Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

Van Kravchenko

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I believe it's still within our immediate reach if we start by licensing Cirit or similar add on guidance kits for our FFAR.
They're still count as air to ground missile although they can also be fitted into ground vehicle.
if we develop AGM?
I think @Indos can explained it more detail.

Imho, both dumb bomb and ffar are considered dumb and organic armament, tho not much complicated system and within 🇮🇩 capability.

Hence, for guided missile its a complex system and need this and that thing to do.

it is very clear that Indonesia will have much freedom in the system integration with capability to do upgrade by ourselves

WDYT, is there any chance 🇮🇩 put 🇺🇸 (or another) armament to IFX ?


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I think @Indos can explained it more detail.

Imho, both dumb bomb and ffar are considered dumb and organic armament, tho not much complicated system and within 🇮🇩 capability.

Hence, for guided missile its a complex system and need this and that thing to do.

WDYT, is there any chance 🇮🇩 put 🇺🇸 (or another) armament to IFX ?
Anything that KFX could cary, IFX could cary them too, isn't it?


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South Korean military officials told Janes on 28 May that Raytheon’s GBU-12 Paveway II, Boeing’s GBU-31/38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), GBU-54/56 Laser JDAM, and GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb1 (SDB1), as well as Textron’s Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) CBU‐105 had all been selected for integration with the KF-X, which is being developed by Korea Aerospace Industries, with PT Dirgantara Indonesia as KAI’s industry partner on the project.

At least for the dumb bomb we should make it our own.

Van Kravchenko

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Anything that KFX could cary, IFX could cary them too, isn't it?
Dunno mann, i still worry 'bout 🇺🇸 permission, etc. 😢

My mind curently focused on alrady stocked 🇺🇸 made arsenal on 🇮🇩 inventory to use in IF-X


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Imho, both dumb bomb and ffar are considered dumb and organic armament, tho not much complicated system and within 🇮🇩 capability.
Yes, that's why I propose that we start with guidance kits for FFAR. Heck, you can imagine that we'll be able to develop a guidance kit for R-HAN 122 based on those kits.
Hence, for guided missile its a complex system and need this and that thing to do.
Start small but sure. If we're still don't have the capability to design and develop a guided missile from scratch, while we already have the capability to produce "dumb rockets", it should be a no-brainer what we can and must do to achieve that capability within a reasonable amount of time.


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JV between GE and NTP? you mean PT. GENTS? as i remember correctly, since first time I joined as gas turbine overhaul engineer apprentice in 1999 at NTP, GENTS only did GE industrial gas turbines, not for aero engines.

At that time, NTP still has over 400 skilled employee. even though IMF had crushed PTDI business.
After left NTP and went back for several occasions as another company's reps to upgraded test cells for its industrial gas turbines engine division, I found very quiet workplace.

Last time I went there around 5-6 years ago, and the employee numbers only remains half of it in 1999. Most of them will enter their retirement periods. Had chats with some of old colleagues there, the NTP's business was not that shining as in the past. I wonder where the signs of this company able to make gas turbine propulsions.

Seems like this company deliberately being neglected and dying. No significant regeneration of skilled workers. Slowly but surely, one by one, all people gone as they are retired. The local competitor, GMF, looks much expand now compare to NTP.

Well, it's 5-6 years ago. I didn't updating anymore. If NTP been radically revitalized by government in recent years, maybe it shining back.
Afaik, NTP only MRO workshop, not engine manufacturer. Still can recall all the corners of its facilities. None of them were production facilities.




NTP did make gas turbine, but for electricity power generation purposes. So they are not only in MRO business and can be utilized for gas turbine manufacturing. The project is under BPPT program. It is government research and development program. You can try to search through Google.

Well if you say that in 1999 they just focus on industrial gas turbine then we know that they also add capabilities in aero-engine, it means they are progressing.



T56 Engine of Hercules


PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (NTP), a subsidiary company of Indonesia Aerospace get visitor from PT Pertamina Hulu (a subsidiary of state owned energy company, PT Pertamina, which specializes in oil and gas drilling). PT Pertamina Hulu hopes that NTP can do MRO for their rotating equipment.


Future propulsion is actually EDF+Battery technology. Future fighters will be drone fighters

As we have state owned company that collaborate with LG for battery manufacturing, then I am optimist about Indonesia in the future for aero propulsion


Think Tank Analyst
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WDYT, is there any chance 🇮🇩 put 🇺🇸 (or another) armament to IFX ?

KF21 and IFX will be in no different, except some like IFX may use parachute like Su 30 and different air-refueling system.

KF 21 will use US armament like JDAM while BVR and WVR missiles are European ( Meteor for BVR and IRIS-T for WVR)


Future development we could use our own weapons

KFX/IFX Fighter Aircraft development reaches 20 percent
Jumat, 7 Desember 2018 10:39 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Fighter aircraft model made by Indonesia and South Korea, KFX / IFX ( P Marboen)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The development of fighter aircraft 4.5 generation, Korean Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) under cooperation of Indonesia and South Korea which was established since 2011, has been reaching 20 percent.

"Until now the development process has been reaching 20 percent. There are three stages we need to pass, namely technology development, EMD (engineering and manufacturing development), and prototyping," Director of Technology and Development of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) Air Marshal Gita Amperiawan said at a press conference here on Thursday.

According to him, after the G to G cooperation project has been running for seven years, the preliminary design review phase has completed to ensure the configuration of the KFX/IFX fighter aircraft has met the operational requirements of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF).

"Today we are socializing to all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Defense, Coordinating Ministry for Politics of Law and Human Rights about the development progress of the engineering manufacturing development phase," Gita said.

He further said, after the preliminary design was completed, the two countries will develop the prototype of the fighter.

This fighter aircraft is expected to be mass produced in 2026 after passing flight tests and certifications.

"We have passed the technology development phase and EMP. The details of the design are expected to complete around July or August 2019, and we will begin prototyping, testing and certification processes," he noted.

Gita added that the Indonesian and South Korean governments accommodate common requirements that the prototyping should accommodate the interests of the Indonesian Air Force.

There will be 168 units of aircraft to be produced. South Korea will receive 120 aircraft while Indonesia will get 48 units.

"We contribute 20 percent in each phase according to the agreement," he said.

At the same occasion, Chairman of PT DI`s KFX / IFX Program Heri Yansyah said the Indonesian aircraft industry PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) are just system integrators in the development of KFX / IFX aircraft.

"So, all components will be produced by other parties including engines and avionics. The navigation is produced by other parties that will be integrated into this aircraft. We also have plans on how aircraft technology can be built by Indonesia`s local industries, such as PT Pindad," he said.

According to Heri, Pindad, which is the Indonesian state-owned enterprise specialization in military and commercial products, could make weapon system for this generation 4.5 fighter.

"The weapons can be produced by Pindad. We also build technologies, such as data links, weapon integration, and radar. These are our works that we call strategic investment. We will figure out how to produce fighter aircraft in the country because it relates to our independence," Heri said.

The KFX/IFX fighter is a generation 4.5 of semi-stealth multi-role aircraft developed by Indonesia and South Korea. This fighter aircraft is designed to replace ROFKA and Indonesian Air Force`s fighter jets.

Some of the advantages of KFX / IFX fighter include semi-stealth, and have semi conformal missile launchers, advanced avionics and air refueling.

In a memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries, Indonesia covers 20 percent the total cost of the fighter development program, while South Korea bears 80 percent of it.

Reporting by Syaiful Hakim
Editng by Libertina, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Heru Purwanto



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The design of KF21/IFX is based on C 103 that is designed by ADD Korea and Indonesian Aerospace+Institute Technology Bandung.

C 103 design ( there you can see the year of 2012), before KAI and LM comes to the program in 2015

View attachment 32747
Final design C 109 is just a refinement of C 103 design.

Indonesian wind tunnel (C 103 design)

Then detail design will be work on after basic design is made, detail design needs many design engineers, this is why as of July 2019, there were 114 Indonesian engineers in KAI

"As of July, 114 Indonesian engineers were sent to South Korea to work with Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft manufacturer, to design and make a prototype of the fighter, according to a DAPA official."

Will we get a release of more info on INA's participation roadmap this year or at least sometime in 2022?

For most part, there seem to be some cold freeze status quo till INA budgeting commitment is shored up.

Indonesia has too many fingers in too many baskets right now....and there's too much speculation going on which loses time...and keeps the same cyclical convos going here.

To me this is why streamlining to F-16V and then commitment to KFX seemed most prudent.

KFX will mature into 5th/6th gen over time and that makes things easy downstream too.

Better clarity here means INA can then focus on beefing up its navy. Especially ADW, ASW and subs....if you look at indonesia layout on map...what it is naturally inclined to maximise and get most power level on.

Someone somewhere asked if its better to have more+smaller subs or few+larger subs. I think INA should go for a spread....numbers provide good littoral sensoring+interdiction and big-guys provide the endurance+range....depending on how INA war games the scenario layers.

Korea and Japan should be partners for INA on lot of domains if you ask me. They might cost a premium, but they are good conveyors+further developer/optimiser of western MIC.

Korea has had excellent result in its SLBM hull extension of german SSK tech for example.

INA should expand a strategic partnership with these East Asian countries, they are extremely strong in maritime sphere and you can double dip for aviation MIC too.

You are facing similar geopolitical threats as well for the decades up to 2050 that can be forseen.

They carry less geopolitical issues and drama (directly) that say US, France, NATO, West etc carry....though INA should keep relations lubricated and well functioned there for any original-source tech that Japan + Korea use etc.

More you lift now with them, less you have to do later.

INA should think strategically here and stop messing around and considering too many dishes....some menu items need to be clearly picked in interest of time, cost and efficiency.

This is just my outsider perspective though, INA politics I am sure is involved on the inside.


Think Tank Analyst
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Will we get a release of more info on INA's participation roadmap this year or at least sometime in 2022?

For most part, there seem to be some cold freeze status quo till INA budgeting commitment is shored up.

Indonesia has too many fingers in too many baskets right now....and there's too much speculation going on which loses time...and keeps the same cyclical convos going here.

To me this is why streamlining to F-16V and then commitment to KFX seemed most prudent.

KFX will mature into 5th/6th gen over time and that makes things easy downstream too.

Better clarity here means INA can then focus on beefing up its navy. Especially ADW, ASW and subs....if you look at indonesia layout on map...what it is naturally inclined to maximise and get most power level on.

Someone somewhere asked if its better to have more+smaller subs or few+larger subs. I think INA should go for a spread....numbers provide good littoral sensoring+interdiction and big-guys provide the endurance+range....depending on how INA war games the scenario layers.

Korea and Japan should be partners for INA on lot of domains if you ask me. They might cost a premium, but they are good conveyors+further developer/optimiser of western MIC.

Korea has had excellent result in its SLBM hull extension of german SSK tech for example.

INA should expand a strategic partnership with these East Asian countries, they are extremely strong in maritime sphere and you can double dip for aviation MIC too.

You are facing similar geopolitical threats as well for the decades up to 2050 that can be forseen.

They carry less geopolitical issues and drama (directly) that say US, France, NATO, West etc carry....though INA should keep relations lubricated and well functioned there for any original-source tech that Japan + Korea use etc.

More you lift now with them, less you have to do later.

INA should think strategically here and stop messing around and considering too many dishes....some menu items need to be clearly picked in interest of time, cost and efficiency.

This is just my outsider perspective though, INA politics I am sure is involved on the inside.

Honestly, the cooperation in engineering development is not effected too much despite late payment and renegotiation and we see 116 Indonesian engineers were still in Korea until May 2020 where CDR meeting in 2019 September (completion of detail design).

What I know for 2021 target is to catch up with KAI engineering, particularly in production and testing. Indonesia Aerospace do making some parts for prototype 1,2, and 6 but we dont contribute in assembling and system integration of first and second prototype since all engineers were in Indonesia. Despite so, 30 engineers have been in Korea now as in late August they have flown to Korea, 100 will be in Korea in the end of 2021 inshaAllah.


ADEX 2019: Indonesia committed to KF-X project despite fiscal concerns
Jon Grevatt, Seoul
- Jane's Defence Weekly
15 October 2019

An artist impression of the KF-X fighter aircraft. South Korea is developing the platform in partnership with Indonesia, although the latter has fallen behind on payments. Source: DAPA

More than 100 engineers from Indonesian aerospace company PT Dirgantara (PTDI) remain involved in the project with South Korea to develop the next-generation Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) fighter aircraft despite growing concern about the Southeast Asian country's financial involvement in the programme.

Industry officials told Jane's at the 2019 Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) that ties between PTDI at Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), which is leading the KF-X programme, remain strong even if the South Korean and Indonesian governments have yet to reach an agreement on how - and how much - Jakarta will pay towards the development project.

"We have 114 engineers working on the KF-X in Korea," said one official from KAI. "They are mainly working on the design of the aircraft but also on manufacturing processes." PTDI told Jane's that its engineers' involvement in the programme is intended to support the company's long-term development and its ability to apply acquired skills across a range of platforms.

Industry officials would not comment directly on government-level talks intended to enable Jakarta to fund its involvement in the programme, which it refers to as IF-X. These talks started in October 2018 after Indonesia said that due to a lack of funding it wanted to renegotiate the financial arrangements that were agreed in 2015. Renegotiations were initially expected to be concluded within 12 months but have yet to be finalised.

Under the original KF-X finance agreement Indonesia is committed to pay for 20% of the total development costs of the aircraft, which are estimated at about USD8 billion. The South Korean government is committed to pay for 60% of costs, with KAI covering the remaining 20%.
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Honestly, the cooperation in engineering development is not effected too much despite late payment and renegotiation and we see 116 Indonesian engineers were still in Korea until May 2020 where CDR meeting in 2019 September (completion of detail design).

What I know for 2021 target is to catch up with KAI engineering, particularly in production and testing. Indonesia Aerospace do making some parts for prototype 1,2, and 6 but we dont contribute in assembling and system integration of first and second prototype. Despite so, 30 engineers have been in Korea now as in late August they have flown to Korea, 100 will be in Korea in the end of 2021 inshaAllah.


ADEX 2019: Indonesia committed to KF-X project despite fiscal concerns
Jon Grevatt, Seoul
- Jane's Defence Weekly
15 October 2019

An artist impression of the KF-X fighter aircraft. South Korea is developing the platform in partnership with Indonesia, although the latter has fallen behind on payments. Source: DAPA

More than 100 engineers from Indonesian aerospace company PT Dirgantara (PTDI) remain involved in the project with South Korea to develop the next-generation Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) fighter aircraft despite growing concern about the Southeast Asian country's financial involvement in the programme.

Industry officials told Jane's at the 2019 Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (ADEX) that ties between PTDI at Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), which is leading the KF-X programme, remain strong even if the South Korean and Indonesian governments have yet to reach an agreement on how - and how much - Jakarta will pay towards the development project.

"We have 114 engineers working on the KF-X in Korea," said one official from KAI. "They are mainly working on the design of the aircraft but also on manufacturing processes." PTDI told Jane's that its engineers' involvement in the programme is intended to support the company's long-term development and its ability to apply acquired skills across a range of platforms.

Industry officials would not comment directly on government-level talks intended to enable Jakarta to fund its involvement in the programme, which it refers to as IF-X. These talks started in October 2018 after Indonesia said that due to a lack of funding it wanted to renegotiate the financial arrangements that were agreed in 2015. Renegotiations were initially expected to be concluded within 12 months but have yet to be finalised.

Under the original KF-X finance agreement Indonesia is committed to pay for 20% of the total development costs of the aircraft, which are estimated at about USD8 billion. The South Korean government is committed to pay for 60% of costs, with KAI covering the remaining 20%.

Yah bro, but Canada was big time involved (and still involved) in F-35 in similar way....sending/receiving engineers, making components even (it still does)...over 20 years or so now.

Seen engine parts myself. Anyone can focus in and assume (without larger political decision picture) we are getting F-35 just by that. Instead we got a clown show here now.

It needs commitment of another kind to land the actual platforms for the Air Force itself....politicians and their drama will ruin anything (downstream) if you make it broad and indecisive enough when you have the best opportunity to secure things.

Canada backed out stupidly after lot of hmm hawwing in politician chambers....and the cyclical discussion re-enters another phase now here (too long a story).

With developing country + politics + fiscal pressure there....I am just concerned even more....because to me F-16V is near no brainer for should have been picked a while ago and whatever offsets INA could negotiate for....grabbed and proceeded with now.

With F-16V, then KFX becomes another no-brainer etc.

But there seem to be too much hmmm-haaaaw in the mix now. A whole year or two of Rafale, F-15EX and other stuff.

I dont think INA can really afford this time and eventually money this costs.

Anyway I will look out for if there is big advancement soon and some solid decisions taken.

It should preferably be by this year-end.


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Yah bro, but Canada was big time involved (and still involved) in F-35 in similar way....sending/receiving engineers, making components even (it still does)...over 20 years or so now.

Seen engine parts myself. Anyone can focus in and assume (without larger political decision picture) we are getting F-35 just by that. Instead we got a clown show here now.

It needs commitment of another kind to land the actual platforms for the Air Force itself....politicians and their drama will ruin anything (downstream) if you make it broad and indecisive enough when you have the best opportunity to secure things.

Canada backed out stupidly after lot of hmm hawwing in politician chambers....and the cyclical discussion re-enters another phase now here (too long a story).

With developing country + politics + fiscal pressure there....I am just concerned even more....because to me F-16V is near no brainer for should have been picked a while ago and whatever offsets INA could negotiate for....grabbed and proceeded with now.

With F-16V, then KFX becomes another no-brainer etc.

But there seem to be too much hmmm-haaaaw in the mix now. A whole year or two of Rafale, F-15EX and other stuff.

I dont think INA can really afford this time and eventually money this costs.

Anyway I will look out for if there is big advancement soon and some solid decisions taken.

It should preferably be by this year-end.

Prabowo do have many plans like Rafale, F15 EX, and also KF21. But the execution will be made by key administration power which are President Office, Minister of Planning, and Minister of Finance.

Minister of Planning only approved 1.6 billion USD ( foreign loan back program) MRCA program (2020-2024) and Minister of Finance slash it further into 1.1 billion USD but she has approved PSP on the loan. I dont know much on this since I dont have high level connection in either MoP and MoF, but possibly that 1.1 billion USD foreign loan is given by Korea for KF21/IFX program as Prabowo is reported to ask loan to Korea when he visited Korea to attend KF21 roll out ceremony



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KF21 and IFX will be in no different, except some like IFX may use parachute like Su 30 and different air-refueling system.

KF 21 will use US armament like JDAM while BVR and WVR missiles are European ( Meteor for BVR and IRIS-T for WVR)


Future development we could use our own weapons

KFX/IFX Fighter Aircraft development reaches 20 percent
Jumat, 7 Desember 2018 10:39 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Fighter aircraft model made by Indonesia and South Korea, KFX / IFX ( P Marboen)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The development of fighter aircraft 4.5 generation, Korean Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX) under cooperation of Indonesia and South Korea which was established since 2011, has been reaching 20 percent.

"Until now the development process has been reaching 20 percent. There are three stages we need to pass, namely technology development, EMD (engineering and manufacturing development), and prototyping," Director of Technology and Development of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) Air Marshal Gita Amperiawan said at a press conference here on Thursday.

According to him, after the G to G cooperation project has been running for seven years, the preliminary design review phase has completed to ensure the configuration of the KFX/IFX fighter aircraft has met the operational requirements of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) and the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF).

"Today we are socializing to all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Defense, Coordinating Ministry for Politics of Law and Human Rights about the development progress of the engineering manufacturing development phase," Gita said.

He further said, after the preliminary design was completed, the two countries will develop the prototype of the fighter.

This fighter aircraft is expected to be mass produced in 2026 after passing flight tests and certifications.

"We have passed the technology development phase and EMP. The details of the design are expected to complete around July or August 2019, and we will begin prototyping, testing and certification processes," he noted.

Gita added that the Indonesian and South Korean governments accommodate common requirements that the prototyping should accommodate the interests of the Indonesian Air Force.

There will be 168 units of aircraft to be produced. South Korea will receive 120 aircraft while Indonesia will get 48 units.

"We contribute 20 percent in each phase according to the agreement," he said.

At the same occasion, Chairman of PT DI`s KFX / IFX Program Heri Yansyah said the Indonesian aircraft industry PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) are just system integrators in the development of KFX / IFX aircraft.

"So, all components will be produced by other parties including engines and avionics. The navigation is produced by other parties that will be integrated into this aircraft. We also have plans on how aircraft technology can be built by Indonesia`s local industries, such as PT Pindad," he said.

According to Heri, Pindad, which is the Indonesian state-owned enterprise specialization in military and commercial products, could make weapon system for this generation 4.5 fighter.

"The weapons can be produced by Pindad. We also build technologies, such as data links, weapon integration, and radar. These are our works that we call strategic investment. We will figure out how to produce fighter aircraft in the country because it relates to our independence," Heri said.

The KFX/IFX fighter is a generation 4.5 of semi-stealth multi-role aircraft developed by Indonesia and South Korea. This fighter aircraft is designed to replace ROFKA and Indonesian Air Force`s fighter jets.

Some of the advantages of KFX / IFX fighter include semi-stealth, and have semi conformal missile launchers, advanced avionics and air refueling.

In a memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries, Indonesia covers 20 percent the total cost of the fighter development program, while South Korea bears 80 percent of it.

Reporting by Syaiful Hakim
Editng by Libertina, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Heru Purwanto

I heard they will use boom system like korean in the end.

No problem though, we will get mrtt in the future.


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Prabowo do have many plans like Rafale, F15 EX, and also KF21. But the execution will be made by key administration power which are President Office, Minister of Planning, and Minister of Finance.

Minister of Planning only approved 1.6 billion USD ( foreign loan back program) MRCA program (2020-2024) and Minister of Finance slash it further into 1.1 billion USD but she has approved PSP on the loan. I dont know much on this since I dont have high level connection in either MoP and MoF, but possibly that 1.1 billion USD foreign loan is given by Korea for KF21/IFX program as Prabowo is reported to ask loan to Korea when he visited Korea to attend KF21 roll out ceremony

Let us see. That is why I feel we get a concrete path laid out either this year or next hopefully.

IMO this stuff should have been squared away in 2019 and 2020....covid or no covid.

At least now it is time for Indonesia to pick a horse or two here (one for the now, and one for the future) after being around the stables long enough.

It cannot be another bunch of years used just because going around the stables produces the most gossip and drama etc.

When you pick one, it becomes much more clearer what stuff you also need to go for to make the whole thing work well. i.e weapons, offsets, ToT for those....with long term view of what INA absorbs and then can further develop for its MIC and core resolute autarky.

Indonesia is nearly 300 million people. It has to think strategically and long term as possible given what it has and what it has to secure and protect in appreciable way going forward.

Piecemeal drama is something only far smaller countries (with a number of larger partners and peers already involved with them w.r.t security + industry) can entertain.

When India's capacities mature more, I hope IND-INA cooperation also grows much more.

Right now India is very saturated by its own large requirements and voids in addressing we cannot really be something like Japan and/or South Korea could be for INA for next decade or two. They are sweetspot countries for INA if you ask me.


Think Tank Analyst
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Let us see. That is why I feel we get a concrete path laid out either this year or next hopefully.

IMO this stuff should have been squared away in 2019 and 2020....covid or no covid.

At least now it is time for Indonesia to pick a horse or two here (one for the now, and one for the future) after being around the stables long enough.

It cannot be another bunch of years used just because going around the stables produces the most gossip and drama etc.

When you pick one, it becomes much more clearer what stuff you also need to go for to make the whole thing work well. i.e weapons, offsets, ToT for those....with long term view of what INA absorbs and then can further develop for its MIC and core resolute autarky.

Indonesia is nearly 300 million people. It has to think strategically and long term as possible given what it has and what it has to secure and protect in appreciable way going forward.

Piecemeal drama is something only far smaller countries (with a number of larger partners and peers already involved with them w.r.t security + industry) can entertain.

When India's capacities mature more, I hope IND-INA cooperation also grows much more.

Right now India is very saturated by its own large requirements and voids in addressing we cannot really be something like Japan and/or South Korea could be for INA for next decade or two. They are sweetspot countries for INA if you ask me.

As far as I know, previous Research Ministry is quite ambitious in aerospace road map. I dont want to reveal the road map in detail here, but it is quite ambitious, more about civilian projects though it is understandable as in the time of road map making it was in 2020 where KF 21 program seems getting negative tendency to continue ( it was felt by the KF21/IFX engineering team as well).

As KF 21 seems to continue inshaAllah, then I think there will be road map for fighter jet development as well until 2040 inshaAllah. As far as I know SBY has made fighter development long term road map that this administration can use where it also give clue they are pursuing components development as well.

BRIN Director (our gov research agency) look like will also try to use foreign researchers to help our research program despite it is just a recent statement of him but very positive IMO since he urges that thing to happen to accelerate the research program.



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BRIN Director (our gov research agency) look like will also try to use foreign researchers to help our research program
They can hire as many foreign researchers as they want, but as long as the whole state's R&D budget still remains as low as it always been, we won't get anywhere far.

IIRC, even compared to other ASEAN member countries, our national R&D budget is still among the lowest.


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just curious, have we paid our outstanding commitment to KAI? I hope by now those bapak-bapak realize that no RnD can be paid with cassava, banana, or whatever plants you grow on your garden


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What kind of weapons that can be carried internally by the KF21?
Can LACM fit in the IWB?



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just curious, have we paid our outstanding commitment to KAI? I hope by now those bapak-bapak realize that no RnD can be paid with cassava, banana, or whatever plants you grow on your garden
Well the money is kinda ngepres nowadays
What kind of weapons that can be carried internally by the KF21?
Can LACM fit in the IWB?

Turkish SOM should be alternative

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