TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series


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Which missions? Are you in the Airforce? Do you have expertise in that field? Are you in a position to be able to evaluate that?
Did you even read the comments that started this chain? Let me explain, we were talking about whether Hürjet would make an appropriate choice for command centre in air for our future stealth drones, KE and Anka-3/4, which would be a mission for Hürjet to accomplish and if Hürjet was based on an aircraft carrier that would be mean its mission would be part of the mission of our carrier.

And you are talking as if only the assets of the adversaries will change.
This is not about whose capabilities are going to get awesome with time. This is about Hürjet and it is limited by its design, it is a trainer with a design that is not stealthy or capable of carrying big payloads. You cannot change that without changing the plane drastically. And if we were going to change a plane to fit it into our carrier (in any other role other than as a trainer) spending time and resources to redesign a plane to use on the carrier why on earth would we pick Hürjet? A plane that we don't have an engine for, don't even have an engine project for, that would stick out like a sore thumb among stealth drones and one that would barely be able to carry enough ordinance for effective sortie rates. Which would you pick if you were given a choice to turn one of Hürjet and Kaan into a plane for our carrier?

Honestly, you are not even giving proper reasons or arguments, you're only arguing to argue and your subtle hostility against me is seriously getting boring.
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Strong AI

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Holy fuck, did you even read the comments that started this chain? Let me explain like your name was Bilal, we were talking about whether Hürjet would make an appropriate choice for command centre in air for our future stealth drones, KE and Anka-3/4, which would be a mission for Hürjet to accomplish and if Hürjet was based on an aircraft carrier that would be mean its mission would be part of the mission of our carrier.

This is not about whose capabilities are going to get awesome with time. This is about Hürjet and it is limited by its design, it is a trainer with a design that is not stealthy or capable of carrying big payloads. You cannot change that without changing the plane drastically. And if we were going to change a plane to fit it into our carrier (in any other role other than as a trainer) spending time and resources to redesign a plane to use on the carrier why on earth would we pick Hürjet? A plane that we don't have an engine for, don't even have an engine project for, that would stick out like a sore thumb among stealth drones and one that would barely be able to carry enough ordinance for effective sortie rates. Which would you pick if you were given a choice to turn one of Hürjet and Kaan into a plane for our carrier?

Honestly lad, you are not even giving proper reasons or arguments, you're only arguing to argue and your subtle hostility against me is seriously getting boring.

Oh no they have put a plastic model on a plastic model, they will use the same thing in 15 years.

Who are you that i should get hostile against you? You are just a stranger who thinks that he knows better than someone else.

And there is a ignore button, feel free to use it.


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Guys! Let’s not get carried away please.
Instead of getting personal, focus on the subject in hand.
Not everybody will be of the same opinion as you. Taking that in to account, please discuss yor views civilly without being nasty to each other.


The Post Deleter
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Guys! Let’s not get carried away please.
Instead of getting personal, focus on the subject in hand.
Not everybody will be of the same opinion as you. Taking that in to account, please discuss yor views civilly without being nasty to each other.
in fact in a way we are all reading the very same opinion ... just may be from diffrent perspectives


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First of all please be reminded that this is the UAV/UCAV thread.

Anka 4 has been mentioned above. Does anyone know what Anka-4 is?

If memory serves, the first time it was mentioned was by Temel Kotil, when he was talking about Anka-3. He said something about producing the supersonic version of Anka-3 and that there would also be Anka-4.

We all know that Anka-3 is a flying wing, and technically it is not feasible to produce a supersonic flying wing. So if we are to produce a supersonic Anka-4, this will have to be a very different plane. As we know that there is no similarity in the design features of Anka-2 and Anka-3, we may have to assume that Anka-4 could be just as different.

Any UCAV utilised on a carrier, at the moment, is a secondary power projection weapon. All 65000ton class carriers (like Charles DeGaulle, QE2) use manned aircraft as their primary weapon, be it a fighter aircraft or an ASW helicopter. But the rapid increase in the development of capable UCAVs in a decade or so may change the situation altogether.
It is good that a study and development of a national aircraft carrier project has been started. As the use of various air platforms evolve, so will the national aircraft project.

It doesn’t logically make sense to deploy a non-stealth aircraft on a modern carrier in the 2040’s. But with today’s capabilities, one has to decide on a manned platform that is currently available to have a starting point of reference.

Strong AI

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Actually i think that stealth will get obsolet in the future because radars getting better and so the range where they can detect stealth platforms increases.
And since you are limited by geometry to make a platform stealthier, the real significance will get EW. I even think that in the future EW will get so powerful, that Jets will be designed only for aerodynamic purposes again (and less heat signature). When that point gets reached, Dogfights will get more significance and so the circle of aerial warfare will be closed.
Thank Allah we have Aselsan in this regard and even RTE had put emphasis on the importance of EW for Türkiye. (I think he said something like EW has number one priority)

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