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No, STM is a private company. ASFAT is completely owned by the state. There are three types of companies in Turkish defense industry ecosystem. Private companies like Baykar, BMC, Otokar, foundation companies like Aselsan, Roketsan, TEI/TUSAŞ, and state-owned companies like MKE, ASFAT.Is STM part of ASFAT?
These foundation companies are also owned by the state right?No, STM is a private company. ASFAT is completely owned by the state. There are three types of companies in Turkish defense industry ecosystem. Private companies like Baykar, BMC, Otokar, foundation companies like Aselsan, Roketsan, TEI/TUSAŞ, and state-owned companies like MKE, ASFAT.
Asfat has no shipyard.Which shipyard is building first two OPVs?
What do u mean by foundation companies?No, STM is a private company. ASFAT is completely owned by the state. There are three types of companies in Turkish defense industry ecosystem. Private companies like Baykar, BMC, Otokar, foundation companies like Aselsan, Roketsan, TEI/TUSAŞ, and state-owned companies like MKE, ASFAT.
it mean's Turkish Armed Forces Strengthening Foundation is copartner/shareholder of these companies.Whay do u mean by foudation companies?
Tai aselsan roketsan aslo are state/military owened companies as i know ?!
Signatures were signed for the construction of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ships of the stow class frigates in cooperation with STM-TAİS OG. Ships to be built in 3 different shipyards will be taken into inventory within 36 months.
Why?I hope this project will be updated as 3+3.
The TF2000 will not be ready until 2029 or 2032 at the latest. The 3 I-class frigates will be delivered by 2026 so it could be wise to go for 3 more that could be delivered between 2026-2029. It would maybe be the ideal choice since Turkey will need a lot more warships than it has now. I don't know how long of a lifetime the gabya frigates will have but it could be a long-term replacement. I-class can never replace the AAW TF2000 destroyers in terms of capabilities but perhaps it can give some relief, and a new addition to its navy in the meantime.Why?
Not better to go for the TF2000 first?
Let me try to explain my idea, üstad. It was decided to start the design of the TF-2000 in the current year and to allocate a budget for it. In the best case scenario, construction activities will start in 2024. ANMDT Üstad can of course make a much more accurate prediction on this subject. The ship will include many systems that will be integrated for the first time. It will be the pioneer ship of its class and the testing process will be quite detailed in every phase. The target is for the ship to join the inventory in 2027, I don't know if this target can be met, but in my humble opinion, the 2028-2029 range seems more realistic to me.Why?
Not better to go for the TF2000 first?
İçel is also an informal name. So is İzmit. We can also add İskenderun from this quota. İznik is an important place in terms of Turkish history and has an imperial past, let's mix it in. There is Iğdır that we can take from the letter I, Also Isparta. Lastly, there is İnebolu, a former naval town and history. Eskişehir İnenü, the turning point of the Turkish War of Independence, is another district that comes to mind.edit, tho we would need a new name scheme as we are out of cities starting with İs. Maybe Isparta if you try hard.
Nice language skills, where does it come from?"İSTİF Class Frigates will be built at least 30% cheaper than their foreign counterparts."
— prof. Dr. Ismail Demir