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the cia wants Kurdistan

Ottomans spent 200 years appeasing Kurdish feudal lords in their declining stage and the Kurds still rebelled.

Good thing Ataturk came and crushed them.

Pkk would have long been finished ages ago but as usual our people have gone soft.


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the cia wants Kurdistan
I think groupings inside security apparatus of U.S. want to have and use it as a leverage point into the foreseeable future to counter two major powers of Middle-East, so they bring the heat on the rhetoric front; otherwise they're not stupid enough to enter a conflict against a coalition of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Russia with China backing them.


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People forget that the Allies of ww1 proposed the Greeks, Armenians and the Kurds get their own state in Anatolia.

USA actually pioneered this under Woodrow Wilson. USA for a short time participated in fighting the Turkish independance movement.

I dont think its something new that the USA would support a kurdistan as long as it suits their interests.

Its all about running weak states as puppets and pawns hence why the Greeks, Armenians and the Kurds all got promised a state long with huge chunks of land to go with it. Because easier to run pawns rather than ruling directly.

Ever since the Ottoman Empire lost WW1 and collapsed a lot of people underestimated the Turks. Lots of people believed they can never fight back as they lost war and were finished for good until they realised it was their homelands they were fighting for not a Empire.

If the Turks are racist thats good. Being a racist also helped them defend their homelands from invaders and internal traitors who are used as fifth columns.

Lots of Crimean Tatars and other Turkic peoples who lost their homelands to the Russians actually fought in the Turkish army instead of betraying the state that gave them a home.

While the Greeks, Armenians and Kurds along with a few Circassians spat at our faces.

Fck around and find out. Enough the bullshit sympathy. The Arabs rebelled and in the ended up getting colonised.

Same story with the Greeks, Armenians and the Kurds. Better to have have puppets and pawns ruling.

If sevres happened the Turks would have ended up like the Palestinians. Greeks, Armenians and the Kurds decades later would be butchering Turks one by one. Then Kurds and Armenians would butcher each other up for land claims.

Turks did what was necessary for survival. Look at the Native Americans and the Australian Aboriginals. Ataturk more so prevented the Turks ending up in such a awful and dire situation.

Whole world and the Ummah can condemn the Turks. But one day if they faced with such a situation lets see how they will react?
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