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Rumors about Omer Faruk Dogan’s early withdrawal are varied. His remarks in an interview around five months ago on the highly sensitive Western Sahara issue for Morocco are said to have played a role,” Turkish news outlet T24 has reported.According to a moroccan media outlet le360 ambassador Dogan has been recalled by ankara 20 days ago.
His positive remarks about the territorial integrity of Morocco did not fall in good taste for our eastern neighboors. The decision to recall the ambassador was taken as an appeasement measure by Ankara following an outcry.
"It was seen that the officers of the Indian UAV unit, shaking hands with the Chief of the General Staff of Greece, Konstantinos Floros, had a veil with the inscription "Mehmetçik Hunters" on their arm."
It has been unlucky...
It's "Mehmetçik Busters" actually, it's a patch of the HAF 331 Sq and is a play on Ghostbusters. Sharing patches between participants in an exercise is pretty common.
What does greece and india have in common?
Both got conquered by Turkic people.
I always have to laugh at people that come from countries that got conquered by Turks and still talk big. Quite funny.
As for some of the other snarky/sneer comments/reactions here.... if it were a real issue we would have a fairly visceral reaction at large to Central Asian Turkic countries (where the Moghuls originated, if we are to use that instead of their heavy Persianized culture)
Yet they frequently visit India (and vice versa) for military training and exercises at all levels (past socioeconomic and cultural exchange) with no problem.
Besides, if the pan-Turkic shared assertion is to be asserted to this degree, we better see some actual sustained action (at all levels, and not just words among some laypeople) on the ongoing modern day subjugation of Turkic people in NW PRC, the incarceration facilities can be seen from space.
Do we see it?
Only way your gonna unite the Islamic world is with conquest.
Not really, such unification is unnecessary. Good economic and geopolitical framework like EU (if possible) is good enough.
India has somewhat comfortable and functioning diplomatic and economic relationships with majority of Muslim countries (Middles East, central Asia and South east Asia) on state to state level.
Other than that, small Central Asian countries does not comes into limelight at all.
However, this should not be confused with how majority of Indians feels about Muslims countries in general at socio-cultural level. It is too obvious to be even disputable.
Just one example could be Bangladesh. We are not in bed with Pakistan in Kashmir issue nor we sell them sophisticated weapons. Yet I can bet you, Indian public despise us as much as they despise the Turks if not more.
How are you gonna explain that?
So, i don’t think the core issue here is Turkey’s current political position on Kashmir or weapon sells.
Rather, it is probably a mixture of multiple factors. Being Muslim, historical grievance against the Mughals, as well as current geopolitical situation.
Personally, I think India has not much to worry about Turkey’s weapon sell to Pakistan. It is not gonna change the balance of power. In the process Turks are making some money, just like India with Armenia.
About Kashmir even though it is only lip service, I can understand why it irritates India.
In current Turkish leadership's mind, they probably thinks such position will help increasing soft power and develop Turkey's image in Muslim world.
However, how wise and rational this strategy is up for debate.
It mostly depends on how people perceive things. Unfortunately somehow, Uyghur issue never made its way into the limelight.
Bangladesh received three lakh in-bound tourists in 2019, the highest in its history since independence. The figures earlier were 2.48 lakh in 2018, 2.2 lakh in 2017, 1.69 lakh in 2016, 1.18 lakh in 2015.
In 2019, the number of Indian tourists was 270,024, or 89% of the total inbound tourists, according to the tourism board.
If its really the case with Bangladesh, there would be nowhere near the amount of BD tourists that come to India each year (more than 2.5 million per year before covid pandemic).... and growing long term the way that it is doing by leaps and bounds. It can be compared to any other country you want....Muslim countries if you so prefer.
I've personally aided 3 Bangladeshis from the Pakistani Defence forum years ago in their respective visits to Bangalore for healthcare....that India went out of its way to make accessible to BD to begin with w.r.t Dr. Devi Shetty et al.
Folks that I have talked to on all range of matters way more than I have with you. Not even going to bring up my closer BD friends.
So to be perfectly honest, I don't take your "want to bet" seriously in any relevant degree or wherever that impression was formed from whatever selective toxified social media experience etc. you have....because the literal larger objective facts say something else entirely.
If you feel so strongly about it, you are better off working on convincing your own country people on all of that to vote with their feet, money, time and everything else to the degree needed....if you feel they actually feel so despised. But they obviously don't.
Just like everywhere else in world, defence + geopolitical enthusiast folk (especially online) are just one sliver of the larger population....I put them in their own compartment regarding their views (given what percolates there inevitably).....but its just one in a much larger space that is the larger country.
In any case I am talking only specifically w.r.t Turkic countries and I dont want to go too off topic.
It is not some reductive "state to state" thing with the Central Asian (Turkic) countries.
There is significant enough trade and tourism occurring relative to the development levels for the larger Muslim world blocks (Arabian, North African, South East Asian, Persian, Turkic et al) w.r.t India....that would be nowhere near the level it is at if its simply "state to state" relations.
Definitely lot more than with Bangladesh, so maybe again you should focus on doing your bit in addressing that first rather than simply asserting on others.
In 2019 India received more than 400,000 tourists from "West Asia" alone:
View attachment 56853
That is more than BD got from the entire world that year (around 300,000 according to most stats I can find).
Earnings from inbound visitors grew 59% last year
The contribution of inbound visitors to the national exchequer grew around 59% year-on-year in 2021, thanks to the roll-out of massive vaccination across the South Asian region that also successfully contained the pandemic. Earnings from inbound visitors amounted to a little over TK2,279
Where does the bulk come from again?
So essentially India gets more tourists from just Turkiye than BD gets from the whole world outside of India. Go figure.
So it is lot more complicated in the end that you make it out to be w.r.t India and Muslim world at large.
Technically even if India is not a Muslim country.
It can be technically counted as apart of the Islamic World.
India nearly came close to joining the OIC think most members actually supported India joining until Pakistan started a hissy fit over it.
I just checked India has like 200 Million Muslims
Thats a pretty big number.
OIC isn't that big a deal anyway. Haven't seen anything it's really accomplished.
Even Muslim on Muslim strife within OIC is large, just look at what Iran did in Syria for example to ensure Assad prevailed.
What was the death toll sad.
Yemen is another one ongoing now.
Then in addition to the problems faced in India, Muslim world has various reasons to engage with Muslim world anyway engages a lot with the US (after Iraq war death toll on entirely false basis war), China (Uighur mass collective incarceration) and so on despite it all too.
For India, it is true we are facing social strife (that takes religion form along with other identity forms) and its made worse by lot of our politics.
It is not like Turkiye is a stranger to its own forms of this too, its always a big is never easy thing and lot of people (individually or collectively, inside or outside) will exploit these divisions along the way for their personal selfish gain unfortunately.
But we also have lot of success in integration of our large Muslim population (that you have noted) in various parts of the country.
My state in the south has Nagore Dargah for example and its very respected by all is seen as part and parcel of greater Tamil fabric. My grandpop always used to listen to famous Islamic singer from that dargah (its how I know the songs from memory), lot of Hindus did and still do. Whole state felt at loss when this singer passed away some years back.
To west of us is Kerala with something like 30% Muslim population and 20% Christian population with 50% Hindu. Quite harmonious stable state these days. So we have ready model to learn from in other parts of India where social cohesion is not as good...and fissures are more readily exploitable due to low socioeconomic development and larger collection of grievances looking to scapegoat.
So it is more important for us to keep calling that out and addressing that and also improve and expand relations with the Muslim world as well, Turkiye very much so included.
But this onus is on India to do....a selective sermon from outsiders just makes things worse.
Just like how Turks feel when outsiders reductively do that too, when its really front and centre a challenge for Turks to address, learn from and become stronger in the end.
Anyway, let us see how this decade goes for it.
How aboutHow about the Turkish patch.
"We maybe be old but we can still kick your asses"
If its really the case with Bangladesh, there would be nowhere near the amount of BD tourists that come to India each year (more than 2.5 million per year before covid pandemic).... and growing long term the way that it is doing by leaps and bounds. It can be compared to any other country you want....Muslim countries if you so prefer.
I've personally aided 3 Bangladeshis from the Pakistani Defence forum years ago in their respective visits to Bangalore for healthcare....that India went out of its way to make accessible to BD to begin with w.r.t Dr. Devi Shetty et al.
Folks that I have talked to on all range of matters way more than I have with you. Not even going to bring up my closer BD friends.
So to be perfectly honest, I don't take your "want to bet" seriously in any relevant degree or wherever that impression was formed from whatever selective toxified social media experience etc. you have....because the literal larger objective facts say something else entirely.
If you feel so strongly about it, you are better off working on convincing your own country people on all of that to vote with their feet, money, time and everything else to the degree needed....if you feel they actually feel so despised. But they obviously don't.
Just like everywhere else in world, defence + geopolitical enthusiast folk (especially online) are just one sliver of the larger population....I put them in their own compartment regarding their views (given what percolates there inevitably).....but its just one in a much larger space that is the larger country.
In any case I am talking only specifically w.r.t Turkic countries and I dont want to go too off topic.
It is not some reductive "state to state" thing with the Central Asian (Turkic) countries.
There is significant enough trade and tourism occurring relative to the development levels for the larger Muslim world blocks (Arabian, North African, South East Asian, Persian, Turkic et al) w.r.t India....that would be nowhere near the level it is at if its simply "state to state" relations.
Definitely lot more than with Bangladesh, so maybe again you should focus on doing your bit in addressing that first rather than simply asserting on others.
In 2019 India received more than 400,000 tourists from "West Asia" alone:
View attachment 56853
That is more than BD got from the entire world that year (around 300,000 according to most stats I can find).
Earnings from inbound visitors grew 59% last year
The contribution of inbound visitors to the national exchequer grew around 59% year-on-year in 2021, thanks to the roll-out of massive vaccination across the South Asian region that also successfully contained the pandemic. Earnings from inbound visitors amounted to a little over TK2,279
Where does the bulk come from again?
So essentially India gets more tourists from just Turkiye than BD gets from the whole world outside of India. Go figure.
So it is lot more complicated in the end that you make it out to be w.r.t India and Muslim world at large.
I just hope we are not sitting on our hands all while these things happen. Gotta have nukes, ASAP!Greek Press: "Greece should acquire a range of nuclear weapons to deter Turkey"
Hahahahaaa... So, for some of them, the only hope they can cling to is nuclear deterrence. It is important in terms of showing that some things are beginning to be understood. But this is a dream beyond Grek reach. In anyway it is necessary to warn our neighbours, this will be a direct legitimate reason for pre-emptive strike. The most you can get is the US Nato arsenal depot, where the Greek soldier will never be authorised to enter in it and audit. Or worse, any attempt will have paved the way for us to become a nuclear power in MRBM range, a country that can strike with pinpoint accuracy whole country from a thousand kilometres away, at a depth of engagement you'll never reach. It already has this capability conventionally. All the ingredients for making halva are ready, all we need is a legitimate reason.
Sorry, Turkish-Greek balance is no longer valid. The only window of opportunity they have is just now. Tomorrow, that window will be closed forever.
We have a legitimate reason. iran is screaming nukes nukes every other day. That's reason enough. And once we have our own nukes, we should NEVER allow grek to have US nukes stationed.Greek Press: "Greece should acquire a range of nuclear weapons to deter Turkey"
Hahahahaaa... So, for some of them, the only hope they can cling to is nuclear deterrence. It is important in terms of showing that some things are beginning to be understood. But this is a dream beyond Grek reach. In anyway it is necessary to warn our neighbours, this will be a direct legitimate reason for pre-emptive strike. The most you can get is the US Nato arsenal depot, where the Greek soldier will never be authorised to enter in it and audit. Or worse, any attempt will have paved the way for us to become a nuclear power in MRBM range, a country that can strike with pinpoint accuracy whole country from a thousand kilometres away, at a depth of engagement you'll never reach. It already has this capability conventionally. All the ingredients for making halva are ready, all we need is a legitimate reason.
Sorry, Turkish-Greek balance is no longer valid. The only window of opportunity they have is just now. Tomorrow, that window will be closed forever.