Confirmation of a possible deal being in the works:There are unverified rumours about I Sunnetci’s statement regarding Turkey buying some of the unwanted A400M transport planes. (6 out of 7 with Germany getting the other)
There were news that S Korea was offering Spain their trainer aircraft. Spain came back with a counter offer to give them A400Ms at the 15% price of 27million dollars a piece as a swap deal.
South Korea and Spain seek deal to swap trainer jets for airlifters
The deal may involve about 50 basic and advanced trainer jets built by Korea Aerospace Industries, and four to six Airbus A400M
Hurjet was offered to the Spanish.
Hurjet was not brought to Farnborough, because it had to go through urgent upgrades.
Now we are hearing that Hurjet is to go to Spain.
2 x 2 = ???
Any thoughts??
"According to sources who spoke to Defence Turkey, Spain is offering to pay for the procurement of 24 HÜRJETs through the sale of 6 A400Ms to the Turkish Air Force via Airbus (i.e. by way of barter). The Turkish Air Force has been working for some time to increase the number of A400Ms in its inventory, but due to budget constraints, additional purchases could not be made."

HÜRJET İspanya Yolcusu
Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii tarafından geliştirilen Yeni Nesil jet Eğitim Uçağı HÜRJET, İspanyol Hava ve Uzay Kuvvetleri’nin (SASF) envanterinde bulunan SF-5M eğitim uçaklarını değiştirmek maksadıyla başlattığı proje kapsamında İspanya’ya gidecek.