- Are you really taking some Korean teenagers online(who can't even express themselves in English) to be a representative of Korean population and their psyche?"Dude" I don't want to get nuked for their silly tribal wars. It is a very real possibility. What is your problem with that?
Turkish army was the biggest group in Korea after Americans. We saved not only South Koreans but American troops as well, while they ran away to safety.
Our brave Turkish boys are still missing to this day because of their first tribal war.
And we get constant arrogant snarky comments from all Koreans all over the internet even in our own forum. And I mean ALL. Go google translate and read a few hundred Korean language youtube comments of KAAN. They think Indonesia stole their secrets and gave us and 1000 other even more moronic comments.
We BLED to save them, this is their eternal gratitude?
Turkish Brigade - Wikipedia
- Have you ever observed the Turkish users on twitter from afar? Do you think those clueless jerks represent the Turkish population truly?