Mr Demir:"Our work for samp-t continues. We will move on to the new stage."
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In short ; they have taken a Hisar O missile, slapped a booster used in Atmaca at the bottom of it then replaced it’s seeker head with Hisar-RF seeker head and to compensate the aerodynamic imbalance they have altered the side control wings .![]()
Milli uzun menzilli hava savunma sistemi SİPER'in füzesi test edildi
Uzun menzilde etkili olacak hava savunma füze sistemi SİPER yaptığı başarılı test atışından sonra projede bir aşamayı daha geride bıraktı
Hey presto,
We have a Siper missile with a range of almost 100km.
Ingenious! That is all I can say!
View attachment 37464
The HİSAR O-RF Missile is a missile with virtually the same physical structure as the HİSAR-O Missile. It is not yet in production and is still in development stage. They have replaced the IIR seeker head of the Hisar-O with a RF seeker head.Why just they didn't add a booster to Hisar O RF? How much range would Hisar O RF have if the missile was with the booster?
Siper 0 missile seems 5-6meter length. İt's not too long for naval platforms?
Hisar-RF might have evolved into Siper Block 0 to serve the common interest of forces through a single platform. The missile looks narrower (to my eye), has got foldable control surfaces and likely quadpackable without the booster. Navy wants a quadpackable missile for point defence duties, this is end of story for most of the discussion. ESSM stock is not unlimited and in 5 years they will need to replenish those stocks due to the shelf life. If not Roketsan, Navy will sign contract with SAGE for G40/60. But Navy is also intrigued by the idea of having a common architecture since for the Navy, the continuity, maintenance matters the most.The HİSAR O-RF Missile is a missile with virtually the same physical structure as the HİSAR-O Missile. It is not yet in production and is still in development stage. They have replaced the IIR seeker head of the Hisar-O with a RF seeker head.
Due to warming issues in the atmosphere, the IIR seeker head was the stumbling block to achieve the extended range and altitude. This RF seeker head automatically increases the range and altitude envelope of the missile as the missile has the potential to achieve it. So literally what they have done is what you are asking.
My understanding is such that in I-Class, they will be using 8 x dualpack Siper and 4 x quadpack ESSM in the 16 Midas cells this ship is going to have. (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Quad packed SAM with 100km range is real challenge.Hisar-RF might have evolved into Siper Block 0 to serve the common interest of forces through a single platform. The missile looks narrower (to my eye), has got foldable control surfaces and likely quadpackable without the booster. Navy wants a quadpackable missile for point defence duties, this is end of story for most of the discussion. ESSM stock is not unlimited and in 5 years they will need to replenish those stocks due to the shelf life. If not Roketsan, Navy will sign contract with SAGE for G40/60. But Navy is also intrigued by the idea of having a common architecture since for the Navy, the continuity, maintenance matters the most.
The "Siper" that the Navy has been waiting for years, is not the "Siper Block 0", i have said this before too. Navy is eyeing the true Siper since the beginning for long range high altitude air defence, while this Siper Block 0 could have been made to serve point defence duty in quadpackable configuration, medium to long range air defense duties with the booster.
This is wise, long range SAM systems are being developed to share the same architecture; same surveilance radar subsystems, same fire control radar subsystems, same missile architecture. This will ease serial production.
And for a reason this is called Block 0 intentionally by Ismail Demier, likely it is a development stage and the booster will get narrower as well and eventually they can achieve to quadpack it with a booster too then rename it as block-I. If they manage to quadpack it with a booster,or offer it with a narrow cell like CAMM or MICA offers, then we will have a missile that will challenge those.
For the doublepacking, it is so far a rumor spread from SADFOR, and in technical point of view double packing is a lot harder than the quadpacking. This rumor solely is based on the fact that the proposed missiles had a diameter that doesn't allow quadpacking. The new missile unlike the others in past, has been made to allow quadpacking.
There will always be people in both camps that says if you're not with us then you must be in the other camp. This could not be further than the truth.
There will always be true patriots that says. We don't need to suck up to either camp. We have to be quiet and resilient until we have develop the capability ourselves.
Neither of the two camps can tolerate the true patriots because it's an enigma to both sides.
"Dogruya Dogru, yanlisa Yanlis." At the end of the day there are corruption on both sides.
We may have faith in our defense industry like Aselsan, Havelsan, Roketsan, TAI, TEI etc. But at the end of the day the corrupt politicians can ruin those companies very easily.
Those headlines are enough to cause a stir!
MKE coming of age.
I think it is the protective cover for the IR seeker.Was this HISAR with RF seeker?