TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east


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Obedience you get when rules are enforced.

Take Turkiye for instance every 5 years when there are elections there is announced a general pardon for illegal constructions, criminals get pardon and release from prisons.

And than we expect obedience, yeah right! When you have a country run by morons for 50 years you get what we have. Run Japan 50 years by Turkish politicians, Japan will become like Turkiye
Politicians chosen by People.

Douglas MacArthur ruled and reformed Japan ,Japnese people obey that sysytem until now.

IfTurkish politicians, Japan will become like North Koreao_Oo_O


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I think our people cant as patient as Japanese.

lets think in case That are two houses

First one 2M TL riskless,second one 1M but with some risk in great earthquake,

At most time Japanese choose the first (with much loan)and Our people choose the second one and say that s god will

Also,after any earthquake ,Japanese remember that and our people forget that soon.....
That's not really an excuse. The core(foundation, columns, beams, floors etc.) of the building cost only like 25 percent of the overall cost of building. Stealing from that 25% is what kills people.


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Retired Brigadier General Osman Aydoğan wrote a small informative article about the EMASYA-centered discussions:

Earthquake, EMASYA and DAFYAR

February 16, 2023

The most debated topic on the agenda due to the earthquake is the EMASYA protocol. The EMASYA protocol, whose full name is an abbreviation of the phrase "Security-Military Assistance", was an arrangement for the military to intervene in social incidents in cases where the security forces were not sufficient.

EMASYA protocol

The EMASYA protocol was signed between the Ministry of Interior and the General Staff on July 7, 1997. Under the 27-article protocol, EMASYA Regional and Secondary Regional Commands were established. The AKP abolished the EMASYA protocol on February 4, 2010.

This is all the brief information I can give about the EMASYA protocol... This protocol does not include the deployment of the Turkish Armed Forces in case of an earthquake or a natural disaster! And it wouldn't... Even the name of the protocol is EMASYA, meaning "Security, Public Order and Assistance" protocol... As I mentioned in the introduction, it was an arrangement for the military to intervene in social incidents when the security forces were not sufficient.

But in this earthquake disaster, everyone who knows or doesn't know is talking about the EMASYA protocol... According to these discussants, if the EMASYA protocol had not been abolished, the TSK would have intervened immediately in the earthquake zone on its own!... However, the EMASYA protocol has nothing to do with the earthquake and the use of the TSK in earthquakes...


Kazım Karabekir's daughter Hayat Karabekir Feyzioğlu, speaking at a commemoration ceremony held at the General Staff Headquarters, said: "My father had a saying that I often feel the need to repeat: 'Citizen, misinformation is a source of disaster. Seek and learn the truth of every matter first! Then debate it as you wish! The first is based on your conscience, the second on your character and wisdom."

That's what I do: I first seek the truth of the matter...

To find out the truth, we need to take a look at an existing law:

Law No. 7269

''Law on Measures to be Taken and Assistance to be Provided in Case of Disasters Affecting Public Life'', Law No: 7269, Date of Adoption: 15/5/1959, Published in the Official Gazette: 25/5/1959 Number: 10213


In line with this law, the "Regulation on Disaster and Emergency Response Services" was finally put into force by the CB on February 23, 2022 and some regulations were made regarding the "Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency" to be established by the governorships within the scope of this law.

According to Article 1 of this law: (The article is long, I am taking the relevant part)

Article 1 - (Amended: 2/7/1968-1051/1 Art.) (Amended first paragraph: 27/12/1993-3956/1 Art.) In the event of earthquake (earthquake), fire, flood, landslide, rock fall, avalanche, avulsion and similar disasters; ... the governor of the region where the disaster occurs is authorized to take the urgent measures required to be taken in accordance with this law in case of the occurrence of the disaster.

According to Article 7 of this law:

Obligations: Article 7 - The commanders of the army, gendarmerie, corps, units and institutions in or around the disaster areas are obliged to render the assistance requested by the governor without waiting for orders from their superiors.

There are many more articles in the law. However, these are the relevant sections of the law.

In other words, according to this law, the authority responsible for taking measures against disasters is the governor. TAF units are also obliged to provide the assistance requested by the governor without waiting for orders from their superiors.

TAF Internal Service Law No. 211

The TAF Internal Service Law No. 211 dated 4/1/1961 also refers to this law and assigns duties to the TAF: "Article 112 of the Internal Service Law - In case of earthquake, fire, flood, landslide, rock fall, avalanche and similar natural disasters, action shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 7269 and its annexes.

In other words, according to the Internal Service Law, in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake, TAF units must respond immediately to the governors' request for assistance without waiting for orders from their superiors. .


TAF Natural Disaster Relief Operation (DAFYAR) Directive.

Law No. 7269 on Measures to be Taken and Assistance to be Provided in the Event of Disasters Affecting Public Life and TAF Internal Service Law No. 211 assign such a duty to the TAF, and the TAF prepares a directive: ''TAF Natural Disaster Relief Operation (DAFYAR) Directive. This directive is updated over the years according to the capabilities and needs of the TAF. This directive was last updated in 2000.


In line with this directive, all units of the Turkish Armed Forces prepare a DAFYAR plan, and their units are equipped and trained according to this plan.

For example, for an earthquake, a military unit forms and trains units such as Search and Rescue Team, Security Team, Resettlement Team, Food Team, Health Team. For example, the Resettlement Team is divided into Tent Team, Toilet Team, Bathroom Team. The military unit plans, trains and drills for these missions... In this way, the military unit plans, trains, drills and is ready for its mission at any moment...

Duty of governors

Law No. 7269 on Measures to be Taken and Assistance to be Provided in Case of Disasters Affecting Public Life assigns the governor of the region where the disaster occurs to take the urgent measures required to be taken in accordance with this law in the event of a disaster and orders the establishment of a "Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency" within the governorship. According to the law, the governor is the chairman of the Board, which is called the "Disaster and Emergency Coordination Board" in the regulation. The Garrison Commander also takes part in this board. Natural disaster response plans must be made through this board. According to these plans, trainings and drills must be conducted.

Military units must make their own plans in accordance with these plans. Military units should also carry out their training and exercises in line with this plan. Military units must act without delay and without waiting for orders from their superiors during disasters...

To summarize; Law No. 7269, without interpretation, clearly and unambiguously orders governors to make a plan for these disaster situations, to make preparations in line with this plan, to plan who, where and what to do in the event of a disaster within the framework of this plan and preparation, and to call military units to help in case of need... There is a legal definition in Roman law: "If the provision is clear, it cannot be interpreted"... Law No. 7269 gives this duty to the governors in a clear and unambiguous manner, without interpretation... The words "AFAD will provide the coordination of aid", which are widely spoken in front of the cameras, have no validity in the face of this law. This law is still in force and it assigns the execution, coordination and responsibility for aid in the event of a disaster to the governor of the province... This discourse is one of the biggest reasons for the chaos in the earthquake zone...


On February 06, 2023, Turkiye experienced the biggest earthquake disaster of the century in ten provinces. There is no need to repeat the problems experienced here. We have all seen and are still experiencing them. If we look at the part of the problem that is relevant to our subject, in the earthquake, around 12,000 (twelve thousand) buildings in ten provinces collapsed, and only on the second day of the earthquake did the Minister of Defense announce that they had deployed 3,000 (three thousand) soldiers to the earthquake zone...



The Turkish Armed Forces is one of the most powerful armies in the world. It can be said that TAF's fleet of transport helicopters is the largest in the world after the USA. It can be said that TAF's fleet of transport aircraft is the largest fleet of transport aircraft in the world after the USA. It can be said that TAF's tank carrier fleet (for the purpose of carrying construction equipment) is the largest tank carrier fleet in the world after the USA. TAF has both the largest capacity and the greatest experience in field tents, field toilets, field bathrooms and field kitchens. The TAF is among the world's leading armies in terms of vehicles, equipment, organization, communication, discipline and management power. There is no other institution in Turkiye as strong and organized as the TAF...


The questions are many. However, the following question should be asked: Why is it that the Turkish Armed Forces, which has such a great capacity and power, is not called upon by the governors to help and be on duty in the event of such a major disaster, despite the explicit order of Law No. 7269? Why was the TAF not utilized to its full capacity in the first three days of the earthquake and still today? Won't the Public Prosecutors open an investigation ex officio due to the fact that thousands of people were left under the ruins in need of help, thousands of people were left to die, and thousands of people who survived the earthquake were left without help in the first days of the earthquake due to mistakes, negligence and deficiencies in this matter?

''The Republic of Turkiye ...... is a state of law.'' (Turkish Constitution, Art. 2)

Arz ederim,



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That's not really an excuse. The core(foundation, columns, beams, floors etc.) of the building cost only like 25 percent of the overall cost of building. Stealing from that 25% is what kills people.
Yes,So mentality needs to change

Our people usually willing to pay 100%risk for 10%cost


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Politicians chosen by People.

Douglas MacArthur ruled and reformed Japan ,Japnese people obey that sysytem until now.

IfTurkish politicians, Japan will become like North Koreao_Oo_O
Install German politicians in Turkiye, it will become like Germany in no time.

Politicians are not chosen by people, take CHP for instance, KK lost more than 15 elections in a row, people don't want him but he is still at the head of CHP.

Same with MHP and many other parties. Which politician do we really chose?


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Almost all of the demolished new buildings, especially those on avenues and boulevards, have workplaces, shops or galleries on their ground floors.

In other words, it is highly likely that the columns of many of these apartment buildings were cut later. Especially workshops, car dealerships and hardware stores. Banks, clinics, etc. have a different housing legislation and it is very unlikely in these types of workplaces, but you can see examples of this in most of the remaining ones. If I know our people a little bit, I can also say that it is likely that almost all of them have had their columns cut.

There are too many 'namussuz' contractors. But let's not forget that there are also too many shopkeepers who do not care about the safety of the floor owners above them. This should not be limited to contractors. Everyone, from building inspection companies to those who prepare the ground survey reports, from builders to the officials who sign these projects in the municipality, every criminal must be held accountable.
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Mentality needs to change too.

I remember years ago or a decade ago a little girl fell to her death to the sewers as some prick instead of putting safety signs and a barricade put a piece of cardboard to cover the hole and the girl walked on it.
It start with education first within family then the school. I am not sure whether we can ever change our mentality.


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It starts with contol!

If you don't control bakeries, restaurant, food chains, than do not be surprised you have unhygienic situations
If you don't control cars parked on places where cars may not park, no one will respect traffic rules
If you don't control tax payment, people will do everything to avoid paying tax
If you don't control buildings on specifications, don't be surprised when many of your buildings collapse during earthquakes

Golden rule: state needs to have functioning control mechanisms


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Left-wing organizations 5-6 years ago in Hatay organized in 6 neighborhoods and wanted to create a popular movement against urban transformation. There were many incidents. The zoning problems and the urban transformation issue here inevitably became politicized.


In November 2015, the mukhtar of İskenderun-Meydan neighborhood took the urban transformation project for 6 neighborhoods to be demolished and reconstructed by the Municipality, which was approved by the Council of Ministers, to the court. In 2017, the decision was finalized and the demolition and urban transformation decision taken by the Council of Ministers was canceled by the court.

The media organs of leftist organizations were reporting as follows in those days.

After the demolition decision was canceled by the Administrative Court, the Council of Ministers appealed this decision and declared 6 neighborhoods as risky areas again. This decision was published in the Official Gazette on December 2017. After this decision, 6 neighborhoods objected to the decision again. With the objection to the decision of the administrative court that canceled the demolition decision of the Council of Ministers and the repeated decision published in the Official Gazette on December 14, 2017, a new judicial process started and this process ended in 2022. The Council of State canceled the Council of Ministers' decision.


Now, after hundreds of people died in these neighborhoods in the earthquake, the media organs of the same organizations and well known social media figures are turning the situation upside down this time and making propaganda that the state has stopped urban transformation in these areas.

In short, if you are an average Turkish citizen, you are under a deluge of disinformation. There is terrible information pollution.


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UN Secretary-General Guterres: "It is time for the world to support the Turkish people, who have always shown solidarity with those seeking help. Today, the UN is launching a $1 billion humanitarian appeal for the Turkish people hit by the worst earthquake of the century. I call on the international community to fully support this initiative to respond to the worst natural disaster of our time.

The funding will be spread over a 3-month period and aims to accelerate the contribution of aid organizations to the work carried out by the government, Guterres said, adding that 5.2 million people will be assisted in the areas of food, security, education, water and shelter.


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UN Secretary-General Guterres: "It is time for the world to support the Turkish people, who have always shown solidarity with those seeking help. Today, the UN is launching a $1 billion humanitarian appeal for the Turkish people hit by the worst earthquake of the century. I call on the international community to fully support this initiative to respond to the worst natural disaster of our time.

The funding will be spread over a 3-month period and aims to accelerate the contribution of aid organizations to the work carried out by the government, Guterres said, adding that 5.2 million people will be assisted in the areas of food, security, education, water and shelter.
“UN Secretary-General Guterres: "It is time for the world to support the Turkish people, who have always shown solidarity with those seeking help.”

Can’t lie, I’m touched


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Renowned architects (both Turkish and known globally, also foreigners) are offering help, expertise for free, to design future of cities, even for the temporary container residences.

However on the other hand we have architects whom does not nothing but copies the ottoman style domes and lines, and charges.

Which side would win, in your opinion?

Ottoman style? The Ottoman state was terrorized with earthquakes almost every year, but their cities, buildings, towns and villages didnt turn into dust like that of the Turkish republic.

Because they had real architects and engineers with brains and to much fear in their hearts to steal materials (like Sinan and his followers).

You couldnt be a architect and a cab-driver at the same time those days, like now. Every hookah-smooking pimp with a mustache at the street is nowdays a architect and builds a house from paper.

This was so before Erdogan and it never stopped. How can a tobacco trader who screams daily at the market turn into a architect without even turn a page of a book? Let alone take a study.


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TOKI certainly cannot carry this burden alone. Each and every contractor(*who does their job right and fears god) in Turkiye should take part in this work. The real problem in housing construction is not the cost but the size of the job. If you calculate in 4 floor 8-flat, about 50,000 buildings need to be completed in 1 year. This does not include the reconstruction of the countryside and commercial areas.

Remember, there is already a 1 million housing program for low-income citizens in addition to TOKİ's ongoing projects. Moreover, there is a commitment to deliver these houses within 2 years. Moreover, half of the cost of these 1 million houses will be covered by the treasury.

Together with dozens of ongoing projects, this means at least 500,000 housing units by 2024 and nearly 2 million by 2025. To be built by other ministries: Add the thousands of schools, hospitals, public buildings, mosques, cultural and recreational areas, parks and gardens, infrastructure, etc on it.

Even if we consider land costs as 0, all this housing and infrastructure construction alone may require over 10 billion dollars in additional resources. In addition, state banks will need to create appropriate loan packages to finance the need for new buildings that will not be built by the state, are in a slightly damaged condition, or for one reason or another. Also, our country is also struggling with inflation. From building materials to furniture, supply channels need to be completely reorganized and if necessary, some sectors should be banned from export.

But this is not the main cost, commercial activities will need to be revitalized to prevent economic shrinkage in the region and to maintain its population. Thousands of businesses, workshops and even factories have been damaged. Getting them back up and running and rebuilding those that were destroyed is another problem, and there will be dozens of other huge expense items that the treasury will have to deal with directly, such as subsidizing the losses of businesses that have not been operating since the day of the disaster and probably will not be able to operate for some time to come, deferring loan debts, tax and premium amnesties, unemployment allowances, and allocating funds to disaster victims. People lost their homes and jobs. For first year, until they get homes earthquake victims should be provided with the best possible conditions.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to write all this here. I wish we had not lost any of our people and we would have faced twice the cost. But the indirect costs of being caught unprepared for the disaster will be more of a problem than the direct costs. For this reason, I think cost estimates only for the renewal of the building stock are not very realistic. Cumulatively, there will be a huge bill.
Element block construction, where you get the elements like lego blocks. You’d have to apply heavy control of these production plants. And of course on sites as well. If necessary get samples tested abroad.


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His getting old and also fatigue has set in years ago.

The problem itself none of his opponents are any good.

Which makes the election worse itself.

I really do believe Erdogan is going to call it the quits. The man has been so integral to Turkish politics its hard for many to even think he will leave one day. Maybe I might be naive but Erdogan looks like the guy who will quit one day and call it a day for good.

Has Turkiye even prepared itself for a post Erdogan future.
His opponents arent even announced yet, i wish i had the ability to see the future like you.


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Not trying to blame the dead people ( may Allah have mercy on them )

But generally, people do take responsibly on this matter . It’s the client fault to not ask the real estate agent if this unit is earthquake proof or not .

The worst is if a client bought a house and ( he knows ) that it’s not earthquake proof because of higher cost and the low probability of having a earthquake in the life span .

I won’t talk about if the contractor lied to the estate agent or the client cuz that's a different topic
This question should not be necessary to begin with because the building codes in Turkey require erthquake resistant construction, its just that the government failed to enforce it.


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Install German politicians in Turkiye, it will become like Germany in no time.

Politicians are not chosen by people, take CHP for instance, KK lost more than 15 elections in a row, people don't want him but he is still at the head of CHP.

Same with MHP and many other parties. Which politician do we really chose?
Politicians alone change nothing, mentality needs to change, each country has the politicians that they deserve, in Turkey a politician can steal openly and balatantly, he can openly ignore court rulings and even threaten them but nobody bats an eye, the fanatics even support and find excuses and their behalf.

The only way to change the mentality is to educate people and raise a generation with awareness, we did the opposite in 20 years, turned schools into mosques...
You could put the best politician in the world as Turkish president and he would be smeared and fall victim to political games, Turkish politics is nasty and its being nurtured by a dysfunctional socieity.
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India's NDRF personnel received a warm welcome at Adana Airport after they returned from rescue & search operations in quake-hit areas of Turkey.


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