Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries


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I am always pondering about how came PT DKB and PT PAL and other SOE shipyard who had same exact business line is under many different management units and very differs at performance. If anything, there should be efforts to merger all of Indonesian government owned Shipyard and too research and designing facilities into one SOE company. Very like what France do with their NAVAL group. Thus there is also efforts to Made them into open Corporate by publishing IPO and must be handle by professional managerial teams with open accounting.

The list is

PT PAL Surabaya, location in Surabaya. Main business Shipyard, research and development of vessels, electrical components, rigs oil manufacturing and so on.

PT Dok dan perkapalan Surabaya, location in Surabaya. Main business repairing workshop and maintenance for ships.

PT Industri Kapal Indonesia, location Makassar. Main business, Shipyard manufacturing especially for Eastern Indonesia needs.

PT Dok dan perkapalan Kodja Bahari, location Jakarta. This Shipyard actually had four Shipyard facilities as part of merger of four Shipyard in Jakarta before. Main business is Shipyard manufacturing and MRO business.

To Made them into one big business unit should cut unnecessary red tape process and easier to handle negotiation for imported items and foreign related business.

Though it is just my opinion for now.
Minor part is we have to look at their history. All those shipyard were made to service specific area or purposes at first. Time goes then the merge happen, but it didnt go as expected, some still need to be nurtured by govt project to stay alive.

Major part from my point of view is "hidup segan mati tak mau", when you merge companies and not having enough project to feed the size then its going to be lay off. This is bad advertising, best course of action in political glasses is to let them be as is.

I personally not a fans of SOE, my recent encounter regarding Covid vaccine pretty much re-afirm my view of SOE. They might be far different field then shipyard but the culture and the way their Director conduct business is not much different then Soeharto era. Got the project - sell/ask private sector to do it - receive the fee - Publish the news that they were capable to do the job :rolleyes:

But, this Eric Tohir guy move so far really mean business. Some of his move was bold and he is so far smart enough to balance the "kepentingan politik" surrounding SOE in-line with his strategic move. There are resistance but until now is still manageable. I can see the SOE starting to shine again and serve its purpose if he manage to stay put until his terms end. Until then I still stand my ground and say sell those non strategic, non PSO state own enterprise 😄

Edit: Spelling


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Until then I still stand my ground and say sell those non strategic, non PSO state own enterprise

I have same dislike of SOE and PSU as you.

But do you know who would be most likely to buy these? I would think Indonesian govt puts clause that only local corporate/conglomerate can buy them given they are of strategic nature....and that reduces the capital pool.

Sometimes this is the very reason SOE continue unchallenged, they know they dont have easy buyer+integrator locally.


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I have same dislike of SOE and PSU as you.

But do you know who would be most likely to buy these? I would think Indonesian govt puts clause that only local corporate/conglomerate can buy them given they are of strategic nature....and that reduces the capital pool.

Sometimes this is the very reason SOE continue unchallenged, they know they dont have easy buyer+integrator locally.

You know to merge them then to let them to do IPO means they become Open Corporate who must do in everything to pursue profit and running their business profesionally. That's even to sold part of their share stocks in the market to ensure Board of Share Owner can continue to monitor them. There is several example of Indonesia SOE who are quite successfull after doing privatization, reform on management according to internasional standard and put part of their stocks on open market especially who working in financing sector like BRI, MANDIRI, BNI, then the likes of TELKOM, construction companies and manufacturing like PT INKA, Wijaya karya, Adhi Karya and so on is quite competitive and profitable.

Btw, most of large SOE companies in Indonesia had become open Corporate who shares and stocks listed at Jakarta Stock Exchange and open for trading it's only Government owned average of 51 percentage of shares.

That's not like some of them had severe issues like what happened to Jiwasraya, Garuda Indonesia, PLN and so on. But after reform most of them doing okay. And i wish for the government to open many business sector so large private industry from aboard can joint the game in Indonesia and give competition here.


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Menhan Melantik Pejabat Tim Pelaksana dan Tim Ahli Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan​

Senin, 14 Desember 2020​

Jakarta – Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto selaku Ketua Harian Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) memimpin Upacara Pengambilan Sumpah dan Pelantikan Pejabat Tim Pelaksana dan Tim Ahli KKIP.

Upacara dilaksanakan di Ruang Hening Gedung Soedirman Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta, Senin (14/12) dan dihadiri oleh Sekjen Kemhan Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto, M.D.S., Irjen Kemhan Letjen TNI Ida Bagus Purwalaksana serta sejumlah Pejabat Eselon I di lingkungan Kemhan.

Kepada para pejabat KKIP yang dilantik, Menhan pada kesempatan tersebut menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan terimakasih atas kesediaannya untuk terus berbakti dan mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara.

“Saya mengucapkan selamat dan terimakasih atas bersedianya saudara – saudara untuk mengabdi dan berbakti di komite ini. Untuk bersama-sama menghasilkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang tepat untuk pengembangan dan pembangunan industri pertahanan”,ungkap Menhan.

Sementara itu, Kepala Biro Hubungan Masyarakat Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan (Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan) Brigjen TNI I.E. Djoko Purwanto, S.E., M.M., mengatakan, pelantikan Pejabat baru di jajaran KKIP ini didasarkan kepada Keputusan Ketua Harian KKIP, Nomor : KEP/92/KKIP/XI/2020 tanggal 27 November 2020 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan dalam jabatan di lingkungan KKIP.

Berikut Pejabat Tim Pelaksana KKIP yang dilantik antara lain, Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono sebagai Sekretaris KKIP, Laksma TNI Sri Yanto, S.T., sebagai Kepala Sekretariat KKIP, Letjen TNI (Purn) Y. Surjo Prabowo sebagai Ketua Tim Pelaksana KKIP, Laksda TNI (Purn) Darwanto, S.H., M.A.P sebagai Ketua Bidang Perencanaan KKIP, Dr. Ir. Yono Reksoprojo, DIC. sebagai Ketua Bidang Alih Tekonologi dan Offset KKIP dan Letjen TNI (Purn) Dr. Yoedi Swastanto, M.B.A., sebagai Ketua Bidang Litbang dan Standarisasi KKIP. Selanjutnya, Ir. Alex Janangkih Sinaga, M.Sc.Eng., sebagai Ketua Bidang Kerjasama dan Pemasaran KKIP, Dr. Ir. Slamet Soedarsono, M.P.P., QIA., CRMP., CGAP., sebagai Ketua Bidang Pendanaan dan Pembiayaan KKIP.

Kemudian untuk Tim Ahli KKIP antara lain Laksda TNI (Purn) Mulyadi., S.Pi., M.AP., sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Pertahanan Laut , Marsda TNI (Purn) Danardono Sulistyo Adji, M.PP., sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Kerjasama dan Offset, Prof. Dr. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng sebagai Staf Ahli Bidang Pertahanan Cyber, Dr. Lydia Silvanna Djaman, S.H., M.H., sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Hukum dan Perundang-Undangan, Ir. M.G. Gatot Tetuko sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Penganggaran, Makmur Keliat, Ph.D, sebagai Staf Ahli Bidang Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan, Ir. Teguh Haryono, M.Sc., sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Litbang dan Stantarisasi dan Rabin Hattari Indrajad sebagai Staf Ahli KKIP Bidang Perencanaan.
lebih lanjut Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan menjelaskan bahwa KKIP adalah komite yang mewakili Pemerintah untuk mengoordinasikan kebijakan nasional dalam perencanaan, perumusan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian, sinkronisasi, dan evaluasi Industri Pertahanan.

Sesuai Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan, KKIP memiliki visi mencapai kemandirian pemenuhan kebutuhan alat peralatan pertahanan dan keamanan (Alpalhankam), yang didukung oleh industri pertahanan yang maju dan sumber daya manusia yang unggul, mengingat Industri Pertahanan Nasional merupakan bagian terpadu dari perencanaan strategis pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional untuk kepentingan pertahanan dan keamanan negara. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)​


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g translate version :

Jakarta - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto as the Daily Chair of the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) leads the Oath-Taking Ceremony and Inauguration of the Implementing Team and KKIP Expert Team.

The ceremony was held in the Silent Room of the Sudirman Building, Ministry of Defense, Jakarta, Monday (14/12) and was attended by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto, M.D.S., Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense, Lt. Gen. Ida Bagus Purwalaksana and a number of Echelon I officials in the Ministry of Defense.

To the KKIP officials who were inaugurated, the Minister of Defense on that occasion expressed his congratulations and thanks for their willingness to continue to serve and serve the nation and state.

"I congratulate and thank you for your willingness to serve and serve in this committee. To jointly produce the right policies for the development and development of the defense industry, "said the Minister of Defense.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense (Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan) Brigadier General TNI I.E. Djoko Purwanto, S.E., M.M., said that the inauguration of new officials in the KKIP ranks was based on the Decree of the KKIP Daily Chair, Number: KEP / 92 / KKIP / XI / 2020 dated 27 November 2020 concerning Dismissal and Appointment in positions within the KKIP.

Following are the KKIP Implementing Team Officers who were inaugurated, among others, Ir. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as KKIP Secretary, Laksma TNI Sri Yanto, ST, as Head of the KKIP Secretariat, Lt. Gen. TNI (Purn) Y. Surjo Prabowo as Chairman of the KKIP Implementation Team, Admiral TNI (Purn) Darwanto, SH, MAP as Head of KKIP Planning Division, Dr. Ir. Yono Reksoprojo, DIC. as Chairman of the KKIP Technology Transfer and Offset Division and Lt. Gen. TNI (Purn) Dr. Yoedi Swastanto, M.B.A., as Head of Research and Development and Standardization of KKIP. Furthermore, Ir. Alex Janangkih Sinaga, M.Sc.Eng., As the Head of KKIP Cooperation and Marketing Division, Dr. Ir. Slamet Soedarsono, M.P.P., QIA., CRMP., CGAP., As Head of KKIP Funding and Financing Division.

Then for the KKIP Expert Team, among others, Laksda TNI (Purn) Mulyadi., S.Pi., M.AP., as KKIP Expert Staff for Marine Defense, Marsda TNI (Purn) Danardono Sulistyo Adji, M.PP., as Expert Staff KKIP for Cooperation and Offset, Prof. Dr. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng as Expert Staff for Cyber Defense, Dr. Lydia Silvanna Djaman, S.H., M.H., as KKIP Expert Staff for Law and Legislation, Ir. M.G. Gatot Tetuko as KKIP Expert Staff for Budgeting, Makmur Keliat, Ph.D, as Expert Staff for Defense Industry Cooperation, Ir. Teguh Haryono, M.Sc., as KKIP Expert Staff for Research and Development and Standardization and Rabin Hattari Indrajad as KKIP Expert Staff for Planning.


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You know to merge them then to let them to do IPO means they become Open Corporate who must do in everything to pursue profit and running their business profesionally. That's even to sold part of their share stocks in the market to ensure Board of Share Owner can continue to monitor them. There is several example of Indonesia SOE who are quite successfull after doing privatization, reform on management according to internasional standard and put part of their stocks on open market especially who working in financing sector like BRI, MANDIRI, BNI, then the likes of TELKOM, construction companies and manufacturing like PT INKA, Wijaya karya, Adhi Karya and so on is quite competitive and profitable.

Btw, most of large SOE companies in Indonesia had become open Corporate who shares and stocks listed at Jakarta Stock Exchange and open for trading it's only Government owned average of 51 percentage of shares.

That's not like some of them had severe issues like what happened to Jiwasraya, Garuda Indonesia, PLN and so on. But after reform most of them doing okay. And i wish for the government to open many business sector so large private industry from aboard can joint the game in Indonesia and give competition here.
It dont matter much doing IPO when Govt still own 51% of the share and have political power to push what they want. Ask Trans group who hold some share in Garuda on how its going for them. When regulator and operator riding on the same vehicle then it wont matter what others do or think, they just simply do what they want.

While govt is trying so hard to invite FDI, but the one that actually come and try to deal with our SOE received a slap on their face then we know we have serious issue. When someone came and willing to finance a project more then 90% of the actual cost but got refused to have Director of Finance slot and only given other slot such as HR or BusDev also deny any other director slot then we know that those in charge are trying so hard for "Cari Muka" more then trying to get the project running.


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Any one knows what it is all about ?? State owned defense company will try to create a holding and I think it may be intended to unite all of their research divisions under one umbrella

That's one piece of information i had trying to informed on my other thread. This defense holding still at early stage and actually they wanna to forming their own DARPA/DAPA/DRDO and stuff, this to increase their power of negotiation, finding which one transfer of knowledge they need at most, funding weaknesses of Indonesia defense industry and other.


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That's one piece of information i had trying to informed on my other thread. This defense holding still at early stage and actually they wanna to forming their own DARPA/DAPA/DRDO and stuff, this to increase their power of negotiation, finding which one transfer of knowledge they need at most, funding weaknesses of Indonesia defense industry and other.
hope it didn't ended up like malaysian STRIDE instead :rolleyes:


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I think they try to make some kind of collaboration like for example, beside in ITB radar research is also conducted by LIPI, PT LEN, PT INTI, etc. Those engineers need to exchange their capability with one another so we can make some kind of joint force among them.


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My cousin has also said it is too difficult to work on a program that has so many institutions that are contributing like radar program from Bappenas, so maybe it is the way to solve the issue.


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That's one piece of information i had trying to informed on my other thread. This defense holding still at early stage and actually they wanna to forming their own DARPA/DAPA/DRDO and stuff, this to increase their power of negotiation, finding which one transfer of knowledge they need at most, funding weaknesses of Indonesia defense industry and other.
Indonesia ofcourse should form a separate organization for defence research and fund them separately.

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