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  1. B

    TR Air Defence Programs

    How comparable is S-400 to SIPER? I understand that S-400 is an alltogether package air defence but can't KORKUT + HISAR + SIPER layered air defence be enough? Is S-400 a stopgap until we get SIPER rolling? I feel like we got kicked out the F35 program for nothing..
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    Transmission is more critical than the engine, but still big! S&T Dynamics’ automatic transmission failed in the durability tests six times for the K2 Tank. A tank transmission must run for 320 hours without defects. I'm more conservative, but lets see..
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    TR Naval Programs

    Greece bought these submarines before Turkey, so they didn't know about the famous problems U214 has: >Excessive roll on surface (up to 56 degrees). >Excessive underwater noise generation. >Periscope vibrations. >Frequent falls of the ISUS combat system. >Power losses in the AIP (mainly due to...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    I'm talking about revitalising institutions, bringing rule of law and freedoms. All you people do is label people like autisitic conspiracy theorists. No I don't support Gulen.
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    TR Economy & Updates

    France ranks on 0.73 on rule of law (WJP) France ranks 89/100 on Freedoms (Freedom House) Turkey ranks 0.42 on rule of law (WJP) Turkey ranks 32/100 on Freedoms (Freedom House) An average French person earns $43,500 per year, an average Turk earns $9,500. The writing is on the wall, all...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    Is that how it works in Germany as well? One big Kaiser controls all??? Is that why you live in Germany and not Turkey? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Germany ranks 0.83 on rule of law, Turkey ranks 0.42 that's probably why you live in Germany...go get a reality check.
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    TR Economy & Updates

    I just watched the parliamentary debate on the national budget. Everyone is fighting, shouting, cussing. The problems have reached such an extent that Parliamentarians' only option is to shout because they have no power under this presidential system. Turkey is too big and too complicated to be...
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    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    4th Generation: High levels of agility, some degree of sensor fusion, pulse-doppler radar, reduced radar signature, fly-by-wire, look down/shoot down missiles. 5th Generation: Stealth, a high degree of maneuverability, advanced avionics systems, multi-role capabilities, network or data fusion...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    Yeah I'm trying to say that. Just because someone is left wing, or differs from your opinion doesn't mean you should label them terrorist. They are only terrorists if they try to encourage terrorism or harm the country. Just because someone is of Arab Christian origin, or Armenian, or Greek, or...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    So what are we going to do? Let Erdogan win another term and the let country jump off the cliff? Daron was paid $12,000 to make that speech at the CHP conference. He is not an intelligence asset, stop with these dumb conspiracy theories, he gets paid to be there. He is of Armenian descent...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    Turkey has everything it needs. But we are shooting ourselves in the foot with autocrats like Erdogan... I don't unserstand why we have nearly 35% of the population who blame everything on outsiders, and would live in mudhuts and still vote for Erdogan. I mean if you don't like CHP, if you're...
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    TR Economy & Updates

    This has to stop. Seriously. There are no political strings attached to ANYTHING. You think of the West as if it was Turkiye, there are individual investors, with individual aspirations. Is there any laws in the West banning investment to China??? China received $253 billion dollars in 2020 as...

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