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Why is KK even showing a Map without Azerbaijan linked to it? Is he fucked in the head or what is he? On one hand, we have a fucking islamist that changes the Country into a hell hole and on the other hand we have a retard that excludes Azerbaijan and is a western boot licker. Holy hell what a choice...

It has to be all theatre, this KK is on a warpath doing and saying everything that wont get him elected. Nearly everything he is saying is only a net loss. Is there no one in the CHP wondering if KK is an agent of AK party?


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Ilham Aliyev: "Unfortunately, today some people want to exclude Azerbaijan from the "Central Corridor", but their desire will not be realised"

Just with a couple sentences, Azerbaijan's concerns and security paranoia were brought to the peak. Azerbaijan is going through a very difficult process and the slightest hesitation, the slightest weakness of will will cost Azerbaijan a great deal. Azerbaijan's geopolitics in military, political, economic and social terms is now an integral part of Turkiye's geopolitics. We are two halves of one apple. As a citizen, I urge all politicians to be more careful in their statements.

This man is an asshole for two reasons :

1- the reason for the silk corridor to go throw Iran because it much practical and economical and time saving .

2- As a president of a country you can't side with any candidate . WTF he will do if KK won ?


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Aliyev getting involved is the next weird episode of the entire election. But luckily for him, he's a dictator and will remain in his seat. So he will smile and shake hands with whoever comes next in Turkey.

Others won't be as lucky with a new government.
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Aliyev getting involved is the next weird episode of the entire election. But luckily for him, he's a dictator and will remain in his seat.

I also once jokingly labeled Aliyev is a 'dictator'. (just from a technical point of view, nothing serious)
But some friends here got really upset and thought I fell into anti-Turkish propaganda.😁


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I also once jokingly labeled Aliyev is a 'dictator'. (just from a technical point of view, nothing serious)
But some friends here got really upset and thought I fell into anti-Turkish propaganda.😁
That was me, and there's been no change of heart. And no, your mean was not joke, so your attempt to sugarcoat what you wrote earlier will not change my mind.

Azerbaijan is not passing through a normal period of time, extraordinary circumstances bring certain necessities. It is a joke to some that Azerbaijan is trying to maintain a difficult balance. The slightest hesitation will mobilise a huge counter-front ready to strangle Azerbaijan. Iron fist, yes, it is necessary. Until In a situation where the territory of Azerbaijan is officially recognised by all its neighbours. While even the name of the country is avoided by the authorities some its neigbours and its capital is called as a country name, I apologise, but let's not take this conversation any further, because I may be offensive.

I have some obsessions. These include discourses targeting the wartime political leadership as like they are a western european country, while bypassing all the conditions in which a Turkish nation is in an active state of war and struggling for its homeland. Also, if you call the Turks living in the geography of Azerbaijan, which is a part of the Turkish nation, Azeris, this is also something other that jumps my nerves.

If you justify your ability to call Aliyev a dictator 'technically', will you be able to call the founder of my country, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk by using the same technique? I assure you, as soon as you try to say it, you will receive a reaction you will never hear in your life. Therefore, I would like to ask you to restrain both your 'technical angle' and your populism.
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That was me, and there's been no change of heart. And no, your mean was not joke, so your attempt to sugarcoat what you wrote earlier will not change my mind.

Azerbaijan is not passing through a normal period of time, extraordinary circumstances bring certain necessities. It is a joke to some that Azerbaijan is trying to maintain a difficult balance. The slightest hesitation will mobilise a huge counter-front ready to strangle Azerbaijan. Iron fist, yes, it is necessary. Until In a situation where the territory of Azerbaijan is officially recognised by all its neighbours. While even the name of the country is avoided by the authorities some its neigbours and its capital is called as a country name, I apologise, but let's not take this conversation any further, because I may be offensive.

I have some obsessions. These include discourses targeting the wartime political leadership as like they are a western european country, while bypassing all the conditions in which a Turkish nation is in an active state of war and struggling for its homeland. Also, if you call the Turks living in the geography of Azerbaijan, which is a part of the Turkish nation, Azeris, this is also something other that jumps my nerves.

If you justify your ability to call Aliyev a dictator 'technically', will you be able to call the founder of my country, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk by using the same technique? I assure you, as soon as you try to say it, you will receive a reaction you will never hear in your life. Therefore, I would like to ask you to restrain both your 'technical angle' and your populism.
It is funny to equate Atatürk with Heydar Aliyev, who took over the country at that time as a manifestation of the coup. Atatürk is the one who founded and saved this homeland by fighting. Who are the Aliyevs?

It is a great misfortune for Azerbaijan that a person like Ebulfez Elchibey, who pursued Turkism, was overthrown by a coup.
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That was me, and there's been no change of heart. And no, your mean was not joke, so your attempt to sugarcoat what you wrote earlier will not change my mind.

You did realize that, I added this
🤣 emoji in the original post precisely to indicate it was nothing serious.
So no, i am not sugarcoating anything.

If you justify your ability to call Aliyev a dictator 'technically', will you be able to call the founder of my country, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk by using the same technique? I assure you, as soon as you try to say it, you will receive a reaction you will never hear in your life. .

With all due respect bro, you are comparing Apple with Orange just to corner me.
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Aliyev (senior) worked a long time in Soviet establishment (being a minority ethnic group)...that too in secret security apparatus of it for significant portions.

That was by far majority of his life time...a commited (or maybe convenient) Marxist from a small minority ethnic group of a vast superpower he was serving loyally. When USSR broke up in one fell swoop, the ethnic strife became the dominant feature overnight for the corner of that empire he was made sense to establish his own autocratic legacy there using the greater good argument of this terrible ethnic war. But the nature of all of this is its own thing in the end.

Ataturk is entirely different context and principle to that....given what he saw as eating away the Ottoman empire and the scale and intensity of battles he had to face himself against all manner of enemies stemming from the consequences of the Ottoman empire's deep flaws and utlimate failure.

His closest counterpart is something more along the lines of Washington. Neither Ataturk or Washington progeny (in fact both didnt have direct progeny) took over after with same name perseverance for example to create some dynasty.

Washington also went one step further and refused to represent any political party at all (so that none later could claim him exclusively and create or add tension or strife that way).

They both were much more interested in creating a republic (including waging the war to first secure it) with a proper fair system for its people's democratic ambition, the suppression of which played some large part of the earlier strife and war they found themselves in and fought in. They wanted a meritocratic system that would self-improve and self-correct as far as possible.

I myself look upon dynasties/names/political family successions very poorly in it is almost always nepotism. Nepotism is highly localised as well and can only be really explained/understood by those living in it. Outsiders just dont have the full picture to compare with their own political history IMO.

Just look at literacy rate of population (and thus political responsibility capability present in population at large) that Ataturk had to work with compared to Aliyev. There is no real excuse to have dynasty politics in Azerbaijan IMO.

@Anastasius can probably comment on what he thinks.


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Baykar, in my eyes, is a family that had achieved things comparable to Ataturk himself. While Ataturk saved the Turks from extinction and gave them a nation to settle in, Baykar is saving 85 million Turks from their inherited inferiority complex as a race, and ignorance while acting as a beacon of light to future generations by extablishing super mega events like Technofest

This is not actually comparable.

Ataturk and his legacy is completely on a different level compared to some genius tech family. Ataturk fought multiple world powers simultaneously and preserved the very physical existence of Turkish Republic. While what Baykar has done is definitely admirable and extraordinary, however, compared to Ataturk and his legacy, it is just icing on top.


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Baykar, in my eyes, is a family that had achieved things comparable to Ataturk himself. While Ataturk saved the Turks from extinction and gave them a nation to settle in, Baykar is saving 85 million Turks from their inherited inferiority complex as a race, and ignorance while acting as a beacon of light to future generations by extablishing super mega events like Technofest

Honestly, the Turks dont know how lucky they are to be having a family like Baykar. It is them to who should be called "True Patriots" but instead we see them being attacked within Turkey
Baykar in no way the most important defence company in turkey.
They have the best PR, they are extremely politicized and thanks to the advertisement of the turkish army they sell a lot. They are important and good to have but they are not comparable to Aselsan, Tusas or Roketsan.
Secondly i thought erdogan was new ataturk , what happened???
Its seriously these .......... comments that make my blood boil. How can you compare ataturk with such people.


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Baykar, in my eyes, is a family that had achieved things comparable to Ataturk himself.
Settle the fuck down there lad.

Edit: I can't fucking believe you went and compared a fucking drone maker to Atatürk.

The man who beat the greatest superpower at the time in Gelibolu. Who then proceeded to oppose the traitorous Ottoman royalty who gave up the country to save their wealth and kicked Western invaders out of the country, something many people here wank about daily. He then went on to transform the entire country and bring it to modern times, as opposed to leaving it to rot like it was before him. Do you even realize how many of the things you take for granted today are because of him? And you compared him to someone who shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence with him.

Lad, if you're not drunk or high, go and pick up a fucking history book and educate yourself because this is fucking embarrassing as fuck.
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What i actually wanted to say.
I'm quite okay with getting banned for the edit I just did because that original comment wasn't good enough and it had to be said. The disrespect to someone who is the sole reason we are still a Muslim country living freely and in relative safety and stability is all because of him. And he goes and compares him to... I swear people really act like they are brainwashed with something out of a movie sometimes.


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First of all, comparing him with Atatürk is not true IMO, in fact we shouldnt compare anyone with Ataturk who is one of the symbols that defines our nation.

Believe it or not, I have been following Selçuk Bayraktar since 2009. When I first saw him on youtube, that famous video "just 5 years" he was saying with a small drone, self believe and determination caught my eyes. I was working in an aviation company back then. Like a lot of people who knows the region, I always thought there would be no military solution other then UCAVs, hundreds of them. Now he has become the man I always hoped to be, indeed far exceed all my expectations. And his TB2s has become the nemesis of terrorists and the most iconic drones of the world. As a cousin of martyr, I will always be grateful to him for all his accomplishments.

But nowadays, he is showing up and giving speech too much and he looks anxious. There is no need for that. Our nation have a tradition of opposition, protest like no matter what or who, even Ataturk or Sultan Suleiman got criticized heavily. That is normal. He is too important and can not lose sympathy. There are a lot of people who criticize or hate him, but there are much more people who love him and will defend him to the end, including humble me. He should just calm down and must realize he cant convince everybody in our country, especially in this political climate.
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Baykar helped kick out the many centuries old western domination in Türkiye and make the country an independent country. One of the very few independent countries in the world. Today Türkiye has 80% self reliance in defense sector and going towards 90% in the next 5 years. This could not be achieved without Baykar's success in armed drone making as it gave the government the strength to resist and prevail against terror coming from both terrorists and so called allies. Baykar is only a smaller part of the Turkish defense sector but a part of it that can actually get results. Baykar is the claw of the tiger that the Turkish defense sector is, grown up from the pussy cat it was. Not just a drone maker.
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If someone had told me that Selçuk Bayraktar would be equated with Atatürk in this forum I would laugh with my a** :rolleyes:.Some things should not be exaggerated.


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Aliyev (senior) worked a long time in Soviet establishment (being a minority ethnic group)...that too in secret security apparatus of it for significant portions.

That was by far majority of his life time...a commited (or maybe convenient) Marxist from a small minority ethnic group of a vast superpower he was serving loyally. When USSR broke up in one fell swoop, the ethnic strife became the dominant feature overnight for the corner of that empire he was made sense to establish his own autocratic legacy there using the greater good argument of this terrible ethnic war. But the nature of all of this is its own thing in the end.

Ataturk is entirely different context and principle to that....given what he saw as eating away the Ottoman empire and the scale and intensity of battles he had to face himself against all manner of enemies stemming from the consequences of the Ottoman empire's deep flaws and utlimate failure.

His closest counterpart is something more along the lines of Washington. Neither Ataturk or Washington progeny (in fact both didnt have direct progeny) took over after with same name perseverance for example to create some dynasty.

Washington also went one step further and refused to represent any political party at all (so that none later could claim him exclusively and create or add tension or strife that way).

They both were much more interested in creating a republic (including waging the war to first secure it) with a proper fair system for its people's democratic ambition, the suppression of which played some large part of the earlier strife and war they found themselves in and fought in. They wanted a meritocratic system that would self-improve and self-correct as far as possible.

I myself look upon dynasties/names/political family successions very poorly in it is almost always nepotism. Nepotism is highly localised as well and can only be really explained/understood by those living in it. Outsiders just dont have the full picture to compare with their own political history IMO.

Just look at literacy rate of population (and thus political responsibility capability present in population at large) that Ataturk had to work with compared to Aliyev. There is no real excuse to have dynasty politics in Azerbaijan IMO.

@Anastasius can probably comment on what he thinks.
You summed up the main points pretty well. Aliyev was never some revolutionary figure with sweeping reforms that remade Azerbaijan from the ground up (though you will have some sycophants trying to claim that), he was the last in the line of a series of sucky Azerbaijani leaders that happened to be slightly less sucky than his predecessors in that he actually had some idea of how to run an independent country.

Before that we had Mutallibov who gets a bit of an unfair rap as someone who completely mishandled the situation with Karabakh (admittedly he didn't do a great job with it) mainly because he tried to run the nation as though it was still a Soviet satellite and then we had Elchibey who was a moron with no concept of foreign diplomacy (admittedly him pretending like he couldn't speak Russian with Russian government representatives as an FU gesture was kind of funny).

The real reason that people don't really rise up against Aliyev is because of the notion (whether real or exaggerated) that as soon as Azerbaijan starts infighting, foreign entities will intervene to destroy the nation. A stubborn belief that we have to be united at all costs even if it means tolerating a quasi-monarchy of assholes. Ironically enough I think Ilham's desire to solve the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and secure his legacy as "the man who liberated the land" will spell his doom in the end because without the "Karabakh Question", people really aren't going to tolerate him nearly as much. As much as I'd love his head on a pike, he will likely go away peacefully with his stolen millions but he will go away, of that I'm sure.

And unlike Heydar who had a successor ready to go (Ilham, for all his faults, is not a stupid man), neither of Ilham's daughters are all that interested in politics and his son, well, based off the rumors he isn't apparently the most mentally stable individual.


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Baykar helped kick out the many centuries old western domination in Türkiye and make the country an independent country. One of the very few independent countries in the world. Today Türkiye has 80% self reliance in defense sector and going towards 90% in the next 5 years. This could not be achieved without Baykar's success in armed drone making as it gave the government the strength to resist and prevail against terror coming from both terrorists and so called allies. Baykar is only a smaller part of the Turkish defense sector but a part of it that can actually get results. Baykar is the claw of the tiger that the Turkish defense sector is, grown up from the pussy cat it was. Not just a drone maker.
There is some exaggeration and completely ignoring achievements of the other companies.


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Azerbaijan is more vulnerable to foreign interference sadly. Doing stuff against Iran or Turkey requires a signature from a higher official because Azerbaijan is simply smaller. The costs are lower, manpower requirement is lower, risks are lower. It doesn't have a strong diaspora who would raise hell. It's not in a position to threaten anybody economically (maybe Turkey with gas but let's be honest, if it were to happen Turkey would most likely be the one to blame).

People are not stupid, they see this reality and it fosters the kind of rally around the flag effect that Anastasius wrote about. A hereditary strongman regime has its faults and I believe it is corrosive to society, but you can't disregard its importance in keeping the country united against all sorts of hostile powers.

I just hope that someday, Azerbaijan will have the necessary institutions, manned by patriotic and trustworthy citizens who impose the proper checks and balances on the state apparatus. So our brothers across Aras can live not only safe but also free.

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