A Counter Rocket Artillery Mortar (C-RAM), system like “Porcupine” is effective in an area 400m x 400m. The range of 10 km stated above for a 20mm Gatling gun, is just not possible.ukroturk/turko (who is on hiatus) asked me to share this one with you guys to see if members have comments etc...(and maybe to compare/contrast with turkish systems that are looking to turn CIWS into C-RAM etc).
If in wrong section, mods can move it.
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As a C-RAM it probably is an effective system. But I am quite hopeful for our Korkut too for a similar job, if it is accompanied with a good tracking radar which I think it has.

OTO Melara unveils its new automatized defense system, the PORCUPINE C-RAM | Eurosatory 2014 Show Daily News Coverage Report | Defence and security military army exhibition 2014
At Eurosatory 2014, OTO Melara presents PORCUPINE C-RAM, a remotely controlled M61A1 Gatling gun coupled with ammunition handling loader and a stabilized optronic infrared tracking system, providing 24 hour target engagement capability.This new defense system offers solution to the C-RAM...

DSA 2018: Aselsan to develop Korkut-based C-RAM system
Turkish company Aselsan has revealed that it is developing a counter-rocket artillery and mortar (C-RAM) system. Mustafa Kaval, the head of defence system technology for the company, told Jane’s at…

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