TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Even if Turkey becomes a top 3 superpower and a joint Turkic military is established, I still don't think Turkey would leave NATO.

The US is nervous about rising Turkish military power, but at the same time it needs Turkey in the alliance. The truth is that the longer Turkey is in NATO the more important and powerful it becomes in the alliance. Eventually it will play a leading role if it plays its cards right. That means Turkey will have a lot of leverage in Europe.

Back to the topic of missiles, I think Turkey isn't far from making ICBMs. Not that it matters too much, they're just for mutually assured destruction... I'm more interested on the shorter range solutions which can be used in realistic scenarios.

Gezgin in particular is one I'm excited for. I'm also wondering if Cenk/Tayfun or their derivatives will be capable of striking ships? Assuming that they could, the damage from one of these strikes would render an aircraft carrier useless. Saturating the air defences would be the hard part.
With modern tech , SAMs can make BM useless but what Turkiye should do is equip BM at least modern ones like CENK & tayfun with chafs like fighter aircrafts or just like Russia did and increase success to bypass enemy SAMs . But until now no news about Turkiye BM anti SAMs capability


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Anka-3 and KE are quite different aircrafts.

Anka-3 is subsonic. Being a flying wing, it can not go supersonic. But due to its airframe design, it is theoretically a true Low Observable plane. It should have a very low RCS value, especially when married with TF6000 engine. It will have 2 internal weapons bays, each able to house bombs and munition up to 635kg. This is a true deep strike weapon that will perform SEAD/DEAD missions as well as ISR and EW.

Where as KE is a supersonic air interceptor plane, it can carry out bombing missions as well. But it will probably do this from a somehow, stand off distance. It‘s canard design, detracts a little from the total low observable form. Nevertheless it should have a much better RCS than any 4.5 generation fighter jet, especially with RAM paint applied. A canard design is also known to provide good supersonic flight and excellent supersonic and transonic turn performance, and improved short-field landing performance compared to the conventional delta-wing design. So KE should lend itself very well as a carrier operated aircraft in the future.

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