We need rapid integrated missile defense systems. Look you can fire from this launchers Sidewinder AIM-9-X , Stinger, Hellfire, Hydra rockets subject to your mission. Currently i am fan of this because great solution for logistic. You could apply both in naval and land platforms. Moreover for us Bozdoğan IR missiles will be common mass produced missile.
C-RAM configuration with datalink.
Modernization of Chaparral
İmagine the missiles were Bozdoğans, SUNGURs and OMTASs on Compact naval vessels, ada class and old frigates.
Ada Classes with 2 launcher of 6 Gökdoğans, several Sungurs and 20mm Gatling guns.... İt could be also applied on old frigates which just have semi-active old gen ESSMs as Bozdoğan much more capable.
C-RAM configuration with datalink.

New Interceptors set for US Army C-RAM Tests in September - Defense Update:
On a recent firing test Raytheon has successfully intercepted and destroyed a 107mm rocket target in flight. According to Raytheon, the targets were fired at low quadrant elevation (QE) and were intercepted by the Accelerated Improved Intercept Initiative (AI3) interceptor, as part of the second...

Modernization of Chaparral
İmagine the missiles were Bozdoğans, SUNGURs and OMTASs on Compact naval vessels, ada class and old frigates.
Ada Classes with 2 launcher of 6 Gökdoğans, several Sungurs and 20mm Gatling guns.... İt could be also applied on old frigates which just have semi-active old gen ESSMs as Bozdoğan much more capable.
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