Many analysts are saying this was a small interest rate hike, but I personally do not understand what they did today. The market was bonkers. Will have to do some more reading about the announcements.
If you stay at TL for 6 months you will get the regular interest rate plus %50 of the loss you suffer because of TL dollar ratio as compensation directly from the treasury. If you stay at the TL for a year you will be completely compensated for any loss you suffer from TL dollar ratio. This is a cheap parlor trick and markets won't buy this.
Die Regierung hat eine Einlagengarantie abgegeben. Deine Einlage in TRY auf der Bank wird normalerweise verzinst. Die türkische Zentralbank senkt allerdings den Leitzins und der Wertverfalls zum Dollar hält weiterhin an; die Menschen flüchten verständlicherweise aus der Lira in den USD. Folge: das Finanzsystem kollabiert aufgrund einer Dollarisierung, die Lira verliert massiv an Wert.Many analysts are saying this was a small interest rate hike, but I personally do not understand what they did today. The market was bonkers. Will have to do some more reading about the announcements.
I hope that everybody here understands that Erdogan is clutching at any straw and this is definitily his last one. If things go down from here, our economy is going to be destroyed entirely or he will be forced to raise the interest rate by at least 10% + x.
This policy is wonderful if it works and for it to work properly and be a success, there are many requirements and preconditions that need to be fulfilled in the first place. I just don't see this right now.
I wonder what akpions will say when dollar hits the 18 again
Their reaction will be priceless
The critical point of the system is trust; that is, the answer of the citizen to the question of whether it is a foreign currency or a foreign currency-indexed but TL-denominated instrument. If direct demand for foreign currency persists, then the interest burden that will have to be paid on these bonds and deposits increases greatly; First, the state budget deteriorates, and then inflation explodes due to the TL created to be paid.
If this demand stops, the exchange rate increase is stopped without burdening the Treasury; Only banks pay the ordinary TL deposit interest burden. In other words, the main thing is to be convinced that there will be no difference in return between real currency and foreign currency equivalents and ignore the fact that there is no international validity.”
For this reason, it is difficult to completely stop the exchange rate increase with such instruments, but it is possible to slow it down, but at the expense of the deterioration in the budget and the increase in inflation.
Ha ha ha . Then why Turkish government bonds give high interest rates so far? He did give high interest rates government bonds..Erdogan said high interest is against Islam
Ha ha ha . Then why Turkish government bonds give high interest rates so far? He did give high interest rates government bonds..
This HARAM argument is just for trap for conservative voters.
Its temporary, will increase again, it just fell to the niveau of a week ago, why are you guys cheering already, the core issues are far from solved and it will only get worse.If a cheap trick, the financial markets would not be stupid enough to buy it, no?
But he could refuse selling bonds on international market. The real world doesn't listen his lies. The most important thing is he pays high interest rates to foreigner infidels while punishing own citizens with negative rates.Government bond rate (yield) is based on trading, Erdogan doesnt have power to determine the bond yield. It is more like auction (open market trading).
Sorry, Iam not that fluent in english; may you explaim what do u mean by "buy up the cheapened currency"?Our outrageous economy happens popular in RF
Ateo Breaking
После качелей с обменным курсом вчера вечером и сегодня утром население Турции устремилось к обменным пунктам, скупать подешевевшую валюту
"After the swing with the exchange rate yesterday evening and this morning, the Turkish population rushed to exchange offices to buy up the cheapened currency"
Im happy for the average Turkish Citizen right now some families were in the Hunger line