Previous Atak2 design hasnt been modified but it has been radically changed for a reason. There is a will/requirement behind this change so don't care on the shapes of sections too much in this period.
First of all, cockpit sections were raised and in this way, a larger area was obtained at the bottom of cockpit. This part was extended to the sides as well.
With the elevation of the cockpit sections, an extra space was obtained in the head section as well. The section under the head was rounded up and optics were placed accordingly. Currently, shape given to the area between nose and gunner cockpit seems strange to people but this area is most likely to be used for different sensors in the future.
This helicopter is also designed according to the demands of the Navy. It is a process and it will eventually take its final form according to wishes of its customers. Currently, what is desired is to provide a safe helicopter flight engine/transmission and rotor compatibility. In the next process, the issue of different sensors and the functionality of all these sensors together will be on the agenda. Hasty comments can lead to false conclusions regarding this project since as far as I see even the gun is a mock-up.