If a fast forty variant is also targeted to exceed 400 rounds per minute, the system could be used to defend against anti-ship missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and other precision-guided weapons. It could also be used against conventional and rotary wing aircraft, surface ships, small watercrafts, coastal targets and floating mines.
An MLU package including HIZIR-TKAS/LFAS and 40 mm stealth cupola CIWS for Tuzla class patrol boats would be great.
Alright, from what I understand this SAHA is not a corporate but more of an NGO which consists universities, industrial members from various sectors and even SMEs (KOBİ in Turkish) and they call their enterprise as Cluster.
My question is, did they form a company to design this gun or they’re only an association, NGO? I’m confused.

Haluk BAYRAKTAR, CEO of Istanbul - SAHA İstanbul
Today, SAHA Istanbul has become the largest industrial cluster in Turkey and the second largest in Europe. There is a great effort, belief and determination behind this success achieved in a short period of 7 years. We continue on our way with our belief in the production power and patriotism of...