Mate, you're making up weird scenarios and then coming up with convoluted solutions.Another thought think small scale internal conflict so rather than a town think a village, as it seems BURC is designed for low-intensity conflict (LIC).
So if we are at war with a neighboring country and internal uprising was triggered. We send this to villages that are suspected of attacking a base nearby. So the dude's will go in and paint target, the system rains in missiles. Terror groups send in Quadcopter with improvised or air dropped mortar rounds like in Ukraine, the system takes that down. Think this is attached to a search convoy from a local Kalekol of few Cobra2/Ejder/Vuran with limited resources.
A vehicle with 4 anti-tank missiles is not "raining missiles", it doesn't even make sense to use Umtas or Cirit against anything other than armored targets. And in a scenario against kamikaze drones of any kind, it is better to have more aa capability than to have anti armor missiles. Main gun for FPV drones and aa missiles for anything bigger.
Your previous edit was weird as well, Sungur has 8 kms of range, if a convoy is long enough to be outside of its engagement range then that convoy is already fucked. Having anti armor missiles doesn't help that at all.