I've an imagination if

If any, one source said it was Kaplan APC/IFV, not sure how many commonality with Harimau.
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View attachment 33961
I've an imagination ifhave a will to buy this FNSS product in future to arm Mechanized Infantry Battalion.
If any, one source said it was Kaplan APC/IFV, not sure how many commonality with Harimau.
You mean AV8 Gempita, Lipanbara is AV4 (Chaiseri First Win)a mechanized force based on a single (modular) platform for IFV, APC, Mortar carrier, ambulance etc.
kinda like what the Malaysian army is doing with the AV8 Lipan Bara in their inventory
Harimau APC/IFV is actually that thingView attachment 33961
I've an imagination ifhave a will to buy this FNSS product in future to arm Mechanized Infantry Battalion.
If any, one source said it was Kaplan APC/IFV, not sure how many commonality with Harimau.
ahh yes, I mean thatYou mean AV8 Gempita, Lipanbara is AV4 (Chaiseri First Win)
This pict on your post is only wooden mockup, but the pict i post above was recent upload.You mean AV8 Gempita, Lipanbara is AV4 (Chaiseri First Win)
Harimau APC/IFV is actually that thing
Not sure if Indonesian army is interested or not
This pict on your post is only wooden mockup, but the pict i post above was recent upload.
The design also radically new compared to what FNSS displayed along with first Harimau MT appearance.
Persumably the design was finalized for futher mass production.
Atleast something was deeply fucked up with the rest " bintang " uniformed chasis armored vehicle manufactured locally were only the logical move forward....View attachment 33961
I've an imagination ifhave a will to buy this FNSS product in future to arm Mechanized Infantry Battalion.
If any, one source said it was Kaplan APC/IFV, not sure how many commonality with Harimau.
Consider explain it to me, coz it was hard for me to swallowAtleast something was deeply fucked up with the rest " bintang " uniformed chasis armored vehicle manufactured locally were only the logical move forward....
Yes, and something kostrad lack of.a mechanized force based on a single (modular) platform for IFV, APC, Mortar carrier, ambulance etc.
kinda like what the Malaysian army is doing with the AV8 Lipan Bara in their inventory
it's more how the APC/IFV can cope with the speed of the MBT spearheading the offensive in front of them, I read somewhere that the M113 is too slow to follow the advancing MBT in front. Don't know if the Marder 1a3 has the same problem.Yes, and something kostrad lack of.
Its mean nothing if MBT not accompanied by mechanized/motor rifle infantry while do offensive or defensive
I am very well aware of that, what I'm trying to say that Pindad is actually developed the MT APC/IFV version (with the same model as the CGI, that is, the same as FNSS'). Hek the CGI on Pindad roadmap is actually the same as the thing you posted, viewed from other side and angle. And for the wooden mockup, it doesn't really seem to be completed and because of the angle, it may not look like the CGI eventhough it used the CGI as the reference.This pict on your post is only wooden mockup, but the pict i post above was recent upload.
The design also radically new compared to what FNSS displayed along with first Harimau MT appearance.
Persumably the design was finalized for futher mass production.
Very excited , do we have a roadmap for this ??artillery rocket of 122-300 mm, and missile
I don't think that it will be a problem in here, because we are not in ME dessert , continental europe / us.I read somewhere that the M113 is too slow to follow the advancing MBT in front.
At least we already saw the pic of Anoa 3 and the tank boat already on the water.Don't forget that Pindad is actually 1 year late on development schedule: Anoa 3, tank boat, and .300 blackout rifle should be last year prototypes
it's more how the APC/IFV can cope with the speed of the MBT spearheading the offensive in front of them, I read somewhere that the M113 is too slow to follow the advancing MBT in front. Don't know if the Marder 1a3 has the same problem.
anyway we need to adopt 30mm gun as standard on our IFV's, 20mm like in the Marder are kinda weak compared to our peer.
Another wining project from lockheed congrat..They already put Bushmaster II Canon on the Pandur IFV Indonesia ordered
This?They already put Bushmaster II Canon on the Pandur IFV Indonesia ordered
Since its from Ares, it was has strong possibility to use Mk 44 cannon (30 mm)This?
Not sure if that's a 25 mm or 30 mm cannon though.
Consider explain it to me, coz it was hard for me to swallow
But yes, by knowing this new desingn released we know the capability of Pindad to build a tracked IFV is barely can move forward.