Is there any other way to do itAnd what calibre would you recommend to use other than small arms
Personally, I always prefer .308 Win, but that just me being me
Personally ... I prefer for a 20-23 mm . Bigger punch for a bigger effect . And yet , even that was a too tall bridge to cross especially during these whole political correctness age ...
You've have obviously missed the sarcasm there.... It doesn:t required a rocket scientist to bolting some plate for a fixed emplacement of 12.7 mm . All they requires was a high vantage point and wide field of view for easing some leads spray and pray ...i dunno, I'm just asking the question because I'm not a naval practitioner,but in real conflict situation even smaller munition like 12.7mm on the side better effectiveness than just having 127mm at front
I hope I'm wrong and those specs only for bigger weapon sistem, and those smaller gun will be installed,
and those personnel firearms I mean a rifle btw
In these level of defense technology covered . 12.7 was considered as an accesory . Much like your motorcycle helmet's dealer that you'll never gonna wear it in your life time . until an emergency situation arised .
Say , like ...a Polantas teams are standing/sweeping on your very front door situation .