Breaking News China-US War?


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Their opinion about Pelosi: A trouble maker who brings calamity to Taiwan, " why she came here anyway, the only thing she did is stirring troubles for us"

I can totally understand their this feeling, it's the Taiwan people who have to suffer from the consequences and long term economic impact, not some keyboard warriors in this forum.


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This is from western perspective, not from non western perspective, I lived in the west for many years, and I can tell from first hand experience western values and ethnics are not their strength, they are their biggest weakness, the cause of the true decadence, as for how much support China can get from the Chinese public, you can google to find them out. You don't know how much Chinese government improved the standard of living of the average Chinese people and how much the Chinese public benefited during the past a couple of decades.

For sure it's from my personal perspective, but that doesn't change anything unless I've made wrong statements.
I disagree with that, our values are not a weakness, in fact they were built from many years of wars, confrontation and lessons from history, what is weakening us is the good life.... young people have a weak perspective of current realities as they have born in accomodated societies.

China built it's strongness with the tacit message of "let us guide the country while economy and life conditions grow" but I'm sure China will face really big problems if they commit a significant mistake, as many people is silent and barely agrees with the current form of government.

I will love to know how much support has from the people, but as everyone knows it's a dictatoship and they can say whatever they want in their own benefit as well news and public opinion.... they obviously benefit the people who agrees more with their current politics... Emotions are emotions, facts are facts.

We shouldn't forget how Taiwan is what it is today, after a big civil war..... Can you imagine a China being a full democracy? What will make posible those changes? People real opinions maybe?

Can we know the real opinion from a chinesse uyghur etnic guy who connects freely to internet and maybe post here his opinion?


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For sure it's from my personal perspective, but that doesn't change anything unless I've made wrong statements.
I disagree with that, our values are not a weakness, in fact they were built from many years of wars, confrontation and lessons from history, what is weakening us is the good life.... young people have a weak perspective of current realities as they have born in accomodated societies.

China built it's strongness with the tacit message of "let us guide the country while economy and life conditions grow" but I'm sure China will face really big problems if they commit a significant mistake, as many people is silent and barely agrees with the current form of government.

I will love to know how much support has from the people, but as everyone knows it's a dictatoship and they can say whatever they want in their own benefit as well news and public opinion.... they obviously benefit the people who agrees more with their current politics... Emotions are emotions, facts are facts.

We shouldn't forget how Taiwan is what it is today, after a big civil war..... Can you imagine a China being a full democracy? What will make posible those changes? People real opinions maybe?

Can we know the real opinion from a chinesse uyghur etnic guy who connects freely to internet and maybe post here his opinion?
If you believe that all the polls and surveys dones in China are control and fake, then there's nothing I can do to help you, maybe you can check what Chinese outside China think



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This video was done by a Canandian based poll and survey entity, you can check their other videos to access their authentity.

What Does Democracy Mean To The Chinese? [Street Interview] | ASIAN BOSS



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As China aims to change Taiwan’s status quo, US does damage control​

August 07, 2022
Wajahat S. Khan

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s controversial trip last week to show solidarity with democratic Taiwan made more than a splash.

China’s unprecedented live-fire military exercises have changed the status quo of how far it can breach into territory that the self-governing island controls. Meanwhile, the US tried to manage the crisis without ruffling more feathers, Taipei pushed back with its own war games, and the wider region braced for impact.

China reacted in ways we haven’t seen before. Beijing concluded Sunday four days of land-sea-air exercises across seven “exclusion” zones surrounding Taiwan that saw more than 100 warplanes and some 10 ships cross the median demarcation line of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial buffer zone. China also fired missiles into waters surrounding Taiwan for the first time since the last major US-China standoff over the island in 1996, and carried out a dress rehearsal for a future blockade.

“China's reaction to the Pelosi visit has been substantial,” says Bonnie Glaser, Asia director at the German Marshall Fund in Washington, DC. “It has been aimed at warning the US and Taiwan not to cross Chinese red lines, placating the domestic audience, and cautioning US allies and partners not to join the US in its support for Taiwan.”

And the Chinese are just getting warmed up. To keep up the momentum, Beijing announced Sunday month-long drills in the Yellow and Bohai seas, just north of the island and south of the Korean Peninsula.

“Beijing has seized this opportunity to try to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait,” Glaser adds. “I suspect that in the future its military exercises will periodically take place in close proximity to Taiwan, including in Taiwan's airspace.”

On top of that, Chinese customs officials targeted Taiwanese shipments bound for factories making American goods like iPhones. Beijing also pulled out of talks with the US on military coordination and climate change.

Finally, China’s language for Pelosi and Washington was, as expected, also harsh. At the ASEAN foreign ministers’ gathering in Cambodia, top diplomat Wang Yi described the visit as a “contemptible farce,” saying that the US speaker had shot herself in the foot. Wang’s wolf-warrior diplomats did their thing on Twitter with detailed threads about how America had “hollowed out” the One-China Policy and was pushing for a “law of the jungle.”

Washington managed the crisis cautiously, with some tag-team action between the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon.

As the Biden administration summoned China's ambassador for the “irresponsible” war games, Secretary of State Antony Blinken — who was on an Asian tour at the time — said that there was "no justification for this extreme, disproportionate, and escalatory military response". And in a rare move, the Pentagon delayed the testing of a nuclear-capable ICBM on Thursday in order to not further escalate tensions with Beijing.

“The Americans are basically trying to manage the fallout as best as they can,” says Raffaleo Pantucci, a senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in London. They were expecting Beijing to react, and they were hoping that it wasn't going to escalate to armed conflict, and it doesn't look like it has.”

Pantucci characterizes the American reaction so far as one of “cautious acceptance.”

“They're hoping that things are going to stabilize back out again, but everyone thinks the US-China relationship has really fallen to new depths, and we're kind of stuck at those depths,” he explains. “At the moment the feeling in Washington is: how do we understand where the bottom really is of this relationship?”

What about Taiwan? China’s wargames galvanized the majority opposition to Beijing on the island, which sees itself as distinct from the mainland.

Taipei pushed back, among other things, by calling China’s actions a simulation of an invasion and deploying its military assets to engage the People’s Liberation Army in what was reported to be a game of “cat and mouse.” To match China’s continued exercises, Taiwan will conduct its own. And the government has warned local and international companies to expect cyberattacks from the mainland.

Across the region, US allies and partners showed a clear resolve to stick together. The Australian and Japanese foreign ministers teamed up with Blinken to firmly demand an immediate end to the exercises.

Japan, pulled into the crisis after five of China’s missiles landed in its exclusive economic zone, condemned Beijing’s actions. The Chinese responded by accusing Tokyo and Canberra of supporting American interventionism. However, US ally South Korea stayed away from the fracas by not criticizing China, and President Yoon Suk-yeol was the only leader who refused to meet Pelosi during her five-nation tour.

Meanwhile, perhaps Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan best encapsulated the mood among the smaller Asian countries stuck in the crossfire of the two superpowers.

“We all have skin in this game and … want America and China to get along,” he said in Cambodia. “This is a dangerous, dangerous moment for the whole world.”

But different countries had different stakes. For instance, Glaser says that the Chinese missiles’ landing in Japan’s EEZ “likely reinforced Tokyo's assessment that it has to take measures to deal with the growing Chinese threat.” But not everyone is on the same page.

“The Southeast Asian nations,” she explains, “ are keeping their heads down. The Philippines and Vietnam, and perhaps others, will continue to hedge going forward.”



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China extended the during the Taiwan drill which was supposed to finish on last Sunday

China Extends Military Exercises Near Taiwan With New Drill​

August 8, 2022, 4:40 AM UTC
China’s military announced a new exercise “near Taiwan” on Monday, signaling that activity around the island was continuing past a series of drills announced immediately in the wake of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit.

The People’s Liberation Army conducted antisubmarine and naval strike exercises in the “air and sea space near Taiwan Island” on Monday the Eastern Theater Command said in a statement. The statement didn’t specify where the drill was being held or whether it was part of an unprecedented four-day series of exercises around Taiwan that were due to conclude Sunday.



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Chinese military: Drills continue around Taiwan on Monday

Handout of Chinese PLA Eastern Theatre Command drill

The Ground Force under the Eastern Theatre Command of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducts a long-range live-fire drill into the Taiwan Strait, from an undisclosed location in this August 4, 2022 handout released on August 5, 2022. Eastern Theatre Command/Handout via REUTERS

BEIJING, Aug 8 (Reuters) - China's military said on Monday it is continuing drills in the seas and skies around Taiwan on Monday.

BEIJING, Aug 8 (Reuters) - China's military said on Monday it is continuing drills in the seas and skies around Taiwan on Monday.

The Eastern Theater Command of China's People's Liberation Army said on social media Weibo that it will practice conducting anti-submarine attacks and sea raids.

The military has carried out an unprecedented set of naval and air force drills in areas near Taiwan following U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to the island.



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It becomes a never ending "exercise", the status quo had been forever changed and Taiwan has to accept this newly established norm.


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Chinese 052D destroyer is approaching Taiwan Hualien county, videos of Chinese and Taiwan ships face off near Hulien filmed by locals emerged on the internet



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New released videos show Chinese battle ships sail next to the shore of Taiwan, land is clearly in sight from Chinese ships. Chinese jets fly over Taiwan's coast and pilots enjoy clear view of Taiwan mountain chains.



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China Raises Tensions As It Continues Military Drills Around Taiwan Beyond Sunday’s Deadline​

Forbes Staff

Aug 8, 2022,04:51am EDT

China’s unprecedented military drill surrounding Taiwan will continue—despite originally being scheduled to end on Sunday—Beijing announced on Monday, in a move that is likely to further raise tensions in the region.

In an official statement, the Eastern Theater command of the Chinese military said the extended exercises will now focus on “anti-submarine and sea assault operations.”

The nature of Monday’s drills will once again raise fears that the Chinese military is using the exercise as a potential dress rehearsal for a full-fledged invasion of Taiwan.

While the exact location of the current drill has not been specified, since Tuesday China has been carrying out live firing exercises enveloping Taiwan on all sides.

The continuing exercises are also likely to further disrupt all air traffic and shipping routes in the area.

In response to China’s actions, the Taiwanese military will carry out live-fire drills on the island’s southernmost county on Tuesday and Thursday, the island’s Central News Agency reported.

Taiwan’s military also plans to carry out its annual exercise on September 5, which will include attack helicopters, combat vehicles, armored vehicles and snipers.

66. That is the number of Chinese military aircraft detected by Taiwan’s military forces on Sunday, the island’s Ministry of National Defense tweeted. Fourteen navy vessels were also spotted by the MoND.

Taiwan’s representative to the U.S. Bi-khim Hsiao told CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday: “There's no reason for them [China]



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Biden 'concerned' as China extends military drills around Taiwan​

By Sarah Wu
and Martin Quin Pollard

August 8, 2022

TAIPEI, Aug 8 (Reuters) - China's military announced fresh military drills in the seas and airspace around Taiwan on Monday, a day after the scheduled end of its largest ever exercises to protest against last week's visit to the island by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

China's Eastern Theatre Command said it would conduct joint drills focusing on anti-submarine and sea assault operations - confirming the fears of some security analysts and diplomats that Beijing would continue to maintain pressure on Taiwan's defences.

U.S. President Joe Biden, in his first public comments on Taiwan since Pelosi's visit, said he was not worried about Taiwan but was concerned about China's actions in the region.

"I'm concerned they are moving as much as they are," Biden told reporters in Delaware. "But I don't think they're going to do anything more than they are."

Pelosi's visit infuriated China, which responded with test launches of ballistic missiles over Taipei for the first time, as well as ditching some lines of dialogue with Washington.

The duration and precise location of the latest drills is not yet known, but Taiwan has already eased flight restrictions near the six earlier Chinese exercise areas surrounding the island.


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