Montreux and Ataturk declaration from 103 retired Turkish admirals






Obstacle America Cannot Overcome: Montreux Article 18
Montreux has locked the gates of the Black Sea to imperialist states such as England, France, Italy, Germany and America, which do not have a coast on the Black Sea.

Russia after World War II, when America wants to change the Montreux stood beside Turkey in terms of its own interests, defended the Montreux regime. However, as of today, America is uncomfortable with Montreux. Because the 18th article of Montreux closed the Black Sea to American imperialism.
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What is wrong with this?

Unlike the olden times power projection to the Black Sea does not rely on navy alone. Cargo planes can carry pretty much anything to anywhere.

Navy is important to be honest.

Once the Ottoman navy stagnated is when our problems began. Remember this we lost so much due to our navy becoming weak for centuries.

If a nation has a weak navy basically means you are opening the country to be invaded.


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Navy is important to be honest.

Once the Ottoman navy stagnated is when our problems began. Remember this we lost so much due to our navy becoming weak for centuries.
It is not navy alone, when you fall back in technology you fall back altogether.
When you do not have a strong leadership you fall back in everything.


He appears to be blind to declarations of the Hagia Sophia Imam while civil servants remain silent during their duties.
I kind of see these two incidents seperate.

Hagia Sophia Imam is a civil servant and he should stay in his line. Same with the military personel. At the past we would see soldiers giving their opinions about everything with statements. IMO, that was wrong to. Turkey's policies should be decided by politicians whom get elected with Turkish people's votes.

However this case is different. They are "ex-Admirals" they are literally civilians. They are no different from us before the laws.

As the posters of this forum, if we gather and sign a similar decleration, should we got arrested too?


I kind of see these two incidents seperate.

Hagia Sophia Imam is a civil servant and he should stay in his line. Same with the military personel. At the past we would see soldiers giving their opinions about everything with statements. IMO, that was wrong to. Turkey's policies should be decided by politicians whom get elected with Turkish people's votes.

However this case is different. They are "ex-Admirals" they are literally civilians. They are no different from us before the laws.

As the posters of this forum, if we gather and sign a similar decleration, should we got arrested too?
Declaration from us?Don't dare :)


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View attachment 17597
Obstacle America Cannot Overcome: Montreux Article 18
Montreux has locked the gates of the Black Sea to imperialist states such as England, France, Italy, Germany and America, which do not have a coast on the Black Sea.

Russia after World War II, when America wants to change the Montreux stood beside Turkey in terms of its own interests, defended the Montreux regime. However, as of today, America is uncomfortable with Montreux. Because the 18th article of Montreux closed the Black Sea to American imperialism.

Dude stick to making paint-shop YTKB and BTRs with massive turrets.. :LOL:


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What disturbed me is that what's to say these people are not influenced (or lobbied) from people abroad, especially enemies of the State or State enemies.

If the Montreux agreement is nullified the Turkish straits and the Black sea are automatically being turned into a free zone for absolutely all non-Black sea Navies- USA, France, UK etc. Right now they are highly restricted in operating in the Black sea.

“A number of highly-specific restrictions were imposed on what type of warships are allowed passage. Non-Black-Sea powers willing to send a vessel must notify Turkey 8 days prior of their sought passing. Also, no more than nine foreign warships, with a total aggregate tonnage of 15,000 tons, may pass at any one time. Furthermore, no single ship heavier than 10,000 tonnes can pass.[15] An aggregate tonnage of all non-Black Sea warships in the Black Sea must be no more than 30,000 tons (or 45,000 tons under special conditions), and they are permitted to stay in the Black Sea for no longer than twenty-one days.”

Tell me, who will win most if those restrictions are lifted?


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You need to look before.

In a TV program, head of the Turkish parliament said that "Erdogan can null the Montreux agreement with a single signature".
That opened the pandoras box.
Thats why they cancelled İnstanbul Sözleşmesi. Normally international agreements are valid after approval of parlement and only parlement can cancel that. But they removed instanbul sözleşmesi by using cb kararnamesi with only one signature(our glorius prophet). Now they will do same with other agreements. Istanbul soözleşmesi will serve as model.
İstanbul sözleşmesini de bu yüzden kaldırdılar. Normalde uluslararası sözleşmeler meclis kararıyla yürürlüğe girer ve ancak meclis geri kaldırabilir. Ama istanbul sözleşmesini kararname ile tek kişinin isteğiyle kaldırdılar ve bunu montro ve lozan gibi sözleşmelere emsal teşkil etmesi için kullanacaklar.


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View attachment 17595

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View attachment 17597
Obstacle America Cannot Overcome: Montreux Article 18
Montreux has locked the gates of the Black Sea to imperialist states such as England, France, Italy, Germany and America, which do not have a coast on the Black Sea.

Russia after World War II, when America wants to change the Montreux stood beside Turkey in terms of its own interests, defended the Montreux regime. However, as of today, America is uncomfortable with Montreux. Because the 18th article of Montreux closed the Black Sea to American imperialism.

Cannakkale got taken back during the 1930s??

Man I never knew this to be honest.


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If the Montreux agreement is nullified the Turkish straits and the Black sea are automatically being turned into a free zone for absolutely all non-Black sea Navies- USA, France, UK etc. Right now they are highly restricted in operating in the Black sea.

“A number of highly-specific restrictions were imposed on what type of warships are allowed passage. Non-Black-Sea powers willing to send a vessel must notify Turkey 8 days prior of their sought passing. Also, no more than nine foreign warships, with a total aggregate tonnage of 15,000 tons, may pass at any one time. Furthermore, no single ship heavier than 10,000 tonnes can pass.[15] An aggregate tonnage of all non-Black Sea warships in the Black Sea must be no more than 30,000 tons (or 45,000 tons under special conditions), and they are permitted to stay in the Black Sea for no longer than twenty-one days.”

Tell me, who will win most if those restrictions are lifted?
Turkey as you would go on bilateral agreements.


11 4,002
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It’s funny how government trolls are trying to paint the lifting of Montreux agreement as some sort of a slap against America and NATO while in reality it will only open the gates to Marmara and Black sea for absolutely all American Naval assets and Americans will be able to roam free everywhere they want if the agreement is not in place.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
It’s funny how government trolls are trying to paint the lifting of Montreux agreement as some sort of a slap against America and NATO while in reality it will only open the gates to Marmara and Black sea for absolutely all American Naval assets and Americans will be able to roam free everywhere they want if the agreement is not in place.
not free without mutual agreement.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Who are you going to make these agreements with? And what is the status of the Straits in the meantime?
with everyone who is interested for, status is simple turkish teritorial waters as they are, if you think in wider perspective, retraction from agreement give at least two big advantages to Turkey, strategic naval player no1 in region and increased profitability of possible Istanbul canal project.


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Why don't you remind people what sects are about instead of talking about memory.
The sects we are talking about are a threat for the national security of the Republic of Turkey found under Ataturk according to his principles. If you prefer to forget that for 60 years their networks managed to infiltrate every State institution, turning it into CIA intelligence network, corruption and money laundering scheme, abolish the secular character of the republic then good. Your choice. And to your question "What is wrong?" the normal Muslim is living his life peacefully without committing Shirk by praying to Tekkes, Hocaefendis, being a part of a CIA intelligence networks or killing 251 Turkish citizens in one night. If you don't learn from the history then you will be forced to live it again. This is a cancer and it should be cut out completely and it is bigger threat than anything at the moment.


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The sects we are talking about are a threat for the national security of the Republic of Turkey found under Ataturk according to his principles. If you prefer to forget that for 60 years their networks managed to infiltrate every State institution, turning it into CIA intelligence network, corruption and money laundering scheme, abolish the secular character of the republic then good. Your choice. And to your question "What is wrong?" the normal Muslim is living his life peacefully without committing Shirk by praying to Tekkes, Hocaefendis, being a part of a CIA intelligence networks or killing 251 Turkish citizens in one night. If you don't learn from the history then you will be forced to live it again. This is a cancer and it should be cut out completely and it is bigger threat than anything at the moment.

I wonder how much money goes to those tarikat frauds.

Thankfully I never went to any of their boarding schools.

Never would I send my kids to any boarding school.
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11 4,002
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with everyone who is interested for, status is simple turkish teritorial waters as they are, if you think in wider perspective, retraction from agreement give at least two big advantages to Turkey, strategic naval player no1 in region and increased profitability of possible Istanbul canal project.

Do you understand how you are contradicting yourself:

If by walking out of Montreux Turkey gets absolutely all rights over the Straits and it can do whatever it wants then why should it even waste tens of billions of dollars on a new Channel? Just open The Straits to whoever you want and charge money for using them. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Even if Turkey walks out of the agreement (which won’t ever happen because this whole issue is just used for internal political purposes and it will make Erdo’s pimp in Kremlin veeeery angry) it doesn’t mean that it stops being in effect. We don’t talk about sissy agreements like the Istanbul Convention that nobody gives a crap about even in Bulgaria... We talk about an agreement that is important for the world Military balance and Russia’s whole defense doctrine. Erdo will walk out of it the day he kicks America out of Incirlik... 😁

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