As long the

willing to do
Well, its money talk right now. Getting hit by COVID always leave a mark even for a prosperous country.
Despite any pros and cons regarding armament, is the TOT or whatsoever mechanism that need some concern.
While the ToT is a must, regarding to the law. Both of


offer ship building at home, in other hand they never mentioned about Armament nor Electronics wich is (Imho) the most valuable asset if we gain access to their tech. Soon or later we need to gain access to all armament and electronics in a ship. (You guys said the dragon already make it pace)
BUT, Ironically, locals didnt have capability bestow such TOT blessing. Viollla. . .
I just pray, if the contract already effective, if the TOT of bulding ship is effective, PAL and other locals get some work, not only welding already made hull, but also get into some deep area.