My guy, please head to YouTube and listen for some sonic booms. It's good for the soul.Are you expecting a one off boom sound? That's not what sonic boom is, its the continuous crackling sound
My guy, please head to YouTube and listen for some sonic booms. It's good for the soul.Are you expecting a one off boom sound? That's not what sonic boom is, its the continuous crackling sound
Not when you're stationary relative to the source of the sound. Let's wait for the official materiel.Are you expecting a one off boom sound? That's not what sonic boom is, its the continuous crackling sound
This is what we'll face with Hürjet as well. I think it's important to get the engines first before revealing anything about the combat configuration of Light Attack capabilities. But stupidity seems prevelant in our decision makers.The delay hinges on US gov approval of AMRAAM integration on FA-50 Block 2.
RTX/Raytheon, producer of PhantomStrike AESA radar (FA-50PL, FA-50MY) and AIM-120 is eager to get that approved.
LockheedMartin otherwise don‘t want a more capable competitor to their F-16V.
The outcome is uncertain but the US are stalling for time and delaying a decision.
During KF-21 development they first refused an integration of AMRAAM & AIM-9X Sidewinder. After Koreans signed a deal with MBDA Meteor and Diehl Defence IRIS-T the US suddenly "reassessed" and approved both missiles for integration.
Not sure if it was an overpromising of KAI or AIM-120 integration was never promised as 100% certainty in the contracts with Poland and Malaysia. For a fact, ROKAF doesn’t need BVR on FA-50 or want to pay/share the absurdly high integration costs. Expensive AIM-120s are reserved for superior fighter jets F-35, F-15k, KF-16 & KF-21.
This Polish opinion piece sums up the situation pretty well:
Truth about the Armament for the Polish FA-50s [COMMENTARY]
In a parliamentary speech, Deputy Minister of Defence Cezary Tomczyk criticized the process of purchasing FA-50 aircraft, particularly the lack of weapons involved in that procurement. But was he right? Let’s look at the
Let the good news of October 29 come from me.
Two prototypes of HÜRJET are flying this month. And the armed version.
May our existence be a gift to the Turkish existence...
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this is old news. the clown mouths it as if he is the one who heralds the flight.I don't know about this specific case, but this guy is very unreliable. I remember him with his Altay "news".
This guy was officially warned because of some messages on various forums and made Mouth death a while. It's time for another warning. He is not allowed to make any announcements about Turkish defence developments.I don't know about this specific case, but this guy is very unreliable. I remember him with his Altay "news".
Demiroğlu said it himselfArmed version is highly unlikely while EASA certification of the trainer version still continues.
I hope this guy (Tayfun Erdil) is right but first see than believe
Something, and it's purely opinion based, that I don't like about Hurjet is the front part of the canopy/the lip of where the fuselage ends and where the canopy plexi-glass starts...
I feel like the top half would look much better if it was symmetrical
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T7A as an comparison
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