7 days* bottoming for the scorpene tonnages doesnt sound bad thenMeaning of "submerged" in this case maybe "total submerged endurance" which mean with and without snorkeling. Because it's almost impossible for non-nuclear subs can fully submerged for 78 days without snorkeling (to recharge batteries)
In comparison, KSS-III which combines AIP+Lithium-ion, only get 20+ days to fully submerged without snorkeling.
South Korea's KSS-III Batch 2 Submarine to Feature both AIP and Li-Ion Batteries - Naval News
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is currently building the third submarine of the KSS-III Batch 1 project in partnership with Daewoo Shipbuilding Maritime Engineering (DSME) Naval News learned at MADEX 2021 in Busan, South Korea.www.navalnews.com
And 9 days on soryu subs lithium-ion. (Estimated)
Performance Table, Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) vs Lead-acid Batteries (LABs)
A professional level blog on strategic matters, especially submarines (nuclear and conventional) in English, Hindi & most other major languages.gentleseas.blogspot.com
Meaning of "submerged" in this case maybe "total submerged endurance" which mean with and without snorkeling. Because it's almost impossible for non-nuclear subs can fully submerged for 78 days without snorkeling (to recharge batteries)
In comparison, KSS-III which combines AIP+Lithium-ion, only get 20+ days to fully submerged without snorkeling.
South Korea's KSS-III Batch 2 Submarine to Feature both AIP and Li-Ion Batteries - Naval News
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is currently building the third submarine of the KSS-III Batch 1 project in partnership with Daewoo Shipbuilding Maritime Engineering (DSME) Naval News learned at MADEX 2021 in Busan, South Korea.www.navalnews.com
And 9 days on soryu subs lithium-ion. (Estimated)
Performance Table, Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) vs Lead-acid Batteries (LABs)
A professional level blog on strategic matters, especially submarines (nuclear and conventional) in English, Hindi & most other major languages.gentleseas.blogspot.com
No, the overall energy density of an PEM AIP system is still higher than Li-ion battery ESS meaning that AIP will still have more endurance. That is basically the only reason PEM AIPs are still used world wide. The Italians are also going PEM AIP + Li-ion with their 212 NFS. Also it should be accounted if the batter in use is LFP or NCA/NMA. Only with SSB will Li-ion truly catch up to current PEM AIP system energy density.they comparing it by directly put the Type 214 without any censor or an alias name, brave move Naval Group
also, in previous discussion about AIP vs Li-Ion Battery, we forgot to discuss one thing, a submarine with Li-Ion Battery, have comparable submerge endurance with current conventional AIP, BUT, even if the battery is run out, the can simply recharge it by doing snorkel manoeuvres and having another AIP-long submerge duration, until the main vessel fuel runs out.
Meanwhile if AIP runs out of it's fuel (pure hydrogen and cryogenated oxigen), they have to refuel it to the base or any base who have the facility to refuel those gasses, or else having AIP modules but no fuel just the same as conventional diesel electric subs, like Nagapasa.
Japan was using Swedish sterling AIP design which didn't fully suit their operational needs. So for them it was an easier choice to ditch AIP and go full Li-ion.What is the deal with lithium ion battery? Japan totally abandoned AIP in their new Teigei boats.
Does that mean with Lithium ion battery you can stay submerged for 25-30 days?
First off, the congress is blocking any further LCS retirement the USN is requesting, so it's unlikely all to begin with that there would be an LCS that could be sold to other countries, including Indonesia. Also, they are a future back-bone of USN MCM. LCS is basically replacing every USN MCM and minehunter ships.I'm a bit skeptical towards this programme, there is just too many works need to be done to make it feasible for operational use, i think there is 2 main argument from me about this very ship.
1. Learning from the past, TNI AL couldn't afford the financial burden to operate such thirsty fuel gas-turbine engine for ships and its waterjet propeller. And also its problematic gearbox system become real nightmare if not replaced with conventional one. What's the use of having something that's not even useful to its original operator.
For the case of waterjet propeller,it's already happened with KRI Karang Tekok, on that ship, the 4 waterjet propeller needs to be replaced with conventional 2 shafted propeller to reduce operational cost. It was such thirsty machine, the quad prop-jet drinks abt 2 tonne diesel fuel per hour, compared to after refit with conventional 2 shaft propeller which they says reduce it significantly to 2 tonne fuel per day (on that very ship).
Dikaramkan Rudal Exocet MM40 Block 3, Inilah Riwayat KRI Karang Tekok 982
Setelah dua tahun dalam penantian, akhirnya riwayat eks KRI Karang Tekok 982 telah berakhir pada hari Jumat, 30 Juni 2023, yakni setelah rudal anti kapal Exocet MM40 Block 3 yang diluncurkan dari KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 dengan telak menghancurkan eks KRI Karang Tekok 982 yang disiapkan...www.indomiliter.com
2. The mission package is very "patrol ship" than a corvette or light frigate, no hull mounted sonar, no torpedo launcher, no AShM, and no VLS for AA missile.
Unless MoD really want this very ship to fill the gap, and prepared the budget and time for those repair-refit-upgrade, then i could say less.
But if they buy it as is, i personally highly oppose that decision.
TNI AL Kembangkan "Drone Kamikaze" sebagai Senjata Andalan
TNI AL ingin memaksimalkan drone atau kendaraan nirawak dan alat-alat siber untuk menghadapi ancaman hibrida.nasional.kompas.com
TNI AL terima kapal patroli 'Yapero' dirancang dalam negeri
TNI Angkatan Laut menerima satu unit kapal patroli keamanan laut (patkamla) yang diberi nama "Yapero" yang keseluruhan desain-nya dirancang di dalam ...www.antaranews.com
i am in awe for the Fincantieri's patience
Ada NOS?
Its to replace FREMM order?
Don't knowAda NOS?
Its to replace FREMM order?
KRI 591Leonardo twin 40mm on LPD. Which KRI is it?