 50; CIHL, Rules 1, 5-6)

Amnesty International is saying Unarmed Settlers are Civilian. But I have shown that UNINTENTIONAL Tresspassing goes under Civil Law But INTENTIONAL Tresspassing is Criminal Offence and Further doing these acts to the Inhabitantns(Owner of the Land) -

1. Act of violence
2. Forcing inhabitants
3. False imprisonment

ensure that Israeli Settlers are no Longer Civilian. Now it's Falling under Criminal Offence (Tresspassing).

So, every Settler in Israel are not Civilian(excluding Children) whether it is Men or Women. They have willingly moved there knowing that it's not their land and keep pushing Palestinians forcefully to move from their Birthland.

About Half of Israeli citizen has completed millitary training under IDF. There is 21 percent Arab israeli and 14 percent Heredi Jews who are exempted from millitery training.

Is he also a Civilian? How so?

He has broken every possible Criminal offence under Criiminal Tresspassing Law.

1) Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict as well as members of militias or volunteer corps forming part of such armed forces.

2) Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions:

a) that of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;

b) that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;

c) that of carrying arms openly;

d) that of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

3) Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.


6) Inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war.

Brace Yourself

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2) Members of other militias and members of other volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements, belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied, provided that such militias or volunteer corps, including such organized resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions:
There is nothing to debate about unarmed Civilians. The Debate is whether Settler Zionist who are armed are civilians or not?

"A large number of settlers are armed and settlers have sometimes attacked Palestinians and destroyed Palestinian houses and other property. However, settlers as such are civilians, unless they are serving in the Israeli armed forces."

- Amnesty International

According to Amnesty International:
Large number of Settlers are -
1. Armed (That's ok)
2. (But) They attacked Palestinians
3. Destroted Palestinians Houses and Property
4. They are Civilian unless they serve IAF.

So, Palestinians should happily Let 'ARMMED CIVILIANS' destroy their Houses and Property and thank them and accept being a homeless, go to europe as refugee?


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There is nothing to debate about unarmed Civilians. The Debate is whether Settler Zionist who are armed are civilians or not?

"A large number of settlers are armed and settlers have sometimes attacked Palestinians and destroyed Palestinian houses and other property. However, settlers as such are civilians, unless they are serving in the Israeli armed forces."

- Amnesty International

According to Amnesty International:
Large number of Settlers are -
1. Armed (That's ok)
2. (But) They attacked Palestinians
3. Destroted Palestinians Houses and Property
4. They are Civilian unless they serve IAF.

So, Palestinians should happily Let 'ARMMED CIVILIANS' destroy their Houses and Property and thank them and accept being a homeless, go to europe as refugee?
You are smart enough to use Google I am sure you are smart enough to read and understand what I wrote and make your own conclusions. I can advice you to think twice before posting.


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Hospital that got bombed dates back to the late 1800s built by Christian Missionaries living in the Ottoman Empire.

I was wondering why it was called Baptist even in Australia lots of hospitals were founded by the Church mainly by Lutherans, Anglicans and Catholics.

The hospital I was born in was ran by Catholics.


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You got messed up between Jew and Zion. Zionists are the Problem not Jews.
First of all you need to learn how to address your fellow members. How do you know I am messed up? Have you looked up what messed up really means?
Then when it comes to your second sentence; you need to know that Zion is a place, a hill in Jerusalem and a heavenly Kingdom in Christianity.
Zionism is a title that is given to different movements in both Judaism and Christianity. A Zionist is a member of that movement in either religion.

Instead of giving titles and muddying the issue I will reiterate what a Jewish Scholar has told me once again. There are three different types of Jews:
1. Common Jew : Brought up with Jewish belief of promised lands and Judaism.
2. Fundamentalist Jew : Like all fundamentalists in any religion their belief is their way of life. They take it to the extreme.
3. Rebels : These don’t believe in grabbing land and are in the opinion of leaving the old ways and modernise the religion that is in line with current times.

I have had Jewish classmates, I worked for Jewish Companies, I had Jewish bosses, I had Jewish partners, I dealt and traded with many a Jew.

Jewishness is bred in to every Jew. The promised lands notion of their ancestral lands are in their hearts and minds all the time. Giving titles or names to different sections of a religion is not going to change it.
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Can anyone verify these news being shared. According to tweet Jordan will consider causing refugees waves to be casus belli.

but I can’t find anything about it. I do think establishing a resettlement zone in Israel could be a solution 2 mio+ people would need an area the size of idlib. 6k sqkm not a bad trade off for 140 sqkm

Brace Yourself

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There are three different types of Jews
Yes, The common term I have used was (secular) Zionist and by Jews I meant orthodox Jews that are not Zionist.

There are three different types of Jews
There are more branches in Judaism and deffinately i'm not gonna talk about them here, it's irrelevent and off topic. Every Religion has multiple branches in them.

If I have failed to make people undertand common Terms, it's not my fault. Everybody Knows that Secular Zionists (Jews; non orthodox in israel) are in power (Not christian Zionist; mostly merican and european). I don't think everytime I mention Zionist, I have to always Clarify it?

Jewishness is bred in to every Jew. The promised lands notion of their ancestral lands are in their hearts and minds all the time.
And they are waiting for their Messiah. Israel as a state is never complete without Messiah. Orthodox Jews(..Branches) Consider them exiled in israel unless Messiah comes to fulfill The Promises.

So, it's Basically non-fruitful to the Jews (Orthodox) if the (Secular) Zionists bulid israel as state or not. It's Just to ensure that HOLOCAST never happens to them (Many orthodox jews support it). But the end of it they are Not Happy with the only 'state of israel'.


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Gaza Exodus To Egypt Would Risk West Bank Displacement To Jordan: Sisi​

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi warned Wednesday of the dangers of "forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza into Egypt", saying it would set a precedent for "the displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan".

Sisi, who has rejected calls to allow large numbers of refugees from Gaza into Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, said the goal of "the Palestinian state" would be "eradicated".

"If it came to it, I could call on the Egyptian people to come out and express their rejection of this proposal, and you would see millions of Egyptians" in the street, he told reporters.


Statement from the Evangelical Church in Jerusalem refuting Israel's lie that "we did not hit the hospital":

💢 We received 3 warning calls from Israel before hitting Gaza Baptist Hospital.

💢 The Evangelical Church of Jerusalem condemns the attack on the heart of Gaza that cost countless lives.
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Brace Yourself

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First of all you need to learn how to address your fellow members. How do you know I am messed up? Have you looked up what messed up really means?

I have had Jewish classmates, I worked for Jewish Companies, I had Jewish bosses, I had Jewish partners, I dealt and traded with many a Jew.
Hitlers Family doctor was a Jew. (and I'm clarifying that i'm not comparing you with Hitler)

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