Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Iran's nuclear program is rapidly approaching its end. Iran has two options: either it will come to an agreement with the West and end its nuclear program, or it will try to become a nuclear power. The reason for everything Israel has been doing lately is to make a possible nuclear deal impossible and to start a regional war in the Middle East. A nuclear-powered Iran will upset all balances in difficult times.

Scott Summers

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A possible nuclear weapons program by Turkey would have very serious consequences, and embargoes would probably be imposed that would completely collapse the Turkish economy.

At least we will avoid a devastating war. You think all those US warships in the East Mediterranean are there for Lebanon or Gaza?

All the sanctioned nations just growth stronger militairily (North Korea, Russia, Iran).

Scott Summers

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Killing all those leaders and commanders didnt do any shit to Hezbollah.

They are irregular militia with independent cells and without the need for a central command. And they are battle hardened soldiers, not childkilling reservists from Europe like the IDF.

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En azından yıkıcı bir savaştan kaçınacağız. Doğu Akdeniz'deki tüm o ABD savaş gemilerinin Lübnan veya Gazze için olduğunu mu düşünüyorsunuz?

Yaptırım uygulanan tüm ülkeler askeri olarak daha da güçleniyor (Kuzey Kore, Rusya, İran).
NNuclear weapons are not a magic wand that solves every problem. Unfortunately, Israel also has nuclear weapons, but it lives in a state of war and is restless.


1 36
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Turkey should negotiate in good faith the reunification of Cyprus and give up its unreasonable ambitions in the Greek and Cypriot territorial waters. Turkey gets nothing from antagonizing the EU for some maritime borders that the EU will never reconginze, making the claims completely useless from an economic point of view.
What a one sided view of the events.

Someone couldn't be more wrong about all these claims but i'm not even surprised anymore.


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If Iran actually tested a nuke then Israel is doing us a favor.

Don't forget that Iran backs Armenia and PKK, are trying to contain Azerbaijan and ultimately see themselves as a bulwark against a united Turkic World. You'd need to be naive to believe that them having nukes is a good thing.

We should stay neutral, but if they further their nuclear plans we should by all means assist Israel behind the scenes.

We need to be cold blooded.


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Northern Cyprus
Is this the first
What a one sided view of the events.

Someone couldn't be more wrong about all these claims but i'm not even surprised anymore.

If anything unites actual Europeans with the Eastern-flank crypto Euros, it's talking nonsense about Turks and Turkiye.


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Why can Israel have nukes and Iran can't?
Preferably neither would have nukes.

Too late though.

Now we need to think, if Iran gets nukes what would happen in the long term? How would that impact our goal of establishing a fully fledged Turkic Union? Once they get nukes, they're not getting rid of them, and they will get a lot more bold with their ambitions.

As stated earlier, Iran supports both PKK and Armenia. What makes you think that them having nukes would be a positive thing for us?

I'm not pro-Israeli, but I find it disturbing that some Turks are oblivious to the Iranian threat. We need to stop being one dimensional. We can quietly arm Egypt and Saudi Arabia and give them the confidence to face Israel in the future, whilst simultaneously dealing with the Iranian threat.


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One thing is for sure, Türkiye needs Nukes.
So is everybody else ...
Let's be frank here . Liked or not all the UN permanent member of UN security council are nuke possesor .and they milked every advantages of it .. with all the internet shared knowledges and technological advances ...nuclear proliferation was uninvitables anyway ...
Instead of holding it a tight leash yet get abused and tormented daily by the holder of it ...let's just share it for everybody and beat anyone senseless enough in usage of it ...collectively .
Never talk about freedom when it isn't your hand as yet ...


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5 751
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What a one sided view of the events.

Someone couldn't be more wrong about all these claims but i'm not even surprised anymore.

What you call a one sided view is a neutral view that simply looks at the facts with no skin in the game. The reality is that part of Cyprus has been illegally occupied by Turkey for 50 years, and Cyprus is not allowed to function as a free democratic republic where all citizens have equal rights.

The attempt at reunification through the Annan plan has been an attempt to force Greek Cypruots to basically accept second hand citizen status in their country, with limited movement and property rights and disproportionately low representation in the country’s leadership, as well as foreign troops on their soil in perpetuity.

As for the Blue Homeland maritime claims, they are in the same league with China’s claims in South China Sea. Everyone looking at the issue from a neutral point of view will tell you that the Blue Homeland doctrine is completely bonkers.

I don’t have anything against Turkey, but in both cases it is obvious who is in the right and who is in the wrong. You may not agree with my opinion, but this is how things look like from a neutral perspective.


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What you call a one sided view is a neutral view that simply looks at the facts with no skin in the game. The reality is that part of Cyprus has been illegally occupied by Turkey for 50 years, and Cyprus is not allowed to function as a free democratic republic where all citizens have equal rights.

The attempt at reunification through the Annan plan has been an attempt to force Greek Cypruots to basically accept second hand citizen status in their country, with limited movement and property rights and disproportionately low representation in the country’s leadership, as well as foreign troops on their soil in perpetuity.

I don't think Annan plan was anything about second 'hand' citizenship. Though, I get why Greek Cypriots claim it was biased.

As for the Blue Homeland maritime claims, they are in the same league with China’s claims in South China Sea. Everyone looking at the issue from a neutral point of view will tell you that the Blue Homeland doctrine is completely bonkers.

You are describing your pov as neutral. However, as third party person I could make the same claim and say, blue homeland looks reasonable to my eye. Have you looked to the Greek claimed EEZ? It look absurd and ridiculous.

Scott Summers

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What you call a one sided view is a neutral view that simply looks at the facts with no skin in the game. The reality is that part of Cyprus has been illegally occupied by Turkey for 50 years, and Cyprus is not allowed to function as a free democratic republic where all citizens have equal rights.

The attempt at reunification through the Annan plan has been an attempt to force Greek Cypruots to basically accept second hand citizen status in their country, with limited movement and property rights and disproportionately low representation in the country’s leadership, as well as foreign troops on their soil in perpetuity.

As for the Blue Homeland maritime claims, they are in the same league with China’s claims in South China Sea. Everyone looking at the issue from a neutral point of view will tell you that the Blue Homeland doctrine is completely bonkers.

Did you even googled for it? Greece's EEZ claims are more like the Chinese claims.

You are like a Israeli soldier killing women and kids and blaiming Hamas. And you call your views neutral? Than i cant imagine your pro-Greek views.


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Preferably neither would have nukes.

Too late though.

Now we need to think, if Iran gets nukes what would happen in the long term? How would that impact our goal of establishing a fully fledged Turkic Union? Once they get nukes, they're not getting rid of them, and they will get a lot more bold with their ambitions.

As stated earlier, Iran supports both PKK and Armenia. What makes you think that them having nukes would be a positive thing for us?

I'm not pro-Israeli, but I find it disturbing that some Turks are oblivious to the Iranian threat. We need to stop being one dimensional. We can quietly arm Egypt and Saudi Arabia and give them the confidence to face Israel in the future, whilst simultaneously dealing with the Iranian threat.

While that may be the case I think it's in our interest to ensure to stay out of it, and look for benefits to us.

Just like during the cold war we should ensure that we get what we want. So closing kürecik radar base should be first step.

Someone will whine "oh no it's protecting us", I call bullshit on that. Close it down and see how the dices roll. You might be surprised at how fast those F16 even F35 gets delivered to us.

We have Hisars and other AD systems, maybe not enough of them, but since the intel from kürecik is sent to Germany I very seriously fucking doubt they'll give us the intel as fast as they give it to Israel.

Waiting for the "ups, we're sorry for being slightly late" excuse is not going to make my day. because no way that info is going to get out beyond the politicians.

False security is no security at all. Better to close the radar station, remember that Article 5 of NATO seems to apply to the radar station, and that is regardless of who owns it, so taking it down is the best move we can make given the boiling state of ME.

Iran isnt going to attack EU, and we all know this, and this has been said many times in the past as well.


1 36
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What you call a one sided view is a neutral view that simply looks at the facts with no skin in the game. The reality is that part of Cyprus has been illegally occupied by Turkey for 50 years, and Cyprus is not allowed to function as a free democratic republic where all citizens have equal rights.

The attempt at reunification through the Annan plan has been an attempt to force Greek Cypruots to basically accept second hand citizen status in their country, with limited movement and property rights and disproportionately low representation in the country’s leadership, as well as foreign troops on their soil in perpetuity.

As for the Blue Homeland maritime claims, they are in the same league with China’s claims in South China Sea. Everyone looking at the issue from a neutral point of view will tell you that the Blue Homeland doctrine is completely bonkers.

I don’t have anything against Turkey, but in both cases it is obvious who is in the right and who is in the wrong. You may not agree with my opinion, but this is how things look like from a neutral perspective.
This time i was going to take you seriously and answer you properly to educate you but the moment you claimed that Turkey's Blue Homeland doctrine is similar to China's South China Sea claims, you lost the very little credibility you had before.

And no, you are not Neutral, use these tactics in reddit, not here.

You cannot landlock a country which has one of the longest coastline to both Aegean and Mediterranean Sea just because you think you are an Island nation when you have a big ass mainland.

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