Officers have a different way of speaking, sometimes they answer in literal meaning like : Siper will replace SM-1 for the Navy, not referring the SM-1s in Gabya but in general. Like they call cruises missiles as guided bullets.Years ago I don't remember exactly which year I was during IDEF at the section of the Navy where they had this maquete of a Gabya class frigate (ex Perry) that had received the modernization of Genesis combat management system, Smart-S radar, addition of an 8 cell MK41 VLS launcher in front of the MK-13 tartar launcher
To me it was odd why they had kept the MK-13 launcher and not used that space for an extra 8 cell MK41, so I asked the naval officer there why they kept the MK-13 (in my eyes outdated and quite useless). I remember the officer saying that we still had SM-1 missiles to use and that a missile was being developed to replace the SM-1.
Very odd because back than there were no developments of AD missiles (at least not known to the public) , so I did not pay much attention to that. But now the Siper missile is in development, which I think has similar size to the SM-1 / SM-2 missile and my conversation with the naval officer comes back to my mind. Are we planning the MK-13 tartar launcher for the Siper missile?
The original siper (block-2 currently) closer to SM-1 in diameter and length, but that missile requires a proper search and illumination radar duo with data-link systems. Instead of installing all these, better to introduce a multi-purpose frigate design.