The west always sells their imperial games as "failures" because once they call it a failure, the common man fails to see these wars as vicious criminal imperialism. Killing millions, continuing the colonisation and theft. Instead "failure", makes the greatest crimes seem unimportant.
But if they sold it for what it is, wars of conquest in order to divide and conquer, redraw the maps so the "white man" can dominate and colonise the region again and subjugate it under western tyranny. Then the common man wouldnt tolerate it.
Compare it with Turkey who moved into a terrorist den "afrin" to clean it from communist terrorists who directly attack Turkey, the west called it "genocide". Americans/Russians/French/English destroy entire nations, "failure" just a mistake, nothing important.
Turkey protects her direct borders while feeding 10 million syrians refugees, its called "genocide".
These wars may be failures for the US, but they are not meant to serve the US regionally, they are great victories for you know who.