no I left the mushroom business.. its too difficult or you need is proper sterilizing equipment for much better results.. the best you can do is a temperatured growing room specially in the end
the King Oyster Mushroom was much harder than the ordinary Oyster Mushroom I tried both they said the King oyster is a little bit harder but for me it was very hard because it grows slower and needs time and that gives bacteria and others time to destroy it.. in the end the King Oyster Mushroom was infected by something.. but it was fun and I learned much
.. the above images are from the ordinary oyster mushroom
if you want to test it than I recommend to begin with small amounts I was a little bit too crazy with that big one..
Last few years, I set up good bed+heater in basement (temp control is easiest there and dont have to worry about light) and grow button mushrooms every winter season for about half the year. Winter is just naturally best season conditions for it in the basement.
It is fairly easy I found, I should remember to take pics this coming winter for this thread.
It is actually fairly low effort.....I use mix of compost and manure...latter I buy from guy I know (he is experienced mushroom guy, I buy spores from him too) and I use my own compost....and then just need some potting soil to cover and help out the early webbing (i forgot what these are called). Just need to spray/mist with water to keep things damp enough.
It gives 3 - 4 harvests in the season....and can also grow some harvests out to more mature portobello.
The used material is great composting material to start when spring arrives. Then I just acquire whatever I need when it comes to late autumn.
I will try some new mushroom species (like your oyster and maybe shitake) later too.
The other thing I have been starting is beekeeping, I havent committed anything to it at my place (I help out neighbour who has been doing it for some years now, in exchange for some honey at end)....but I am gaining confidence now to start my own hive hopefully soon.