Indonesia Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)


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The modeler is possibly an undergrad, given a hull possibly made by another undergrad based on remains on cooperation attempts with Danish OMT, and told to 'place as many as possibly weaponry and just google for the rest'.

Kinda bad for a company at PT.PAL level.
Atleast they should've done it with the right scale 😅. Still cant fathom why they didnt use resin 3d print.

Anyway, may i ask how much does I class costs?
Seems like MoD and Navy are eyeing for I class Frigate.


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Both have hangar.

IIRC previously one will be without hangar? Keknya sih.

Interestingly, all of them will be armed with remote weapons, which is progress for the Indonesian Navy.

they say gonna use leonardo 40 mm above hanggar (menurut maket kapal)


and canon 20 mm Escribano Sentinel



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why they not paint it before send to Germany ? and also why german don't transfer technology by build in Batam ?:(
They need to transfer expats for equipment installation. If i am not mistaken the hull is made of aluminum and processing aluminum after the construction is tedious and they don't desire to train shipyard personnel or indonesian subcontractors for all that, or transfer personnel and equipment for those operations.

Not sure of the material, but it has a primer painting applied.
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They need to transfer expats for equipment installation. If i am not mistaken the hull is made of aluminum and processing aluminum after the construction is tedious and they don't desire to train shipyard personnel or indonesian subcontractors for all that, or transfer personnel and equipment for those operations.

Not sure of the material, but it has a primer painting applied.
Selain itu, kapal yang didesain dengan struktur high tensile steel ini memiliki kecepatan maksimum 16 knot, berbobot total 3419 ton, mampu mengangkut tambahan beban sebesar 200 ton, endurance 60 hari dengan 90 personel menggunakan sistem pendorongan hybrid.

Apart from that, this ship, which is designed with a high tensile steel structure, has a maximum speed of 16 knots, a total weight of 3419 tons, is capable of carrying an additional load of 200 tons, endurance of 60 days with 90 personnel using a hybrid propulsion system.



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Apart from that, this ship, which is designed with a high tensile steel structure, has a maximum speed of 16 knots, a total weight of 3419 tons, is capable of carrying an additional load of 200 tons, endurance of 60 days with 90 personnel using a hybrid propulsion system.

For me, The germany don't want to share how to intregate the system to us, or the deal need more money to share it. next time MRO will cost more, coz they don't share the knowledge ...

sent the ship to there is not that cheap too ... :(


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Rigel class


The ships were built with the French OCEA shipyard, and is made of aluminum with a weight of 560 tons with dimensions of 60.1 meters long and 11.5 meters wide.

She is one of the warships owned by Indonesia, with special specifications for surveys in the ranks of the Indonesian Navy's Hydro-oceanographic Survey Unit. The ships are driven by two MTU Type 8V4000M53 propulsion engines which can produce a maximum speed of 14.0 knots, with a cruising range of 4400 nautical miles and is equipped with AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) equipment that functions to carry out underwater imaging up to a depth of 1000 meters and sends back. periodic data to the main ship in this case the BHO ship. They are also equipped with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), SSS (side scan sonar), laser scanner to get an overview of the land, AWS (Automatic Weather Station), deep sea and Singlebeam Multibeam Echosounder, CTD (Conductivity Temperature and Depth) equipment, Gravity Corer, laboratory equipment and fishery survey capability. Rigel is the first ship of the MPRV (Multi Purpose Research Vessel) type to be operated in the ranks of the Indonesian Navy under the Hydro-Oceanographic Survey unit. This ship, one of the newest defense equipment owned by the Indonesian Navy, was built at the OCEA shipyard, Les Sables. d'Olonne, France.

KRI Pollux 935

Rigel class made by French shipyard, why our new BHO 105 not continue joint with French?


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Domestically built BHO ships will strengthen the Indonesian Navy by the end of 2025

The Hydro-Oceanographic Auxiliary Ship (BHO) Ocean Going made by the domestic shipyard PT Palindo Marine Batam in collaboration with the German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen will strengthen the Indonesian Navy fleet by the end of 2025.

The ship is also designed to be able to map coastal areas, shallow waters, and deep seas. The plan is for the ship to also be equipped with underwater sensing sensors ranging from a depth of 600 meters to 11,000 meters.

This year, he said, the Indonesian Navy is waiting for two additional hydro-oceanographic auxiliary ships made in England and Germany in collaboration with domestic shipyards.

The German-made ship refers to the BHO Ocean Going ship built by Palindo in collaboration with Abeking & Rasmussen. Meanwhile, the British-made ship refers to the SRVS (submarine rescue vehicle system) made by the British company, Submarine Manufacturing & Products (SMP), which was procured in collaboration with PT BTI Indo Tekno.

looks our Navy choose other company, diferent equipment than Rigel class ...


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CEO of PT PAL Indonesia Talks about Progress of New Submarine and Red and White Frigate Development

CEO of PT PAL Indonesia, Kaharuddin Djenod, said that the development of the national shipping industry is currently very positive. This can be seen from the various strategic projects being worked on by PT PAL.

"For the new submarine, the design process and the process for preparing the raw material supply chain are currently underway. The target is that after the design process is complete, the first plate cutting will be carried out immediately," explained Kaharuddin before becoming a speaker at the Leader Talks "PAL Goes to Campus" at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Tuesday (24/09).

When asked about the development of the Merah Putih frigate construction project, Kaharuddin said that PT PAL is currently completing the block and physical designs. "Of the 161 block designs, we have been able to complete 110 design blocks. Meanwhile, the physical construction has reached 58 blocks," he said.

On that occasion, the Doctor in Naval Architecture from the Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science and Hiroshima University, also responded to the plan to build an aircraft carrier. He emphasized that several countries have communicated with PT PAL Indonesia regarding domestic shipbuilding projects. "Several foreign countries have negotiated with PT PAL for their defense equipment needs and are being built at PT PAL," he said.

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