Wait. . Where are the propellers? Not amphibious?And here it is.
FNSS Pars Alpha with Teber 35 with 1x OMTAS ATGM on both sides of the turret!
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Wait. . Where are the propellers? Not amphibious?And here it is.
FNSS Pars Alpha with Teber 35 with 1x OMTAS ATGM on both sides of the turret!
Nope.Wait. . Where are the propellers? Not amphibious?
This has to be the second project Otokar with Rabdan is also taking part in. FNSS and Otokar managed to be direct competitors again.FNSS is taking part in Saudi tender with Pars Alpha. The tender foresees the aquiring of 600 vehicles in the first phase up to +1500 vehicles.
Unlike the leak, no mention of removable mission modules thoHere is Alpha's brochure and I know it is meant to be ad for the vehicle, but it really looks good. I love how modular it is, from 120mm gun to g2a missiles for aa missions to 2 120mm mortars it can be used for any mission.
Unlike the leak, no mention of removable mission modules thoAnd also no mention of a hybrid drivetrain or powerpack. Alpha looks to be built for Saudi needs directly, not as FNSS' next gen IFV.
Where are the ÖMTTZA deliveries tho
ÖMTTZA(100 vehicles. 95 sensor, radar, CBRN and command vehicles, 5 IFVs for gendarme) was signed in Dec 2019 and had a project length of 36 months. All deliveries were to be completed from 24th to 36th months. At this point, no deliveries have been made and program is 2 years behind the schedule. Boys in the army are still using M113s for these roles and gendarme still don't have their IFVs.Why does every tender for the Land Forces become a mystery?
@UkroTurk I think you will see something familiarLovely collage from the introduction video on possible options on Pars Alpha.
From https://twitter.com/rmalpsoy
Am i seeing a twin-forty gun with a new turret there?Lovely collage from the introduction video on possible options on Pars Alpha.
From https://twitter.com/rmalpsoy
"The total requirement of the Turkish Armed Forces in the New Generation Armored Combat Vehicles project was around 1300 vehicles, but was later reduced to 360.
I have a better idea, cause these guys clearly arent able to do it. Slash their budget down to barely necessary cause they aren't using it in a smart way anyways. And hand it over to the Navy and Air Force, clearly those two branches know how to procure and develop their needs.Some news on KKK's own YNZMA NGAFV project.
I remember people asking why do we even modernize old ACV AFVs and APCs when YNZMA was just on the horizon. We now have our answer.
"The total requirement of the Turkish Armed Forces in the New Generation Armored Combat Vehicles project was around 1300 vehicles, but was later reduced to 360. The first batch, for which the SSİK decision is expected, is thought to be around 50. Within the scope of the YNZMA project, the tests that started in 2020 were completed around September 2023. FNSS delivered the BAFO (best and final offer) in December. There are approximately 19 vehicles in different configurations to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces."
YNZMA tests were completed on September 2023 and number of (wheeled?) vehicles were lowered from 1300 to 360. While the first batch will be 50 vehicles only. 19 different configurations are to be inducted into service. Not clear if SSİK decision is waiting for the engines or for BMC to get its shit together with Altuğ. If 360 is not the first general batch and total number, huge let down and would mean we will continue using even unmodernized ACVs well into 2030s.
My own thoughts: If tests started in 2020 and ended 5 months ago, and as BMC's engine is not yet even ready for these vehicles and cannot have been tested on Arma Pars and Altuğ, maybe first general batch will be made with foreign engines, while a bigger batch is postponed into future.
We should think about giving the old IFVs to Ukraine.