since the vehicle use same engine as toyota hillux, i wonder if it could be dispatced to papuan mountains. Even if its not so bulletproove, am sure its still give a significant protection.
That's not advisable though
since the vehicle use same engine as toyota hillux, i wonder if it could be dispatced to papuan mountains. Even if its not so bulletproove, am sure its still give a significant protection.
Lemme guess, the problem is on weight and engine power right ?That's not advisable though
It will offer tactical mobility sure. But NOT any ballistic protection. Bullets (even 9mm FMJ) will go through unless it hit the engine block or the wheel (which is a cast metal)since the vehicle use same engine as toyota hillux, i wonder if it could be dispatced to papuan mountains. Even if its not so bulletproove, am sure its still give a significant protection.
The PP/UU specifically stated that Komcad could only be activated for/during refreshment training and mobilization (which can only happen in the state of war/martial law)State Emergency can come at Natural disaster form, in which Indonesia had a plenty example at last two decades.
Our = JatosintNeed clarification, WHO is "our" you were referring to![]()
Change the handguard from picatinny rail to the lighter M-LOK is not a monumental change like AR based rifle change to AK based rifle, it should be ok for anyone (the riflemen and the armories) to use and maintain the rifles.Better sticking to what they already familiar with. In shooters world, newer isn't necessarily better. In the end it's always about familiarity than some shiny new toys
But from the army video, what I can catch from the video is more like the Komcad are will be used mainly as the agent of "ketahanan pangan", I hope I'm wrong.
Change the handguard from picatinny rail to the lighter M-LOK is not a monumental change like AR based rifle change to AK based rifle, it should be ok for anyone (the riflemen and the armories) to use and maintain the rifles.
But from the army video, what I can catch from the video is more like the Komcad are will be used mainly as the agent of "ketahanan pangan", I hope I'm wrong.
If yes, the Komcad would be used as " Petani", for the sake of whatever, It would be the meme of the 2021.
The video:
Even though that was video from July, but still... You right, it still related to this current and future events.Video Juli
But still..........
It's about time. Better late than never. Komodo do look better compare to whatever came out of PINDAD. But then I haven't try / test any of Komodo line up.PENYERAHANAN SERTIFIKAT TIPE SENJATA SENAPAN SERBU KOMODO D7 DAN MUNISI HYBRID PRODUKSI PT. KOMODO ARMAMENT INDONESIA
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Pada hari Jumat tanggal 22 Januari 2021 bertempat di ruang rapat Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan lantai 10 gedung A.H Nasution , Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono, S.E., M.M di dampingi Ketua IMLA (Indonesian Military Landworthiness Authority) melaksanakan kegiatan penandatanganan dan penyerahan Sertifikat Kelaikan Tipe Senjata Senapan Serbu Komodo D7 dan Munisi Hybrid kepada Bapak Mayjen Purn Daniel Ambat selaku Direktur Operasional PT. Komodo Armament Indonesia (KAI). Kegiatan penyerahan sertifikat berjalan lancar dengan selalu memperhatikan dan mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19.
Penandatanganan dan Penyerahan Sertifikat Senjata Senapan Serbu Komodo D7 dan Munisi Hybrid dilaksanakan setelah seluruh proses kegiatan Sertifikasi Kelaikan Militer yang meliputi kegiatan Aplikasi, Verifikasi Dokumen/Review Document, Pemeriksaan Kesesuaian/Conformity Inspection dan Pengujian Fungsi/Functional Test yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Inspektor Kelaikan IMLA.
Dalam sambutannya Kapuslaik Kemhan mengucapkan selamat kepada PT.KAI dan berharap dengan diterbitkannya Sertifikat Tipe untuk senjata dan munisi yang diproduksinya dapat bermanfaat untuk perkembangan dan kemajuan PT.KAI sebagai Industri Pertahanan dalam mendukung Pertahanan Negara.
Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan RI
Indonesian Land Military Worthiness Agency had certified Komodo D7 assault rifles, to be used within TNI. Komodo Armaments, at the same time awarded certification for their hybrid munition
i think the D5 and D7 use DI not piston drivenshort piston
Sorry I mean the D5. According to their website, only the D5 is available in both direct impingement & piston (I'm assuming that will be short piston)i think the D5 and D7 use DI not piston driven
i do hope we would adopt D7 as DMR, that would be a nice addition to our squad weapon system.PENYERAHANAN SERTIFIKAT TIPE SENJATA SENAPAN SERBU KOMODO D7 DAN MUNISI HYBRID PRODUKSI PT. KOMODO ARMAMENT INDONESIA
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Pada hari Jumat tanggal 22 Januari 2021 bertempat di ruang rapat Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan lantai 10 gedung A.H Nasution , Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono, S.E., M.M di dampingi Ketua IMLA (Indonesian Military Landworthiness Authority) melaksanakan kegiatan penandatanganan dan penyerahan Sertifikat Kelaikan Tipe Senjata Senapan Serbu Komodo D7 dan Munisi Hybrid kepada Bapak Mayjen Purn Daniel Ambat selaku Direktur Operasional PT. Komodo Armament Indonesia (KAI). Kegiatan penyerahan sertifikat berjalan lancar dengan selalu memperhatikan dan mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19.
Penandatanganan dan Penyerahan Sertifikat Senjata Senapan Serbu Komodo D7 dan Munisi Hybrid dilaksanakan setelah seluruh proses kegiatan Sertifikasi Kelaikan Militer yang meliputi kegiatan Aplikasi, Verifikasi Dokumen/Review Document, Pemeriksaan Kesesuaian/Conformity Inspection dan Pengujian Fungsi/Functional Test yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Inspektor Kelaikan IMLA.
Dalam sambutannya Kapuslaik Kemhan mengucapkan selamat kepada PT.KAI dan berharap dengan diterbitkannya Sertifikat Tipe untuk senjata dan munisi yang diproduksinya dapat bermanfaat untuk perkembangan dan kemajuan PT.KAI sebagai Industri Pertahanan dalam mendukung Pertahanan Negara.
Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan RI
Indonesian Land Military Worthiness Agency had certified Komodo D7 assault rifles, to be used within TNI. Komodo Armaments, at the same time awarded certification for their hybrid munition
The stairs are gone.
i wonder why they still push this bulky stuff on production. The turret make its look like loose its weight distribution. If the hull is shorter, i think it will get handsome look.
Sorry I mean the D5. According to their website, only the D5 is available in both direct impingement & piston (I'm assuming that will be short piston)
The big question is, why all of a sudden