TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

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Please... I know Erdoğan supporters. It's not even about the 'no alternative' narrative. These people suffer from a massive case of an extreme inferiority complex. They hate educated people. To them, westernized Turks are the other. The enemy within. They just shut off and follow their leader.

In 20 years, Turks will be the %30 of 20-30 age bracket. We will lose everything we hold dear. We will suffer from not only poverty, but also crime and maybe organized violence from refugees and Kurds. Our mothers, sisters and daughters will be subjected to daily sexual harassment. And we have no one to blame but these people. They must be stopped. I just don't know how.
Yep, i came to this conclusion too, they would rather vote for a Syrian brother that an fellow ''white Turk''.
Whether we want to accept or not but to me it seems the era of secular republic of Turkey is over, the votes from syrian voter base is already making all the difference as seen in this election and each election shows us which direction the country goes.
Its based on democratic choice of conservative Turks after all so there is no other option than to accept it, conratulations to all AKP sympathisants, may you not regret your democratic choices one day.

For the people who didnt vote for this: my sympathies are with you, you are getting dragged down with them together, i hope you guys find your inner peace soon, whether in Turkey or somewhere else abroad.
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France Correspondent
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Would be a great solution but I tell you we have THE weakest government I've ever seen. They are so fucking weak they act as if this shit doesn't happen.

And it baffles my mind that they let this shithole called iran send their shit here without them opening their mouth. When will the idiots in this Country wake up from their trance...

And they did get re-elected. It pains me to say this but we deserve it. Turkiye deserves all this misery.


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Don't ever make the mistake in thinking that the country being flooded by millions and millions of migrants is just a mistake. Its a very calculated and insidious move against Turkish nationalists and patriots.

Remember Turkiye is filled with tariket members, these guys are brainwashed to think that sharia dictatorship is halal and everything else is haram. So they think by flooding the country with people who culturally are easier to manipulate into this system will help them democratically in the long run. For the leaders of such cults its all about power and money.

We were set up by Ataturk as a constitutional republic which meant Turkish freedoms and rights were protected and no majority could take that away. But since they do everything to trample on the constituion and break it apart and move us to a pure democracy, if tomorrow isis minded people become the majority you will get sharia dicatatorship.

The army was the protector and guarantor of the constitution, its for good reason AK party/FETO and the west worked to remove their influence over the state. If Turks remember the fake feto trails against the army patriots, we had no western media outrage like they constantly show for PKK/HDP leaders like Demirtas. They all supported it.


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I frankly think that every single young Afghan and Pakistani man in Turkey should be given a choice:

a) Stay in Turkey and become a slave with no rights until the end of your life and your body burned for fuel once you die. All your property and fancy luxuries will be confiscated and given to Turkish families who have been victims of migrant crimes.

a) Go back to your home country.

Make it very clear that their stay in Turkey will mean their existence becomes a living hell that will make the Nazis look nice and considerate and the Taliban look positively like angels. Open the border into Iran and Syria and make it very clear to Iran that further attempts to shuffle off their refugees into Turkey will be met with equally subversive actions designed to harm Iran - like giving high-quality weapons to anti-government groups in Iran and providing them with intel on Iranian military infrastructure.

I have some very small degree of sympathy for Syrians. I have none for illegal migrants from further south-east. I should probably stop watching those videos of migrant crimes because they make me incredibly angry especially because I see the same stuff on American social media regarding illegal immigrants.

EDIT: Actually make that every single illegal migrant in Turkey, not just Pakistanis and Afghans. Arabs are clearly causing problems too.
Personally, I advocate the immediate deportation of every illegal immigrant, regardless of nationality or state. The number of Removal Centers should be increased rapidly and their supervision should be entrusted to the armed forces. The entire bureaucratic process should be simplified and all Afghans who enter the country illegally should be deported quickly.

As for the Syrians, I advocate the 'resettlement' (The resettlement plan must be realised by the Turkish state) of Syrians in the north of Syria with job guarantees in an organisation spread over a few years within a certain programme without destroying the influance that has been built over 10 years on Syrian opposition factions. Because you cannot hand this population over to the regime, this is absolutely not a realistic approach. As soon as you try to do this, it will inevitably result in the radicalisation of this population. If you look at the HDP's party programme and election discourses, it is clear that the PKK also has such a dream. The PKK is now an entrenched threat in Syria, and as a proxy of the US, they are not deployed in Kurdish regions, but rather in Arab cities.

The right to citizenship in exchange for real estate should be completely abolished and the principle of reciprocity in housing sales should be reinstated, just like in the past. For example, Kuwait, Russia etc. should give quotas to Turkish citizens and real estate groups equal to the investment made by its citizens in TR.

As a condition for citizenship, which is not based on lineage or marriage, should be required for the written 'Turkish' exam and also required two Turkish citizen guarantors for item 5. (To show that he/she has good morals by acting with the sense of responsibility required by living together in society, to give confidence to his/her environment with his/her behaviour, not to have bad habits that are not welcomed by the society and contrary to the values of the society). In addition, citizenship should not be granted under any circumstances to anyone who has obtained a permanent residence permit and has not lived in our country for a certain period of time (10 years). Guarantors must be legally liable for at least 10 years and just use this only 1 person. In this way, those who obtain citizenship should carry out all kinds of commercial activities through the first guarantors. (There is something similar to this in KSA, foreigners cannot open a commercial enterprise or retail shop)

Academics and research assistants should be exempted and also capital owners if they can guarantee a certain amount of investment and employment in certain sectoral areas to be determined. Foreign citizens who come to our country, or who choose to stay after completing their education, should be subject to a certain qualification classification, as some European countries do, and those who can offer added value to the country should be excluded, ie qualified personnel for some specified occupational groups.

The state should increase inspections on illegal labor and penalties should become a deterrent. In addition, the personal rights of foreign workers working legally should be improved so that the competitiveness of Turkish workers is not reduced. If the penalty for employing illegal workers becomes a deterrent in a way that will lead to imprisonment for those legally responsible for the business, and if the personal rights of foreign workers who will work legally come to the same level as Turkish workers, the labor cost difference for the business will be zero and the quality of the worker will come to the fore.

As a result, those who do not qualify for citizenship and who cannot easily find a job will prefer to buy a house in Northern Syria with guaranteed employment and the condition of staying, in other words, to return. People are driven by material and living conditions. You will make it easier in Northern Syria and harder in TR. In this way, in 2-3 years, you will open a way for 80% of Syrians to back voluntarily. But first and foremost, the Turkish Armed Forces must complete the unfinished work. The safe zones must be physically unified. Otherwise you cannot revive industries and service areas here.

In short,
  • PKK must be crushed in Syria.
  • A livable environment must be created in northern Syria.
  • Meanwhile illegals (even from Armenia there are 50,000 illegals in Turkey, which is complete retard situation) must be deported immediately.
  • A better system should be developed in which we can use the foreign population in the country to our advantage, otherwise permanent residence should be made as difficult as possible and the right to citizenship should be made a much more difficult right.
  • The cheap labor needed for smal scale industry should be considered through inter-state agreements, as Germany once did, but this should be avoided except for Turkic states or Turkic peoples with difficult social-political conditions in foreign states.
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France Correspondent
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Yep, i came to this conclusion too, they would rather vote for a Syrian brother that an fellow ''white Turk''.
Whether we want to accept or not but to me it seems the era of secular republic of Turkey is over, the votes from syrian voter base is already making all the difference as seen in this election and each election shows us which direction the country goes.
Its based on democratic choice of conservative Turks after all so there is no other option than to accept it, conratulations to all AKP sympathisants, may you not regret your democratic choices one day.

For the people who didnt vote for this: my sympathies are with you, you are getting dragged down with them together, i hope you guys find your inner peace soon, whether in Turkey or somewhere else abroad.

That’s also what I think. Secular Turkiye as we know it will be history in a few years. It already started degrading since a decade now. And I think we have passed the point of no return. Funnily enough Turks are known to be nationalist but seeing how this country degraded itself in just a few years, we can safely conclude that it is completely false.


21 2,011


just for changing the mood


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For a while, I decided not to look at this thread or even enter the forum.Frankly, it was making me sick that some non-Turkish forum members were constantly talking about Turkish politics and tell us what we deserve or we don't deserve.But on the last day I felt the need to write something.The last time our nation went through such a test was 100 years ago.And tomorrow is a breaking point for our country.In this forum, we always discussed the developments in our country's defense industry and talked about where we came from.But sometimes we overdo it and miss an obvious fact.These systems are just a tool,not a goal.If we cannot protect the honor of our women and children, it doesn't make sense to produce thousands of Altay tanks.If we can't offer our people a prosperous life, there's no point in producing thousands of fighter aircraft.In this country, if honest people are judged innocently and thieves and criminals are considered credible,then producing ballistic missile is not important at all.I hope things get better after tomorrow.I hope we will have prosperity, justice and peace after tomorrow.
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That’s also what I think. Secular Turkiye as we know it will be history in a few years. It already started degrading since a decade now. And I think we have passed the point of no return. Funnily enough Turks are known to be nationalist but seeing how this country degraded itself in just a few years, we can safely conclude that it is completely false.

Political Islamists FETO is an american project, it was forced onto Turkiye and gained incredible influence and power. So much so that they in a way become kingmaker in Turkish politics. So powerful was their influence with the complicit agreement of erdogan/AK party, their judges and media construed fake trails to arrest patriots and throw them in jail.

Why do i bring this up, i bring it up because this isn't really about secularists vs islamists, its about America vs Turkiye. Why are Americans so hellbent on pushing islamists, islamism, sharism, millions of mena migrants onto Turkiye?

Its quite simple really, they want to destroy the social harmony/cohesion of the state. We will not end up with a sharia dictatorship, what we will end up with is an exhausted and socially broken state that will tear itself apart and within time make it easy to break up.

Its a long term destabilisation project and always remember islamists find it easy to give away land, just look at the kurdistan agenda they played on Turkiye. Patriots will not tolerate an inch being given to anyone, not least american proxy terrorists like the pkk and its various kurdish offshoots. But islamists can be fooled to give land away thinking its in the interest of islamism.

Ultimately the one whose being manipulated the most and deceived the most is the common Muslim.


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RTE's team made the video expected from CHP: Ataturk message from Tenth Year Speech with RTE era footages.

Watching this video made me realize once again how much we really long for an Ataturkist party. Ataturkism in essence, not in words. Not in election times, but always in its spirit and struggle. Don't tell me that that party is the CHP after the December 10 movement.


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RTE's team made the video expected from CHP: Ataturk message from Tenth Year Speech with RTE era footages.

Watching this video made me realize once again how much we really long for an Ataturkist party. Ataturkism in essence, not in words. Not in election times, but always in its spirit and struggle. Don't tell me that that party is the CHP after the December 10 movement.
They and their voter base despise Atatürk, this is just to secure more votes from other fractions.


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They and their voter base despise Atatürk, this is just to secure more votes from other fractions.
The influential neo-eurasianist group around RTE now politically categorizes the Inenü era sharply apart. This is a strategy to bring conservative voters closer to Atatürk in the last few years. To some extent, the views expressed by AKP MP Cevizoğlu in the media reflect the strategy of this group. This will allow for a smooth transition of the country in the post-RTE era for nationalists take over.

Additional note: Yesterday Sinan Oğan made an interesting statement that if I won't stand with Devlet Bahçeli, who will I stand with? You are quite right about the roots of Akp, I agree with you, but the point to which Akp has drifted ideologically (i mean what is the impact of this on the ideological transformation of the voting base, after Mhplization on main political discourse) how much it needs those roots anymore, we need to talk about this in detail. Today, the MHP's vote is 10%, even though 10% voted for İYİP and Zafer. When the era of RTE and DB ends, MHP's vote will be +30. The question for me is whether or not all nationalist factions as a whole in our country will be able to use the chance to be in power alone for the first time in our modern history. All other issues are secondary for me.
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Personally, I advocate the immediate deportation of every illegal immigrant, regardless of nationality or state. The number of Removal Centers should be increased rapidly and their supervision should be entrusted to the armed forces. The entire bureaucratic process should be simplified and all Afghans who enter the country illegally should be deported quickly.

As for the Syrians, I advocate the 'resettlement' (The resettlement plan must be realised by the Turkish state) of Syrians in the north of Syria with job guarantees in an organisation spread over a few years within a certain programme without destroying the influance that has been built over 10 years on Syrian opposition factions. Because you cannot hand this population over to the regime, this is absolutely not a realistic approach. As soon as you try to do this, it will inevitably result in the radicalisation of this population. If you look at the HDP's party programme and election discourses, it is clear that the PKK also has such a dream. The PKK is now an entrenched threat in Syria, and as a proxy of the US, they are not deployed in Kurdish regions, but rather in Arab cities.

The right to citizenship in exchange for real estate should be completely abolished and the principle of reciprocity in housing sales should be reinstated, just like in the past. For example, Kuwait, Russia etc. should give quotas to Turkish citizens and real estate groups equal to the investment made by its citizens in TR.

As a condition for citizenship, which is not based on lineage or marriage, should be required for the written 'Turkish' exam and also required two Turkish citizen guarantors for item 5. (To show that he/she has good morals by acting with the sense of responsibility required by living together in society, to give confidence to his/her environment with his/her behaviour, not to have bad habits that are not welcomed by the society and contrary to the values of the society). In addition, citizenship should not be granted under any circumstances to anyone who has obtained a permanent residence permit and has not lived in our country for a certain period of time (10 years). Guarantors must be legally liable for at least 10 years and just use this only 1 person. In this way, those who obtain citizenship should carry out all kinds of commercial activities through the first guarantors. (There is something similar to this in KSA, foreigners cannot open a commercial enterprise or retail shop)

Academics and research assistants should be exempted and also capital owners if they can guarantee a certain amount of investment and employment in certain sectoral areas to be determined. Foreign citizens who come to our country, or who choose to stay after completing their education, should be subject to a certain qualification classification, as some European countries do, and those who can offer added value to the country should be excluded, ie qualified personnel for some specified occupational groups.

The state should increase inspections on illegal labor and penalties should become a deterrent. In addition, the personal rights of foreign workers working legally should be improved so that the competitiveness of Turkish workers is not reduced. If the penalty for employing illegal workers becomes a deterrent in a way that will lead to imprisonment for those legally responsible for the business, and if the personal rights of foreign workers who will work legally come to the same level as Turkish workers, the labor cost difference for the business will be zero and the quality of the worker will come to the fore.

As a result, those who do not qualify for citizenship and who cannot easily find a job will prefer to buy a house in Northern Syria with guaranteed employment and the condition of staying, in other words, to return. People are driven by material and living conditions. You will make it easier in Northern Syria and harder in TR. In this way, in 2-3 years, you will open a way for 80% of Syrians to back voluntarily. But first and foremost, the Turkish Armed Forces must complete the unfinished work. The safe zones must be physically unified. Otherwise you cannot revive industries and service areas here.

In short,
  • PKK must be crushed in Syria.
  • A livable environment must be created in northern Syria.
  • Meanwhile illegals (even from Armenia there are 50,000 illegals in Turkey, which is complete retard situation) must be deported immediately.
  • A better system should be developed in which we can use the foreign population in the country to our advantage, otherwise permanent residence should be made as difficult as possible and the right to citizenship should be made a much more difficult right.
  • The cheap labor needed for smal scale industry should be considered through inter-state agreements, as Germany once did, but this should be avoided except for Turkic states or Turkic peoples with difficult social-political conditions in foreign states.
And yet you still voted and support this dictatorship regime even though it vowed to not do a single act of all the good ideas you presented. This regimes whole campaign was solely based on not sending any of the so called “Muslim brothers”. None of the Erdoganci’s can talk about anything but HDP this HDP that. Why can’t any of them talk about the economy, justice system, freedom of speech, education system, healthcare etc.. I can name so many more of what’s wrong in our country. I hope in the end people won’t say “I told you so” to you all that voted for this regime that considers everyone that doesn’t align with their beliefs all terrorists.


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And yet you still voted and support this dictatorship regime even though it vowed to not do a single act of all the good ideas you presented. This regimes whole campaign was solely based on not sending any of the so called “Muslim brothers”. None of the Erdoganci’s can talk about anything but HDP this HDP that. Why can’t any of them talk about the economy, justice system, freedom of speech, education system, healthcare etc.. I can name so many more of what’s wrong in our country. I hope in the end people won’t say “I told you so” to you all that voted for this regime that considers everyone that doesn’t align with their beliefs all terrorists.
First of all, I voted for Oğan. Secondly, stop accusing me of things I don't approve of, stop accusing me of things I never said. This whataboutism does not work on me. Secondly, you started out as a wet toilet slipper and now you are still in helpless denial that KK cannot even be a wet toilet slipper. The December 10 movement will be completely purged, some will even be prosecuted. Then I swear to you that I will support the CHP, If new leadership unites nationalism in the country, I will give my vote with peace of mind too, because this is the only way the Akp era will end. I have written dozens of messages on this subject in the forum, I don't think I need to write the same things over and over again.
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21 2,011
Guys the election is not over yet. if you don't want to be responsible for this 13 million mess you know exactly what to do tomorrow. i say this to the AKP voters to have faith in Ümit Özdağ plz go to the polls and vote for KK. this election is not about KK or Erdogan this is about whether the 13 million illegal aliens will stay or leave


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I have a question. What exactly are the supporters of Erdogan supporting him for in this election? Is it because he is against terrorist organizations like FETO, Hezbollah, and PKK? Is it because of his nationalism? Is it because they support his immigration policy? Is it because they are satisfied with him on economic matters? Is it because he is Islamist? Is it for the defense industry? Is it because of the bridges and roads he has built?

The reason I ask these questions is as follows: Erdogan and the AK Party had previously cooperated directly with FETO and PKK. Now it seems they are also in cooperation with Hezbollah via Hüda Par. Regarding nationalism, Erdogan himself once said, 'I have trampled on all kinds of nationalism.' Furthermore, the party he is currently cooperating with, Huda-Par, has an aversion even to the word 'Turk'. Although the economy used to be good, there has been extreme inflation in recent years, and people's purchasing power has significantly decreased. In this regard, immigrants also play a significant role.

However, despite the fact that Erdogan has made significant mistakes and contradictory statements on many of these issues, I have observed the strange phenomenon that the majority (or at least a significant portion) of Erdogan's supporters seem to pretend that Erdogan is faultless on most of these issues, or at least believe he is far better than his alternatives. And These are the only fundamental issues that voters consider when making decisions in Turkey. I am certain that the people here may have seen many of AKP's mistakes in various other areas.

Taking all this into account, the reasons that come to mind for why people support Erdogan are: advancements in the defense industry, his ability to effectively address the public using religion and nationalism (despite contradicting himself in these matters), and most importantly, his use of media power to demonize the opposition (especially Kılıçdaroğlu) and portray himself as the only viable option. He has just managed to convince these people that there is no alternative to him by capitalizing on the weaknesses of the opposing side.
Please... I know Erdoğan supporters. It's not even about the 'no alternative' narrative. These people suffer from a massive case of an extreme inferiority complex. They hate educated people. To them, westernized Turks are the other. The enemy within. They just shut off and follow their leader.

In 20 years, Turks will be the %30 of 20-30 age bracket. We will lose everything we hold dear. We will suffer from not only poverty, but also crime and maybe organized violence from refugees and Kurds. Our mothers, sisters and daughters will be subjected to daily sexual harassment. And we have no one to blame but these people. They must be stopped. I just don't know how.
Just because Kılıçdaroğlu is too weak i think......


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For a while, I decided not to look at this thread or even enter the forum.Frankly, it was making me sick that some non-Turkish forum members were constantly talking about Turkish politics and tell us what we deserve or we don't deserve.But on the last day I felt the need to write something.The last time our nation went through such a test was 100 years ago.And tomorrow is a breaking point for our country.In this forum, we always discussed the developments in our country's defense industry and talked about where we came from.But sometimes we overdo it and miss an obvious fact.These systems are just a tool,not a goal.If we cannot protect the honor of our women and children, it doesn't make sense to produce thousands of Altay tanks.If we can't offer our people a prosperous life, there's no point in producing thousands of fighter aircraft.In this country, if honest people are judged innocently and thieves and criminals are considered credible,then producing ballistic missile is not important at all.I hope things get better after tomorrow.I hope we will have prosperity, justice and peace after tomorrow.

Sad thing is, probably we wouldn't be able to produce any of these in meaningful numbers considering our economic situation and oncoming economic doom.

Anyway.. We'll see, for better and for worse.


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I have a question. What exactly are the supporters of Erdogan supporting him for in this election? Is it because he is against terrorist organizations like FETO, Hezbollah, and PKK? Is it because of his nationalism? Is it because they support his immigration policy? Is it because they are satisfied with him on economic matters? Is it because he is Islamist? Is it for the defense industry? Is it because of the bridges and roads he has built?

The reason I ask these questions is as follows: Erdogan and the AK Party had previously cooperated directly with FETO and PKK. Now it seems they are also in cooperation with Hezbollah via Hüda Par. Regarding nationalism, Erdogan himself once said, 'I have trampled on all kinds of nationalism.' Furthermore, the party he is currently cooperating with, Huda-Par, has an aversion even to the word 'Turk'. Although the economy used to be good, there has been extreme inflation in recent years, and people's purchasing power has significantly decreased. In this regard, immigrants also play a significant role.

However, despite the fact that Erdogan has made significant mistakes and contradictory statements on many of these issues, I have observed the strange phenomenon that the majority (or at least a significant portion) of Erdogan's supporters seem to pretend that Erdogan is faultless on most of these issues, or at least believe he is far better than his alternatives. And These are the only fundamental issues that voters consider when making decisions in Turkey. I am certain that the people here may have seen many of AKP's mistakes in various other areas.

Taking all this into account, the reasons that come to mind for why people support Erdogan are: advancements in the defense industry, his ability to effectively address the public using religion and nationalism (despite contradicting himself in these matters), and most importantly, his use of media power to demonize the opposition (especially Kılıçdaroğlu) and portray himself as the only viable option. He has just managed to convince these people that there is no alternative to him by capitalizing on the weaknesses of the opposing side.

I think the outcome of this election is not so much about erdogans success, though he successfully damage controlled the situation politically speaking, rather about the opposition electorates failure to converge upon a political proposition which was sufficiently compelling to the broader turkish public.

I speculate this to be for two reasons:

1) Distrust of the west

it is no secret that all the major figures in the opposition coalition are thorough atlanticists. Surveys indicate that the turkish public harbours a significant distrust of America and the West. Which is completely rational as one can see the hand of America in the Aegean militarizing greece, and basicailly functioning as the lifeline for the PKK, and so on a so forth. So Kilicdaroglu going on western media and all but declaring his undying loyalty to the west, as well as bringing in known Atlanticists Babacan, and Davutoglu pushes against this sentiment. I think the results in the significant loss of swing voters.

2) Distrust of the HDP

Overlapping with the previous point having the HDP as a very significant partner in the opposition coalition is a big no-no for obvious reasons. The big difference in this regard between Huda-Par and the HDP is that Huda-Par is a tiny member of Erdogans coalition which will have little say and will be easily sidelined, as well that it is not known to be affiliated with PKK as with HDP. I think for many swing voters for whom the PKK issue took primacy, this wouldve led them into the MHP / Erdogan's arms.

A real strength of the opposition was the refugee issue, their rhetoric on the question was much firmer and clearer, albeit at least in my exposure I did not encounter any explanations of how they would accomplish their goals.

I think the lessons are clear. The future of Turkish politics is trending away from Atlanticism, and Islamism as well, and towards parties like MHP, and the ATA Alliance. If there is to be a successful opposition in the future, I believe it will require firmly rejecting the HDP, and demonstrating a politics of independence to the Turkish people as opposed to seeking Western Integration.

To this end, if their is to be successful opposition the Cumhur Alliance in the future I think it will need to revolve around a figure such as Umit Ozdag, or Sinan Ogan. Erdogan himself has demonstrated that he can not control this inevitable shift towards purist Turkic Nationalism, and he has instead chosen to try and ride the wave. If one wants to end Erdogan politically, I believe it will require riding the wave more truly than him.

Im full of crap btw, but this is just what my mind has concluded with the limited information I've consumed. Salam, and good luck to you all. Please pray for my country.


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First of all, I voted for Oğan. Secondly, stop accusing me of things I don't approve of, stop accusing me of things I never said. This whataboutism does not work on me. Secondly, you started out as a wet toilet slipper and now you are still in helpless denial that KK cannot even be a wet toilet slipper. The December 10 movement will be completely purged, some will even be prosecuted. Then I swear to you that I will support the CHP, If new leadership unites nationalism in the country, I will give my vote with peace of mind too, because this is the only way the Akp era will end. I have written dozens of messages on this subject in the forum, I don't think I need to write the same things over and over again.
You’re in denial who are you kidding. You ran a better PR campaign here than the ones Erdogan Hired. All your posts are anti opposition and pro government. So in a sense when you endorse this government you endorse their policies and actions 🤷🏻‍♂️


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You’re in denial who are you kidding. You ran a better PR campaign here than the ones Erdogan Hired. All your posts are anti opposition and pro government. So in a sense when you endorse this government you endorse their policies and actions 🤷🏻‍♂️

All right, then. Here is my sincere opinion: RTE told KK to run for only candiate. He made this clear in every environment. So he is RTE's appointment for the CHP, not your free will. Your role they gave to you is not to chose, but to vote tıpış tıpış. And you indirectly served RTE, Or, to those who want to replace RTE with a spare tire. KK created such an alliance model that you made in alliance with the political Islamist, some of hardline bigots others Atlanticist factions that enteret parliment with your votes, which all have problems with the first four articles of the constitution, consisting of 40-50 MPs, and of course with the support of Hdpkk without any wastage, you voted for them too btw, you voted for hdp also in last election brfore that. You negotiated everything from the local self-government autonomy charter to the release of those with state of emergency decrees. While the political leaders of the PYD openly called on their base to support KK (and they supported KK at their best, those who are curious should look at the first round election results), not a word could be said to them, not a word could be said 'how dare you'. You lynched Ince, you made the most immoral slanders. You imposed monolization(with weird alliance) as democracy You ignored the nationalists until May 14th and pressed all the buttons for two weeks in the shock of waking up late. Real CHP members will first get rid of this baggage, then we listen them all sincere.

Under the current circumstances, any national opposition would have buried RTE in the ballot box, but you ignored the people who were involved in many dirty dealings in anticipation of winning in any way under these circumstances. Every path to victory is not permissible. In any case, this is not a path to victory, but a way to become RTE's stepping stone, wannabe RTE, and to lose 10 elections and still only care about protecting his seat in the party. If I have time after the elections, I will share with you who Kılıçdaroğlu was in the same frame, meetings, with during his trips abroad as CHP leader in last years. Leave aside the propaganda that 'he is a very clean person actually'.

I did my duty in the first round. Tomorrow I will not go to the polls. This period is coming to an end. When the time comes, both will share same fate, one from left and one from right.
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