TR Naval Programs


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Before this sector was industrialized on this scale, all that was a family craft. So there is a long shipbuilding tradition in a few regions too. However, these regions did not have the conditions to develop industrially. Because the Tuzla-based structuring is essentially a sectoral power union. Although some of the Tuzla shipyards have experienced a change of shareholders over time, the majority are from Trabzon and Rize; some of these families arrived in Istanbul in the late 40s and 50s around Haliç, and some of their first business partners in Istanbul were non-muslims. Everyone already knows the history of the Tuzla shipyards area and the sub-industry around it, which has a model that has very few examples in the world in terms of structure, but most of the shipyards gathered here, were not shipyards in the sense we understand today, but family businesses consisting of just a smal slipway or a pier. But this starting point determined the model on which the industry of the Tuzla district would develop. Altınova is the extension of this to the other side of the gulf with successful planning in the 2000s.

It is very difficult to decentralize this centrality in the established industrial model. Because when you move out of the region, logistics costs will increase, your cost of access to subcontractors(most important factor) will increase, your cost of access to dozens of items of equipment, installations, machinery and related engineering will increase. I think there are two ways to overcome this, the first is to create new Tuzla's. Gathering local boatyards together again at different locations. But in order for this to be done by the private sector, there should be an incentive program to move the maintenance and repair works in Tuzla to these regions, or better yet, a national coaster program should be established, like MILGEM. You would not want to know the status of small shipowners' fleets and our average fleet life. A significant part of the existing vessels are still river vessels that are being lengthened in Tuzla. A national coaster program (both bulk and tankers) is a necessity for our maritime industry and it can be instrumentalized for industrial transformation. We should also have a national offshore fisheries policy based on the blue homeland doctrine. Offshore fisheries should be developed and promoted.

Or there should be investments that departmentalize most of these services within huge compounds, not like the shipyard parcels we see in Tuzal. In other words, there should be mega investments with big capitals. The disadvantage of this is that, excluding the 10 or so shipyards that are involved in military projects, our market share is maintenance-heavy and the new ship orders in the order books are in a specific range. Rather than large tonnage vessels such as those in Asia, there is a trend towards clean energy inland sea vessel types predominantly from Europe. In order to reach the steel processing capacity to sustain those investments, either we have to dominate the market or we have to concentrate on large vessels like east Asia.


Also need to add this: Today, behind our almost reaching a military production capacity equivalent to the total of the European continent, there is the naval force command that perfectly instrumentalizes the shipbuilding structure formed in Tuzla. Particularly, the Pendik Command was always in contact within not just shipbuilders almost all of related sectors around it. In other words, what was seen as a disadvantage has to some extent created the unique breakthrough model of Turkish shipbuilding. When we wrote first that this would be the case, that is, when we compared our potential scale to the entire European continent, no one could not see a trace of this on social media. It took the orderbook of 31 piece navy vessels for the token to drop for the defense social media outside the forum. Naval ship orders are a very profitable business for shipyards. For this reason, shipyards are becoming stronger not only in terms of technical capacity but also financially by entering this circle. In large tonnage ships, competition with Asia is very difficult. However, the successful planning of the navy and our position as the technology-intensive production center of Europe will open up great opportunities for usin near future.
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I dont like the fact that a lot of our shipyards are located in and around Istanbul.

In case of war we should have backups somewhere safer, i.e. Antalya and Hatay. What do you think, Mr. Navy aka @Anmdt?
This has been spoken by higher ups 10 years ago, there has been attempts of removing or transferring some of the shipyards to a location on the Black Sea coast. For the military this was the reason of trying to elavate Alaybey Shipyard in Izmir as a back up to Pendik Shipyard.

Both Golcuk and Pendik Shipyards do need a backup, not the submarine construction only but Golcuk Shipyard also carries out modernizations and overhauls of combatants.

That's how Izmit Gulf shipyards has risen as well, but still in close proximity to the threats.

Thinking through 60 years ago's logic, location of current major naval shipyards are well protected but the threats have not remained the same, so we need a change soon. They have been organizing a back up scheme for major naval shipyards at least to maintain fleet independently of a single shipyard.

As per the commercial shipyards it remains more complex, we have yacht industry in Antalya but all of those exists with ecosystem. And it is challenging to build an infastructure, ecosystem and population from scratch.

Given the current challenges of economical situation in Istanbul, i am pretty sure most of the workers would have moved to another city ( which is somewhere quieter than Antalya ofcourse ) with a celebration, and i see no reason for ecosystem to move as well. This all should be organised by the state. They have attempted it before, but failed. Though the reason to attempt wasn't because they cared about svipyards strategically but the land is too precious and they have been planning to construct buildings in Pendik Naval Shipyard and Tuzla commercial shipyards district.


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Well there are shipbuilders around, but essentially industry, trade routes, large ports, education for naval engineering and naval officers or sailors must be aligned in one place to make it sustainable. Mersin and İzmir Alaybey are good canditates for growth and there are some plans about them anyway


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This has been spoken by higher ups 10 years ago, there has been attempts of removing or transferring some of the shipyards to a location on the Black Sea coast.
I like this idea, relocation or new shipyards on Black Sea coast, instead of Aegean or Mediterranean coasts. Of all the naval (and aerial) threats we might face, Russia within the Black Sea would be the easiest to deal with.

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