I think criticism is always good; what is important is to see that with what intention it is done. Some are ignorant, some are malignant, but some criticisms come from a place of love, in a strive to be better. Societies that shun critics and differing opinions and fall into the trap of gassing themselves up all the time, spiral down into self-aggrandizing delusions which look comic from the outside (we all know these kind of societies right?); then they come up with horrible products and everybody is all praise; even those who know better, because they're afraid of being lynched for their differing opinion. Criticism provided that they don't come from bad intent, are always good imo, even if they're ignorant, because even ignorant criticisms will lead to learning if they don't come with bad intent. So I see the criticisms on various products who are active in these forums as loving criticisms which show a healthy mindset.