"Erdoğan has been a servant the longest in recent history", sounds fake ha."Ruled "
In a democracy, your leaders are servants, not rulers.
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"Erdoğan has been a servant the longest in recent history", sounds fake ha."Ruled "
In a democracy, your leaders are servants, not rulers.
Yeah after all if things go shit on Turkey you don't have to live its consequences.lol
Only dumb people will give ther rights away, i am voting because I think is good. Not because of some Europeans thinks about. The donkeys in Turkey who come with this arguments would not cry when it would make them win the election. This is democracy, only thing i can advice you is drink a cold glass water after 28th May.
Dutch people who can vote in abroad.
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Woont u niet in Nederland en wilt u bij Nederlandse verkiezingen vanuit het buitenland stemmen? Dan moet u zich eenmalig als kiezer registeren bij de gemeente Den Haag.www.rijksoverheid.nl
Yeah after all if things go shit on Turkey you don't have to live its consequences.
Why do Turks in Netherlands vote for left parties and when it comes to Turkey they are AKP extremists?
If you love Erdogan so much, go live there with your sultan?
Tabi gitmesin, niye gidersin ki? calismadan al sosyal yardimi hollandada, Turkiyede kral gibi tatilini yap.
Turks in Germany and The Netherlands ruined the image of Turks in Europe and with a good reason. These people could learn alot from diasporas in England and the US.
"Erdoğan has been a servant the longest in recent history", sounds fake ha.
“When did Erdogan Ever lie?” You’re certainly being sarcastic right? Otherwise you can’t be taken seriousWhen did Erdoğan ever lie. This is for after his term. He will have already ruled longer than anyone else in recent history if he gets elected this time.
No I think people, having a permanent residency or another citizenship and not living in Turkey shouldn't able to be vote. Whether there is money or not. You don't have the problems created by the politician in Turkey in your everyday life. Most of you guys never been in Turkey apart from the holidays. You are just hypocrite, if akp is soo good why not just go Turkey and live there?another lol..
When ther is money and people are laughing you can vote but when ther is problem you can not vote.
The same stupid people who live in Turkey could not see ther own propaganda was based on onions and patatoes. When i did expressed my opinion about KK and his wrong course people wher laughing and that working with hdp/feto will backfire. They should live with ther stupid chose and should now face ther consequences. They had ther chance to win but are to stupid to win.
No I think people, having a permanent residency or another citizenship and not living in Turkey shouldn't able to be vote. Whether there is money or not. You don't have the problems created by the politician in Turkey in your everyday life. Most of you guys never been in Turkey apart from the holidays. You are just hypocrite, if akp is soo good why not just go Turkey and live there?
yeah their whole propaganda based on onions keep watching a haber and keep your mental masturbation.Vote rights demand is to be citizen of a country, if we are in Turkey or not it will not change the fact that most of the people who have thought that KK will win based on onions and patatoes do no deserve to vote. They are one big dumb people who are living with people together who they do not understand. I will not waste my time stupid arguments from the internet specially zillet ittifaki.
What i can advise these people is begin to read all the books of Cemil Meric so you can understand your country you are living in.
yeah their whole propaganda based on onions keep watching a haber and keep your mental masturbation.
I don't need it but you can send them people in need, most likely they will need it more in coming days thanks to akplol
Don't send me dm, come talk open so everybody can read how dumb your arguments are. I will send you 10 kg onion and patatoes so you can think what you did wrong. I don't watch tv, so A haber is not my channel.
This election should go to history books how stupid the oppisition is.
A committee is formed inside AKP. AKP also wants to push a completely new constitution but that might be difficult. Of course, mentioned changes won't happen overnight but in time for the 2028 elections. AKP will offer incentives to IYI, HDP, and smaller breakaway parties from CHP (Deva, SP, Gelecek) to reach 360 MPs to push constitutional change.Sounds very very very unlikely and completely retarded. I highly doubly the validity of this
with this type of parliament, probably this is the last election folksThe survey results of Betimar-Research, which accurately predicts the first round elections with the highest precision, regarding tomorrow's elections:
The 10 December movement will be facing most difficult times ever. Worse still, the result may not only be a purge from the CHP.
The writing was on the wall the day he took in those vermin. If they are not driven out and I mean all of them, a civil war will happen, no doubt. And then you fuckers, I assure you that all those "allied" countries will use it and take bites out of this Country, left and right.This is a problem which is going to be worse than FETÖ and PKK. You really have to question the motives of anyone who still supports this shit. If a war started with Greece for example, there would be havoc on the streets, you would quickly see these so called refugees forming Jihadist terrorist groups to gain control within Türkiye.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: If you vote for me, TRT will broadcast football matches without encryption.
4 hours before the ban on propaganda, the team of Kılıççdaroğlu gave another promise. I think this is a more effective promise than distributing republican gold to everyone, if only they had thought of it a few weeks ago.