Biden Preparing to Declare That Atrocities Against Armenia Were Genocide

Bosanski Vojnik

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Lets see how the talks with the Taliban goes without Turkey, for instance. There are many methods in which Turkey can get back at a multitude of countries. Unfortunately, current government are not active at all and like getting it first!

Turkey needs to get back at the Dark Green countries in this map:

so called genocide recognition map

The Turkish government and Parliament need to respond with like for like measures. America needs to be declared a genocidal state for it's actions against Native Americans and Black people in the past. Also all co-operation with the United States should cease and their ambassador should be deported.

Bulgarian deportations and murder of Pomaks need to be declared a genocide as well as the murder/annihalation of Turks/Muslims in Caucases, Balkans and the Middle East

Turkey needs to work with African countries to recognize France's and Belgium's colonial actions as Genocide. This includes calling a global conference on Western Genocide as well as a conference that calls for western reparations in Africar their genocide and explotation of Africans including plundering of wealth, slavery, robbery and human experimentation on local populace etc..

No more mr nice guy. Turkey needs to react with appropriate measures to defend the dignity and independence of the nation.

Bosanski Vojnik

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I hope our snowflakes in the government and the general snowflakes can be silent for once. No reaction would be the best reaction. I am happy they finally do it, there are more important issues and this is not one of them we should care about.

Turkey needs a leader like Ilham Aliev

Who care's if he is a dictator as long as he restores the pride and strength of the Naton.

A True Turkish Nationalist who knows what is best for his country. Erdogan, Davutoglu and leaders of the past like Demiral etc.. were simply caught up in stupid ideological positions which ultimately did not help Turkey at all. Mavi Marmara, Arab spring etc.. was all a waste of time looking back at it. In fact believe it or not I actually know someone who was on the Mavi Marmara and the guy is a western communist PKK/YPJ supporter and that's the type of people Davutoglu made Turkey wasted it's time sponsoring lol

Turkey and it's people need to understand it's geopolitical position and act on it. The interest of The Turkish Nation trumps any so called "brotherhood" with neighbouring Arab Nations or allegiance to the liberal Secular world. Turks have always been Turks - neither Middle-Eastern or European. In times of hardship Turkish republic can only rely on it's Turkic kin. If Turkey wants to expand and protect it's regional and global power it needs to depend on reliable allies.

If Erdogan was smart he would declare a Turkic World order in which Turkey's main aspirations should be to build ties with fellow Turkish Nations and in other nations that are non-Turkic but are vital to Turkey's energy interests and geo-political goals such as Libya, Algeria, Bosnia, Albania, Somalia etc..


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Turkey needs a leader like Ilham Aliev

Who care's if he is a dictator as long as he restores the pride and strength of the Naton.

A True Turkish Nationalist who knows what is best for his country. Erdogan, Davutoglu and leaders of the past like Demiral etc.. were simply caught up in stupid ideological positions which ultimately did not help Turkey at all. Mavi Marmara, Arab spring etc.. was all a waste of time looking back at it. In fact believe it or not I actually know someone who was on the Mavi Marmara and the guy is a western communist PKK/YPJ supporter and that's the type of people Davutoglu made Turkey wasted it's time sponsoring lol

Turkey and it's people need to understand it's geopolitical position and act on it. The interest of The Turkish Nation trumps any so called "brotherhood" with neighbouring Arab Nations or allegiance to the liberal Secular world. Turks have always been Turks - neither Middle-Eastern or European. In times of hardship Turkish republic can only rely on it's Turkic kin. If Turkey wants to expand and protect it's regional and global power it needs to depend on reliable allies.

If Erdogan was smart he would declare a Turkic World order in which Turkey's main aspirations should be to build ties with fellow Turkish Nations and in other nations that are non-Turkic but are vital to Turkey's energy interests and geo-political goals such as Libya, Algeria, Bosnia, Albania, Somalia etc..

Erdogan instead is going to send his condolences to the Armenian people after that praise Armenians in Turkey.

The guy is a joke not one backbone to defend his own kin this what burns me man.

He constantly bends the knee while people spit on his face. He did this condolences bullshit so many times still does nothing to change peoples perception. This nice guy crap ruins us badly.


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When Erdogan sent his condolences the Armenians replied back by burning the Turkish flag.


America forced India to remove export restrictions on Hydroxy Chloroquine tablets so that USA can purchase them when USA’s Wuhan Virus situation was bad.

But when India asked USA to remove export restrictions of APIs needed to manufacture the Covishield vaccine in India as our condition of the pandemic was worse, Uncle Sam refused.

America is just a bully, the most unreliable partner and the biggest parasite.

Communists and Capitalists are equal subhumans with different way of doing human rights abuses.

It’s time to recognise Vietnamese genocide by the US Army in Vietnam, Japanese genocide in Hiroshima & Nagasaki Nuclear attacks and other war crimes done in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. And USA should be forced to not leave Afghanistan before cleaning the mess it created in 1980s called the Afghan Taliban.
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Is this how you respond to bullies, be silent and take it on the chin? What kind of defeatist attitude is that?!

Do you care and react like a child everytime someone says something bad about you? Because thats how our foreign policy usually looks like in reaction to those absolutely meaningless recognitions.


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This was a good development people and a good indicator for many things. We should be happy.


Baklava Consumer
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No,you dont see the impact it will have when we dont give any attention to it.
Literally no attention,no comment no nothing.
Every litle comment will make us look weak.
Do you care and react like a child everytime someone says something bad about you? Because thats how our foreign policy usually looks like in reaction to those absolutely meaningless recognitions.

Not saying anything makes us look weak, ever since Armenians started their lies Turkey has shut it's mouth and done absolutely nothing - look how far their lies have evolved Goebbels would be proud! Where do their lies stop? When do we give it attention? When they start claiming Turkish land of their ancestors or compensation in international courts?


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Yeah actually why not. Its about time to be honest.
Half of Turkey would linch him for that, proper responce would be buying more russian hardware just to piss of usa more and unleash proper military offensive into the sdf area, lets see if usa army would stop you at your doorstep, you are in their eyes genociders so why not anyway.


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I opened a thread about this in reddit, it is currently waiting moderator approval:
I believe this was a good indicator for great many of things.
1- This thing was like Democles' sword on top of our neck every year and they wasted this trump card in a very weak way. They used it in a time where everyone knew the US and Turkey fell off politically, when the US was also accusing China of genocide, when they were going at each other with Russia. They did it just after kicking Turkey out of F-35 programme.
So everyone sensible is aware the US is a country that exploits historical-humanitarian events for its political interests. They just over exposed themselves. Maybe if they did this in a more calm, convenient time it would have been a massive hit to Turkey.
2- Them never using the word was sth that whipped up the Armenian diaspora and in fact kept them intact. Sort of like a ''great cause'' for them. Because everyone knows, the best thing to maintain a group together is giving them a common target. Now they got what they wanted. I read in the Armenian sub once, after this they will chase the recognition of ''Artsakh'' but that can be nowhere near close to replacing this.
3- In fact the US not recognising it made it a debated topic in the US media and because of this it actually had an opposite effect of more people getting exposed to their propaganda.
Since the US president ''recognised it''(whatever that means, f***ing guy with a dementia cant even show where Armenia is on the map) they will talk about it 2-3 days not even that much and they will move on.
Now of course they will continue to ''protest'' Turkish government but the campaigns to make the president say the word will at least cease. They will live their honeymoon. After the honeymoon, life continues.
4- This is also a good implication about how the US is out of moves towards Turkey. This was them getting very low. They at last weaponised history to annoy us. Previously they did sanctions, they hit our defense industry, they arranged a coup, they continuously support PKK&YPG, they didnt sell patriots and they kicked us off the S400 programme, they choked their public to anti-Turkish sentiments and propaganda. They did all of that and we although crippled for all of it, somehow survived every one of them.
They dont even care about their reputation within Turkish public. They are well aware it is beyond repairable. They are(and their vassals within our country) beyond exposed for their intentions.
What should we do?
We need to keep it cool and continue what we do as if nothing happened. We should continue growing our defense industry, we should continue our operations in Iraq and Syria. We should continue our policy of stabilising Middle East with only the countries in it.
We shouldnt quit Nato. We have the right to veto in Nato. We should stay in it and veto any potential applications from Cyprus.
We should continue to cooperate with Azerbaijan and never open borders with Armenia. We are lucky we are the ones that matter in this geography. Their voices may be high in the states but the states dont matter in here. We are the reality of this geography.
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